Veeky Forumstory Normies Never Heard About

On this topic i want to discuss about some Veeky Forumstorical events, periods or empires normies in western countries (Europe, Murica, Colonies) have no utter and absolute idea about.

We also discuss why this is the case, being it education, political correctness or whatever the case

Ill start with my favourite:

The Diadochi and Hellenistic period, most normies know only that "Alexander conquered Persia and stopped in India" but are completely oblivious of the absolutely important Hellenistic period afterwards which allowed the rise of ROMA, stoic philosophies (Aka christianity 1.0), and changed the geopolitics of the middle east and near asia till this very era.

I yet have to hear about a school or even college that teaches about this ¿Why is kept so obscure? We could have amazing movies of it

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In my country we learned about the Hellenistic period, almost as much as about Alexander, maybe even more...

You greek? or from any of related countries?

I guess if your country is related to an historical event, teachers are much more likely to teach about it plain simple.

For example, as a Chilean, as everyone on this forum, i got a shitload of info of national history. maybe even 75% of history in school.

Yet we still had world history, learning from prehistoric migrations till modern geopolitcs (aka the Pax Americana) and never heard about the diadochis and hellenistic period (and many other subjects) untill i started educating myself

>He didn't learn about the Ghaznivid Empire, or the Tui Tonga Empire, or Couto Mixto.

How does it feel to have spent your youth going to pleb schools?

Literally all of the crisis of the third century

>Took class on early modern history
>Literally just renaissance Italy, Colonial America, and West Africa

Normies don't even know about the Ottomans and East Indies.

Well im no Veeky Forumstorian myself, im just a biochemist and i study history for fun.
i guess i could cuck you into oblivion talking about genetics as much as you would cuck me talking about history

Also lets not keep this only on school/college matters, im talking about the historical knowledge of mainstream society. Why mainstream society knows about the crusades but so few for example of the origins of christianty and life of the first christians?

Things like that

Another apalling thing, there is literally no mention of the ottomans on any relevant cultural piece of the western world whatsoever (except maybe Lawrence of Arabia which mentions them tangentially)

Cristeros War
Persecution of Catholics under the secular mexican government, spoiler, in the end they the Pope made a deal with the Mexican government to overturn the Anti-clerical laws and the Cristeros were subsequently massacred.

Japan during its rise from a feudal state to a Great Power.
This is a very interesting and very exciting due to the societal and political conflict caused by modernization of Japan. Coups, ritual suicide, secret ultra-nationalist societies, it's like a movie.
In the end all those culminated into Statist Japan and ended by their surrender after the war.

There's a lot more, but I'll just post those for now.

I'm a college student and I've filled all my history credits. What I have learned about:
>American history
>Western European history starting from the Renaissance
>generalized global history from 1900
That's it pretty much. I only learned about the romans/greeks in one unit in 6th grade, where we also brushed on a few major ancient empires like the Sub-Saharan ones, Indian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern. Gotta love the American education system.

Cristeros is too locallized and is no guess why it wouldnt be on mainstream media, ive read about similar events in Canudos, Brasil and the absolute madman of Antonio Conselheiro

But Meiji Japan is another shit, its a really interesting period and truly the first nation to truly and succesfuly "westernize" while keeping most of its traditional values alive.

This, i have taken like 3 courses of his for the lolz in college and pretty much learned nothing new

Another interesting subject

isnt Hellenistic period a well known known thing?
or is it because i took art and architecture classes

i think that pretty much is what you said. I havent seen any relevant movie or book or anything that happens in that period.

No normie know about seleucus, ptolemy or antigono. Nobody knows about Zenon as much like Plato or Aristoteles and so on

>There is no movie about the fall of Constantinople

>No TV series about the Peloponnesian Wars

They could stop the superheroes bulshit already and start making some good historic movies. Look at the success of history channel's Vikings! Imagine a Vikings in ancient Greece with manly spartans buggering boys

They made a movie about the Cristeros war and nobody still knows about it, even mexicans, and the only ones who know about it are mostly a very small group of traditional catholics.

Chouannerie and the War in the Vendee
Technically part of the French revolution but still very interesting.

Chechen War
The war that made Russia squeamish for a while.

Byzantine history between Justinian and the Fall of Constantinople.

The turkics in the middle east.
It's a wonder how the turks just took over the middle east establishing states from anatolia to india.
They also butchered the fuck out of the muslims and gave them an existential crisis.

>There is no movie about the fall of Constantinople

There is one...

>manly spartans buggering boys
That would be so tolerant!

Nah man, but seriously, greek peoples history would make for an excelent series

Also, tfw when no movie about Based QTPI Ana Comneno

>turk movie

Instead of Game of Cucks we could have a Game of Diadochis

I didn't say it was relevant :D I only said it existed !

I hate orange and teal

It was fancy back in 2004 when Kingdom of heaven came out

>Tfw no Eva Green movie about Theodora the semen demon

> such pretty accent
> them classical proportions
> that condescendent yet lustful eyes

You sound like an FBI agent just copying and pasting Veeky Forums terms with little knowledge of the correct context in which to use them.

Nice bait m8

wish i could be a payed shill, money is good and i need it bad

But the main cause is that im not a native english speaker, and i really like to call people cucks

Normies don't even know what 'early modern' means


Please don't use uncalled for catch phrases.

The general public's knowledge of history is a result of what is produced ideologically in schools and for television and film. These almost always involve the glorification of a nationalist agenda either in the direct form "Braveheart" or the artistic form "Bicycle Thief."