Everybody post your religious beliefs,your parents religious beliefs,country of birth and country you are in right now.I've been doing an informal research, I also made a thread about country of birth and religious beliefs yesterday.
>My religious beliefs Sufi Islam >Parent's religious beliefs Sunni islam >country of birth Pakistan >country you are in right now Pakistan
>My religious beliefs None >Parent's religious beliefs Hardcore atheist/roleplaying Orthodox >country of birth Russia >country you are in right now Russia
Ryder Jones
How can "hardcore atheists" be roleplaying as Orthodox Christians? They are not hardcore if they're willing to do that.
Ryan Johnson
Parents catholics (in name only) Me: atheist Born and residing in the Netherlands
Sebastian Smith
>>My religious beliefs >Atheist >>Parent's religious beliefs >Mum agnostic Dad atheist, but Catholic in documents >>country of birth >Poland >>country you are in right now >England
Camden Wilson
>Chaldean Catholic (Agnostic tho) >Chaldean Catholic >United States (parents born in Iraq tho) >United States
Tyler Adams
none catholic merrica heck yes
Grayson Martin
>religious beliefs Catholic. >parents religious beliefs Catholic. >country of birth Naples >country you are in right now Brazil
Ian Collins
Me: atheist/other, raised nondenominational chtistian Dad: atheist, raised lutheran Mom: probably some kind of deist? raised Catholic Born and live in: USA
Jordan Watson
>My religious beliefs Zoroastrianism >Parent's religious beliefs Judaism >country of birth UK >country you are in right now Hong Kong (on an outreach programme to convert locals)
Gavin Moore
>mine Atheist >parents Dad was raised Catholic, is mostly irreligious. Mum is a pseudobuddhist. >born Quebec muh nigga >live English Canada
Kevin Hughes
>My religious beliefs Ancient Egyptian religion >Parent's religious beliefs Apathetic to religion >country of birth Belgium >country you are in right now Belgium Praise Kek
Samuel Baker
>My religious beliefs Atheist >Parent's religious beliefs Dad's agnostic, has some eastern philosophical leanings. Mom's a hippie spiritualist type from a super catholic family. >country of birth US >country you are in right now US
Matthew Cruz
Atheist Atheist America America
Easton Campbell
>Zoroastrianism >(on an outreach programme to convert locals)
Cameron Powell
Cultural """"""""Christian"""""""" X Atheist
Luis Flores
agnostic atheist agnostic atheist usa usa
James Parker
>My religious beliefs There's probably no namefor it, in practise just atheism. >Parent's religious beliefs Lutheran/Weird hippie naturalist type >country of birth Finland >country you are in right now Finland
Justin Clark
>Me Raised Catholic, now Agnostic Atheist >Parents Raised Catholic, now agnostic Atheist >Country of Birth Ireland >Country you're in visiting USA but I live in Ireland
Cooper Richardson
>Naples nápoles não é um país seu retardado
Gavin Sanders
>me raised catholic, now agnostic >parents hardcore catholic >country of birth and life portugal
Camden Moore
>Jew converted to Zoroastrianism
Literally who
Owen Thompson
>There's probably no namefor it, in practise just atheism. Treading new ground? You get to make the name. Bring up an English/Finnish to latin translator. I'll wait.
William Ramirez
>My religious beliefs roman catholicism >Parent's religious beliefs mother is roman catholic, father is agnostic >country of birth Italy >country you are in right now Italy
Elijah Hall
>My religious belief Some form of Christianity, the denomination of which I'm still unsure about. >Parents' religious belief Both Proddies. >Country of birth Indonesia. >Current country Indonesia, still. Fuck me and this fucked up economy system.
