what went wrong?
What went wrong?
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There wasn't a worthy successor after Tito's death.
There's a reason the Czechs and Slovaks didn't do this shit.
Neither did Russians. Well until Vlad, but that's a whole different can of kgworms
But Chechnya went full Yugo.
Croats and those fucking Bosniaks
Especially the mudslimes btw
Tito thought the Balkan people were capable of goodness, he believed in them. And that was how they repaid him.
The incompatibilities that were already apparent back in 1918 came back as nationalism, which proved too strong for the failing order to supress. With Tito's death, there was no guiding hand and the various factions vied for power, leading to those old incompatibilities to once again enter the picture. Add to that the experience of the Second World War and you see how the 90s conflicts were simply a continuation of the previous fights.
Ideology *snif*
The Balkans have the lowest iq in all of europe. Is it really any surprise their nation went to shit after Western gibsmedats stopped?
Never with the croats - King Peter I
Catholic slavs are nazi bitches by default.
Tito didnt give 2 fucks about Yugoslavia. Or the croats and slovenes for that matter. And why would they? It was built with serbian blood, over croat and slovene (and their masters) corpses.
As a Slovene, I'd probably point to the Serbs. They started to centralize (or serbalize, if you'd like) shit heavily.
What is SHS and the Kingdom of Yugo. I mean sure, partisans and shit, but it goes too far to say that its built on serb blood and toil. The main liberators were Bolsheviks, Tito just stabilized and turned the kingdom into SFRJ.
I figure there's no point in posting in these threads, but I'm gonna do it anyway, someone might actually try to think
WWI: Serbia refuses the Allies plan for a Greater Serbia after the war is over, doesn't want Italy to take parts of Croatia and Slovenia. Serbs, who suffer the most casualties of the war decide to free their Slavic brothers and make a state together instead of a Greater Serbia
WWII: Serbia is divided by communist forces and Chetniks that are pro-monarchy, Croats backstab Serbia, create NDH, and kill millions of Serbs in the same cold blood the Nazis did with Jews. Tito and his communist forces win, and they decide to forgive Croats for any wrongdoing and continue the Yugoslavia state, spreading brotherhood, unity and inter-ethnical breeding between the states. He also invents a new ethnic group later on, in a largely atheist state: muslims.
End of Cold War: After all this fucking shit, some 'states' of Yugoslavia want out, which isn't particulary awesome since about 10% of Croatia are Serbs and a third of Bosnia.
So, frankly, would you like to suddenly live in a different state, under a highly nationalistic rethoric by ethnic groups for which you gave up your history in order to fit in Yugoslavia, for which you gave countless lives to liberate and then lost countless lives to them when they were Nazis? No you fucking wouldn't. You wanna make a new state, inside the now proclaimed new state. And they don't fucking let you.
That fucking happened.
The country has a ballsack.
You can't make a successful state if your borders are retarded.
At the end of WW2 to reach a state that would fit every ethnic groups wishes Serbs, being the largest ethnic group had to be split and their political power needed to be reduced.
Which is why Bosnia and Montenegro have been given statehood, and Serbia itself was given two autonomous provinces to deal with. While there were proposals (by Mosa Pijade, a Serbian Jew) for 2-3 autonomous provinces for Croatia, they were rejected.
As nationalistic rhetoric was getting ever louder in Croatia and Albanian terrorism in Kosovo was becoming an ever bigger problem, the Serbs felt uneasy by remembering WW2.
So the government of Serbia decided to revoke some of the privileges of it's autonomous provinces which were at that point quasi states.
Slovenia and Croatia saw this as the Serb boogeyman (because Serbia was dominant politically in the interwar period) waking up and decided to secede.
They claimed former federal borders as new international borders.
The problem was that 15% of Croatia's population were Serbs.
Note that at the time the Federal president, Federal prime minister, and Federal foreign minister were all Croats.
I think it's hypocritical that Croats blame it all on Serbs.
>Serbia has 4 members of the presidential council (Serbia, Montenegro, Vojvodina and Kosovo)
>OMG they have 4/9 members
>>Vojvodina and Kosovo voted opposite of Serbia on all federal issues
>Serbia revokes that for Vojvodina and Kosovo
All sides have their share of guilt.
Except for Macedonia, they dindu nuffin
Nigga, slovenia dindu nuffin. 3/4 of the time yugo troubles were serbs and croats measuring their dicks.
We were just trying to figure out how the fuck to get our dicks unstuck out of our neighbours dog's vag and how to smuggle glue over the border.
Slovenia revoked citizenship for all Yugoslav citizens born in other republics.
