How did the Ten Thousand even manage their journey? I'm no greekaboo but it seems like something out of a movie

How did the Ten Thousand even manage their journey? I'm no greekaboo but it seems like something out of a movie.

Persians could not counter Greek infantry.

All of 3? victories before this point. The 10,000 wrecked Persian shit all the way home.

Not much reason for the Persians to fight them. They weren't an invading, conquering force; they were just trying to get home.

Granted, shit happened. Betrayals, assassinations, raids... But that's more or less par for the course of ancient history. 10,000 is actually a lot of people. 10,000 heavily armed, experienced, skilled soldiers moving through the countryside isn't anything to sneeze at.

I think once the Persians realized they weren't much of a threat anymore, they didn't persist. It's not worth sending tens of thousands of your own men to fight and possibly die just to kill people who aren't giving you much trouble anyway.

Then all they had to contend with were some militarily unsophisticated tribal peoples.



If I recall the Persian Royal Army didn't even bother with them and the Greeks fought primarily tribes and the forces of the satraps who's territories they raided as they traveled towards the coast in order to acquire the pay that was promised to them by Cyrus.

You mean that Persian infantry couldn't counter Greek infantry head on directly. Besides the Greek mercenaries were coopted into a bunch of shit and the battles they did have tended to wear them down.

Also by the time they got back home they were done to almost half their numbers from the battles they fought in Persian territory.

There also some shit with a Thracian prince who ended up fucking them over and one of their main commanders ditched them and stole a bunch of provisions and supplies for themselves.

>ITT: people who haven't read Anabasis

Uncultured swine

>le only 1 Greek ever got wounded meme
Totally legit.

Read the book you fucking fag it mentions casualties by name. Cretin

>le only 1 Greek ever got wounded meme
>plus Xenophon claims 10 gorillion Persians fought in all their wars for their empire
Totally legit.

>According to the Greek soldier and writer Xenophon, the Greek heavy troops scattered their opposition twice; only one Greek was even wounded.

Why do I even bother?

Its not entirely impossible, curb stompings like that have actually occurred

Its completely bullshit m8. Its 2016, no one should be buying this exaggerated shit.

I'm not saying its true, and xenophon clearly exaggerates things, im just saying its not impossible

It's likely that quite a few died of diseases and dysentery too.

We know the Greeks were forced from the field and they sent and entertained delegations with Atarxerxes I, so a Greek curbstomping was unlikely and probably embellished.

Agreed. Why are you here?

That was my thought too. Seems like an army of 10000 would at least suffer some casualties due to stuff like marching injuries, infection and the like, if nothing else.

>Citation needed
>hasn't read Anabasis

>According to the Greek soldier and writer Xenophon, the Greek heavy troops scattered their opposition twice; only one Greek was even wounded.