Christian Carter
Sikh Sikh USA USA
Angel Ortiz
>me:reconstructionist Judaism >Parents: LDS jack Mormons >USA >USA
Gavin Barnes
>My religious beliefs Roman Catholic >Parent's religious beliefs Roman Catholic >country of birth Philippines >country you are in right now Philippines, country is going to shit right now
Kayden Young
>Celtic Pagan
Mason Jones
>My religious belief Deist >Parents' religious belief Dad is catholic, mom is evangelical >Country of birth Argentina >Current country Argentina, the most uncuked country
Easton Perez
>Me Atheist >Parents Dad agnostic. Mom catholic >Country of birth Austria >Country I'm in Austria
Juan Garcia
>My religious beliefs Enlightened Atheism >Parent's religious beliefs Spiritual but not religious. >country of birth Hueland >country you are in right now Hueland
Isaiah Hernandez
Salafi Sufi America Syria/Iraq
Tyler Hall
You were on my other thread too!!!
Evan Parker
>My religious beliefs Atheist >Parent's religious beliefs Protestant Christian (Lutheran ELCA) >country of birth USA (California but was only there for a year before moving to MD, and there for 8 years before moving to SC) >country you are in right now USA South Carolina, been here(moving city to city) for 14 years
Nolan Diaz
>My religious beliefs Agnosticism >Parent's religious beliefs Father -> Secular catholicism, Mother -> Secular judaism >country of birth France >country you are in right now France
Ethan Anderson
You were on the other thread too.you were in some UN mission in Kurdish camps
Evan Reed
Zoroastrian Zoroastrian India USA
Owen Rodriguez
1. Muslim. 2. Muslim. 3. United States. 4. United States.
Labels are divisive. That being said, Ahmadis and Shias out.
Michael Johnson
The joke there was i make Kurds go to refugee camps.
[/Spoiler] I'm not actually in Syria, I just wanted people to call me out for the You's[Spoiler]
Dominic Nguyen
>Me Agnostic, irreligious >Mom Hypocritical crypto-atheist Oprah-tier "Jew" >Dad Catholic convert >Country born in America >Country currently residing in America
Henry Ramirez
You should also list "prevailing religious belief" of each region. That might give a clearer idea of the environment the person was raised around.
Easton Taylor
>My religious beliefs Qur'anist Islam >Parent's religious beliefs Agnostic? Once secular catholic and protestant, some jewish heritage. Not really sure. >country of birth Texas >country you are in right now Texas
Brayden Young
1.) Agnostic/Don't really care 2.) Jew 3.) United States 4.) United States
Gavin Roberts
>My religious beliefs Monotheism >Parent's religious beliefs Atheist/Agnostic >country of birth South Africa >country you are in right now South Affrica
Nolan Bell
>Qur'anist Islam Noice. Respect
Luis Ramirez
>My religious beliefs Egyptian panentheism (Heh is all, and all is Heh)
>Parents religious beliefs Dad agnostic, mom raised Methodist Christian but is now new-agey
>country of birth America
>country of residence America
Highly dank :DD
Zachary Bailey
>My religious beliefs Atheist
>Parents Mum is an atheist, Pretty sure my dad is a borderline one or at least agnostic, doesnt come up much. Both raised Catholics, mum especially
>Country of Birth Ireland
>Country of Residence Ireland
David Perry
We've had this thread before, so I'll feel less sorry for derailing it for a moment.
For starters I was raised a Muslim and am now Agnostic Atheist.
How can any of you be Muslim when it's fairly obvious that Muhammad (himself quite unscrupulous by today's standards, what with his Slave-Owning, Little Girl Wedding etc.) based Islam off of an already established religion?
How can any of you hold the Rashidun Caliphs in a positive light when they were aggressive expansionists?
I guess what I'm getting at, is why are you Muslims?
I don't mean to be rude by these questions, just genuinely curious.
Cooper Wood
>My religious beliefs Agnostic >Parent's religious beliefs Lutheran >Country of birth Mexico (raised in US whole life, however) >Country you are in right now USA
Jason Powell
Atheist Mainline Protestant US US
Nathaniel Williams
You have to go back
Easton Rodriguez
Atheist Atheist Australia Australia
John Russell
So many fedorashits, holy shit
Angel Moore
>atheist >Jehovah's Witness >US >US
Juan Mitchell
Atheist Anglican UK UK
Camden Morgan
Welcome to the 21st Century, cultist weirdo.