30k people from Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia etc were left erased from the Slovenian records like they were never there and their property was confiscated.
Huh, I actually didn't know that. We're usually bickering over the Commie/White Guard, so I didn't really think that much about the independance thing.
I'll read up on it, thanks for giving me yet another reason to hate my state.
Oh, and you're totally right. It was due to Serbia and Croatia measuring dicks.
Just sprinkle in Albanians going durka durka.
I've googled about those revokations and it's the real deal. I mean it's not quite Srebrenica level, but it still fucks with me man. Now, more than ever, I support a political sanation of the govt.
I still wonder why the fuck didn't we do that during the indepe-
Oh, it's the same people...
I feel like a betrayed partisan :(
basically, yes
>Croats backstab Serbia
croats hated your guts and pushed for independence, away form karađorđević dictatorship
it's not like they were all happy with serbs, their desires were obvious and public... banovina hrvatska was fruit of that desire and if ww2 had not came they would have left
>and kill millions of Serbs in the same cold blood the Nazis did with Jews.
>You wanna make a new state, inside the now proclaimed new state. And they don't fucking let you.
serbs actually started the conflict and would not negotiate as they wanted to get more ground as possible while they had the advantage (arms + JNA)
Slovenia's policies regarding immigration and citizenship were quite liberal at the time and anyone could've remained a citizen. The people who lost their citizenship lost it either because they did not apply for it, because they actively participated in the war against Slovenia or because they fled to Croatia or Serbia thiking Slovenia was going to lose the war.
This would probably be a better topic for /pol/ (even though the thread would probably die a swift death) so let me just say that I do agree that a lustration would be necessary, but not because of the "erased".
>decide to free their Slavic brothers and make a state together instead of a Greater Serbia
>what is šestojanuarska diktatura
thats such a typicaly slovene thing to do tho
the ideological discourse made it so that it was not possible to articulate internal contradictions in any way that didnt get you publicly attacked, censored or arrested
this came up as a serious problem first in 1971, but was minor and dealt with with a simple crackdown, but with the 1974 constitution never being truly respected it culminated again in 1991
one of the major problems everione felt was that belgrade was sucking in all the money and not realy contributing much of anything
slovenia and croatia were the biggest contributors as generaly the most developed republics, and were kindof pissed at all that, but the problem was made worse by serbs domineering politicaly, especialy in terms of practicaly controling the army and police
even this would of somehow been tolerated had gradual reform been allowed, but serbs werent only imposing officialy, they were going out of their way to get majority votes in every fucking thing from high level party congresses to local selfmanagement workers councils
you see we were all yugoslavians, so which percentage of which in which council wasnt supposed to matter, so you werent supposed to point out that, for example, in a town thats 80% croat in a factory thats 70% croat out of 10 boardmembers theres 7 serbs, cause they are all yugos right, that kind of thing, same thing as with redistributing financial control to federal republics, its all 'our' money
people noticed this and it was seen as seriously annoying, precisely because there was no way to point this out without getting into shit, and this caused the slow simmering of nationalism more than any shit that happened in or after ww2
on higher up levels of party politics it got to the point where the croat and serb sides withing the party were starting to get crearly in opposition about such and other questions
in the end it was realy the party that split up, thats why they needed nationalism, for people to support them even tho the state collapsed
No, Ustase and federalism
Other than the ethnic factor, the same thing that has gone wrong in ever other "socialist" country. They betrayed Marxist principles in favor of authoritarian state capitalism
Tbh the erased could be the spearhead, since all the corruption is so fucking taboo to talk about. Say something against anyone and you're suddenly a filthy komunajzar or domobranc.
Now that I think about it, the only hard agitator of the red/white drama is Janša and SDS. While a fair point, they inflame the whole matter so fucking righteously that they're obnoxiously smug.
Alsi, if we moved this thread to /pol/, it would be swarmed by chetnik, ustashe and bosniak shitposting, so I'd rather have a somewhat civilized disscussion here.
How so? Reforming things and then sweeping the mistakes under a rug?
>the only hard agitator of the red/white drama is Janša and SDS
He has a point since no lustration means the old political currents on the left keep ruling today. Although he'd have to go, too.
Also, we still have not taken care of all those murdered during and after WW2; something that the right keeps reminding us of.
And while there may be a lot of corruption, the matter of the erased has nothing to do with it.
>muh every territory is our territory
Albanians chimping out in Kosovo allowed Milošević to rile up nationalism among Serbs to get himself support. Politicians in other republics saw this and did the same, and it eventually led to secession of those republics.
Croats and Bosniaks wanted to secede without any thought given to the position of Serbs within their republics, which led to war.