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Who were the biggest assholes in human history?
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Rich people.
White people. Literally enslaved and colonized the entire world.
t.Tyrone Jamal
Les juifs, sans doute.
The perfidious Albion
Ancient Persians
Poor op, here have mine
> 1) Genghis "lets conquer the world and fuck everyone shit up" Khan
> 2) court conspirers and uppity nobles, in fact anyone greedy or envious with power: literally the cause for 90% of human history grief
> 3) The eternal rapist soldier
> 4) Religious zealots, specially abrahamic ones: because fuck yo heritage, yo history and yo life
still are
The Eternal Eurasian Nomad.
Anyone born in Central Asia.
I mean, the Chinese had controlled expansion. Europeans only had colonization following trade cockblock, but boy, "mounted barbarian wrecking shit from central asia" was a meme that started from BCs to the 1920's. Jesus Christ.
>that steppe
I wanna subjugate and conquer already
the Eternal German
>"let's kill the roman empire lmao"
>destroy Europe
>"I declare WW1 lmao"
>destroy Europe
>"WW2, gas the kikes lmao"
>destroy Europe
>"rapefugees welcome lmao"
>destroying Europe yet again
You know it was Napoleon who killed the HRE, right?
>All the irrelevant backwater nations mirin
people I disagree with
just because they are the destroyers of Europe doesn't mean they are assholes
I believe God created Germans to punish Europeans for their sins
The Nefarious Teutonic strikes again.
which ushered in a time of European dominance and prosperity
which was destroyed by Germans
>> 1) Genghis "lets conquer the world and fuck everyone shit up" Khan
C'mon, it's not his fault if you act like a cunt and kill his peaceful messengers.
F. Murray Abrahams was pretty much an asshole in Amadeus
they became badass to keep up a slave economy which they regularly beat and killed
when they finally fell to Thebes no one wanted them back until way into the romantic period of the 19th century
>"I declare WW1 lmao"
I hate Germans as much as the next guy, but I think we can all agree that the real culprit country of WW1 is Austria.
South Germans are still Germans
All non-Germanic pieces of shit.
Fair enough
The ancient hyperborean Finnish Empire genocided and enslaved the innocent Cro-magnon.
The ancient Korean Empire of Hwan was even worse.
Who's far right? Google turns up nothing relevant.
A proto-German.
Still Germans user lol.
it is difficult to separate the two when it comes to cooking up the pot of shit that was ww1
>Current year
>Still [disputed]
he wrote roman empire. not the "holy" version
Karl from 5th grade Math. He was just such a shit.
>that steppe
it's like a savanna but kind of bleak
it could be a worthwhile field with a bit more grass and no stubby little trees
WTF I hate Germany now!
>the eternal German
>Not the eternal Anglo
If it wasn't for Britians devisive politics neither of those wars would have happened.
German here
I don't think Austria would have declared war on Serbia if Germany didnt back them
>eternal Anglo
That's just a meme butthurt Turks keep pushing
>that turks keep pushing
So... Germans?
>>"let's kill the roman empire lmao"
>>destroy Europe
Mercy killing that decadent abomination marked the birth of modern Europe. Besides, Germanics and Germans aren't the same thing but what would a memester like you know
Yeah, like it was totally wrong from the US to invade Afghanistan after terrorists from Saudi-Arabia hijacked a plane.
Austria-Hungary's actions were justified, Russia's pan-slavic ambitions were a thread to the entire western hemisphere and Germany backing Austria-Hungary was reasonable (like they could afford Russia incorporating Austria-Hungary).
After all, the only people involved here that would benefit from the war were France (territoryly) and GB (they financed almost everyone and made a huge profit).
The perfidious Albion
White People, Mao, and Latin American and African dictators
>from BC to 1920
please tell me more, were the steppe nomads still cucking shit up until then?
I would argue Eternal Anglo is far worse. When Eternal Teuton crashed Europe, Germany got hit the hardest. When Anglo crashed Europe, he just laughed hidden behind the channel.
When did the Anglo ever crash Europe?