Nicholas Lopez
>>based Islam of of an already established religion Well not exactly.According to Islam he was sent by Allah to revive Islam as the Quran says that every prophet preached the same religion. The prophets are merely reminders
>>how can you hold the Rashidun Caliphs in a positive light The Caliph Abu Bakr did not expand the Caliphate and Umar only expanded as the religion had stirred the emotions of the Arabs and as they were already a warlike people they had to spread. They had to expand because if they did not attack foreign empires, the Muslims would fight each other and the Caliphate would end up in civil war as happened in the reigns of usman and ali
Ryder Roberts
>I'm a black man and I think these niggers.... I know your just a white guy pretending to be a muslim, and I pity your lack of philosophical understanding.
ill let you in on a little secret that should never leave this thread in case the Shia see it.
>Aisha was 19 when he married her. we only claim she was younger so her vote would count at Saqiliba. If she was older a conflict of interest could be claimed.
Also Jesus and Moses both owned Slaves, Yadda Yadda Josiah.
Ethan White
>feeding the attention-seeking faggot
Colton Walker
Are you my girlfriend? She's half Belgian and is always saying "praise kek" Also:
Mine: Shamanism
Theirs: Catholic (dad) generic vague Christian (mom)
I was born in the US and still live there
Blake Jones
>I know your just a white guy pretending to be a muslim Islam is a religion and ideology, not a race, libtard. Also he said he was no longer Muslim.
Wyatt Collins
Islam corralates with brownness in most /Stormfags/ eyes. Theres a huge amount of racism involved in Islamaphobia.
90 percent racism and like 10% Stay at home fat POG's who wished they were GI Joe
Samuel Williams
Stop strawmaning
Nicholas Allen
Me:Ahmadi Muslim Mum and Dad: Ahmadi Muslim Location: Pakistan
Wyatt Brooks
I believe in the Churt of No Blogposting Please
Sebastian Adams
>According to Islam he was sent by Allah to revive Islam as the Quran says that every prophet preached the same religion
Well, that point depends on your personal belief.
>The Caliph Abu Bakr did not expand the Caliphate Didn't Abu Bakr begin the Muslim Conquest of Persia and the Levant?
>the religion had stirred the emotions of the Arabs and as they were already a warlike people they had to spread
I'm not denying that, I'm saying that it reflects badly on the Religion. Why would anyone living today hold such conquerors as the best among Humanity? They were no different than other bloodthirsty conquerors.
My race shouldn't really have anything to do with this, and I shouldn't have said I used to be Muslim. Fine you got me. I'm a Chinese Jew.
Could you provide some evidence that Aisha was 19 when she married Muhammad, and that Moses and Jesus owned Slaves?
And let's say for a moment that Moses and Jesus, and Muhammad did own slaves. That still doesn't excuse Muhammad from having practised something that is regarded by the majority of people today, even Muslims as abhorrent.
Sure other people throughout History, like the founding fathers of the US, owned Slaves, and they are held in high regard. But everyone knows that they were not perfect, and their slave-owning is openly criticised. It's hypocritical to hold Muhammad as a timeless moral example for all Humanity, as I assume most Muslims due, and be against Slavery.
Jordan Butler
>My religious beliefs Buddhism >Parent's religious beliefs Mom - Buddhism Dad - Atheist >country of birth Brazil >country you are in right now Brazil
Dylan Gutierrez
Abu Bakr did not give the orders for the conquests the order was given by Muhammad and the prophets are the best of humanity
I guess it all comes down to faith doesn't it?
Juan Peterson
>Parents Protestant scum >Me Agnostic Protestant scum >Birth Country US >Current Country US
Joshua Lewis
Lot of atheists here
Robert Johnson
You are forgetting my friend the level of forgiveness that Prophet Muhmmad showed to his enemies. Can you explain that.
Austin Wood
one more god rejected
James Ross
>My religious beliefs Atheist >Parent's religious beliefs Methodist/Atheist >country of birth Long Island, NY >country you are in right now Long Island, NY
Robert Parker
None None Australia Australia
Easton Ward
It Certainly comes down to faith. But what I want to know is why you believe these things. How can you hold the Muhammad as the best of Humanity when he owned Slaves, told slave owners to beat disobedient Slaves, and attacked other States without Justified Provocation?
Would a messenger of a benevolent God act this way?
Camden Jackson
You still didnt replied to my previous question.
Jayden Rivera
>>My religious beliefs Despairing Nihilism or Panetheism >>Parent's religious beliefs Father of atheist/humanist/socialist background
Mother of Protestant background but virtually atheist inclined agnostic >>country of birth Australia >>country you are in right now Australia
Zachary Bennett
>>My religious beliefs None Parents religious beliefs Catholic >>Country of birth USA >>Country you currently reside in USA
Carter Diaz
>everyone who notices the correlation between Islam and terrorism, violence, and oppression is a neo-Nazi stop
David Reyes
Why are you projecting your arbitrary morals onto the creator of the universe
Eli Jackson
I didn't know that the Prophet owned slaves? Can you give me source,good sir? All I know is that he encouraged the manumission of slaves and is supposed to have freed 63 slaves. He would often free and marry slaves. He married Saffiyah so that the other Muslims would free their own slaves. He couldn't have banned all slavery as Allah hadn't ordered it. As to why Allah didn't ban all slavery that is a question of faith. Though I believe it wasn't banned just then as it would destroy a huge trade and probably lead to economic crises and civil war as is seen in the American civil war. By the way I am not a salafi so I believe some parts have been left on open questions as Islam can adjust to different times and cultures. It is just like every culture has different names for God(Vishnu,Allah,Yahweh,Elohim,Tengrii,Zeus,Jupiter etc.) And different ways of thinking Allah for his blessings (Dance,prayer,sex,singing,performing rituals etc.).
Easton Reyes
>>Me Having been a pretty hard atheist 80% of my life Psychedelics opened me spiritually. Wasn't long after my faith in God, having been redefined, was cemented. Never been happier. I've accepted the Christ into my heart as the love I've seen and have been given was the bridge to God for me.
Christian Cox
Opposition to people owning other people is hardly some new fad pal, and empathy for other humans has been a thing for thousands of years. Calling that "arbitrary morals" reminds me of a saying "Those who can make you believe absurdities can also make you commit atrocities".
Probably mangling that Voltaire quote but still, theistic religion enables barbarism.
>bought into the nearest sand cult after getting high Pretty good.
Nicholas Robinson
>me Tengriism >parents Mom lutheran.Dad was raised a jew. Neither are very religious >country Greatest Country in the world
Aaron Nelson
>implying there's not a large amount of white """neo-Nazi""" islamophiles
Brody Ortiz
none catholic u.s.a. nebraska u.s.a. maryland
Jack Lee
>My religious beliefs I believe there is a God but I have no idea about his intentions or nature >Parent's religious beliefs Father is catholic, Mother is protestant >country of birth Colombia >country you are in right now Colombia
He never married her or free her. What's more is that he had extra-marital relations with her, producing a son who died in Childhood.
Really seems silly that Islam forbidsSex outside of Marriage, except when it's with someone you own.
Hudson Ward
It is perfectly acceptable to have sex with what your right hand owns.
I don't see the problem.
Caleb Richardson
Prophet Muhmmad actually freed a slave and adopted him as his son (Zaid). He also married him to his cousin even though she was not willing to. Zaid is also the only companion of Prophet to be mentioned in Holy Quran. Of course you would believe that he wrote it himself so you have to admit he gave his such importance as to mention his name.
Camden Myers
Two things wrong with that statement:
1. Right Hand owning Slaves in the first place.
2. Extra-marital relations being sinful EXCEPT for having sex with slaves.
Camden Edwards
Canada Canada None None
Wyatt Cook
>My religious beliefs Catholic >Parent's religious beliefs Catholic >country of birth Philippines >country you are in right now Philippines
All these disgusting atheists and agnostics. No wonder this board is shit.