What historic events give you feels?

What historic events give you feels?

The fall of the Byzantine empire desu

Other urls found in this thread:


> It's a Mexican-American War episode


The industrial revolution destroyed beauty and kindness

The Fourth Crusade.
Gives me good feels.

>Mfw I live 10 minutes away from the Alamo
Some good ass feels senpai

>live in a hispanic city
>good feels


I will give you feels
Chiang losing to the gobbies

Something about the fall of haile selassie gets me. just this impossibly old dynasty with mythical links to soloman and the queen of sheba falling...


>good feels
surprised you could write this considering your fucking blind, doge Dandolo

30 April 1945

And his burial under a toilet. Just das.

Can get a list of topics which can automatically be dismissed as the ramblings of an autist? I'll start:

>muh Byzantine culture senpai
>muh Rhodesia desu

the world wars

Collapse of Austria-Hungary is kind of depressing in general.

The Destruction of the Library of Alexandria makes me physically upset

>genocide Catholics
>get sacked

>The fall of the Byzantine empire desu
It didn't happen soon enough

who is this semen demon, OP?


Birth of Jesus

America filling up the cultural void left by WW2 and the modern world now looking metaphorically like a fucking basket of shit where everyone wants to emulate America to an extent without rationally assessing what is to be gained from doing so

good one, but only valid before liberalism.
enjoy blacks in your daughters white-failures.


Pompey's death.

He deserved better.

Vercingetorix's failure.

This desu

Conquest of Granada
Mongol sack of Baghdad
Majorian's assassination
4th Crusade

Partitions of Poland
If we only wrote that constitution 10-20 years before that...

>tfw you will never throw off your imperial regalia and charge straight into the fray
Life isn't worth living

The Reconquista

The library of Alexandria being destroyed, and the spread of Islam

Which may or may not be related

>The Death of Charles the bold at Nancy
>Death of Black Bart
>The end of the golden age of pirates

Destruction of the templars by Philip IV of France.

civil war

Fucking Philip that lil shit

Fall of Saigon

t. Son of an ARVN colonel

The first World War is still the only historical event to have made me actually cry, and it still disgusts me how much classrooms ignore its importance.

t. Diaspora LARPer

WW1, all those 17-21 y/o's expecting national glory but really nobody knew what the hell they were doing and took heavy losses

Yeah, I feel the same way. All those schoolboys and farmer's sons shipped away from their hopes and dreams, told they'd be fighting a glorious war. Then they all die in gas attacks and filthy, bloody trenches, in many cases bawling for their parents. All for some high-class fuckwits to stroke their imperial dicks to.

Emperor Maximilian

The ides of March.

>reading Wilfred Owen's poetry
>looking at Otto Dix's artwork

The heyday of Rhodesia.

This desu

>Fall of Napoleon
>Subsequent Bourbon Restoration
>Fall of Constantinople
>Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

Losing independence by .07%

Kai Murros is who you're looking for

My units RSM loves Rhodesian infantry tactics, is this 25 year infantryman with combat tours under his belt an autist?

I feel you with Majorian bud. He was the last great ruler of the Western empire only to get tortured and beheaded by some dickhead Germanic Chad

The forced abdication of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Haile Selassie and Nicholas II, both Sulla's and Antony's proscriptions, the Arab conquest of Persia and above all else The Battle of the Somme or just WWI in general. This one makes me sad the most

>Murder of the Romanovs
>Execution of Maximilian I of Mexico
>Operation SUCCESS
>Percentages Agreement

>making a list of things other people like that you dont
End of list.

Why? Because Hitler killed himself, or because war was almost over and axis lost all hope?

Feels? Well I feel pretty terrible about Soviet revolution, rise of nacism and fascism in Germany and Italy, going a little further, I feel bad about all the brilliant minds that died forgotten such as Nicolas Steno, or how about story of Joan d'Arc, that always gets me. Or the end of Roman Republic and death of my favorite Roman Marcus Tullius Cicero, going even further, stories like Cain and Abel also get me, or Mesopotamian story about Gilgamesh.

I know this is off topic, but does anyone know in what sort of program this map will have been made? I have made a hand-drawn map for an assignment and it would be great to be able to make something neater.

why conquest of granada though? also:

>assassination of Viriatus

The Belle Époque.
The atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

Lucifer's fall from grace

Bouddica rekting rome

Ever listen to the lamentation of the fall of Constantinople? Was composed right after the fall of the city and its a retelling of Psalm 79


1260, Ain Jalut

Underrated post

Cyrus conquers Babylon

The demise of a once prosperous nation at the hands of the Spanish savage.

>tfw no reformed European Islam to enlighten all these brown savages

besides, the massacre had nothing to do with the crusade

Boudicca got rekt not Rome

murder of Caesar :'(

Albigensian crusade

they were already disgraced by that point

European polytheism being gradually persecuted out of existence will always bother me.

End of ancient greece or imperialism in asia

Diocletian saving the Roman Empire only to watch the tetrarchy disintegrate into civil war after becoming the only emperor to abdicate willingly. He apparently killed himself out of despair while tending his cabbage patch in Dalmatia.

>Reading Wilhelm Klemm's "Schlacht an der Marne"

Destruction of the Midianites
(Numbers 31)
Explain that one to an inquisitive grandchild.

The burning of the great library of Constantinople
The life and death of the son of Alexander the great.

Not so much that Napoleon lost but just the sad state of the army and all the preventable failures on the French side. It's sad to see the career of one of the greatest commanders of all time end by sloppy negligence and a few ill fated decisions.

Historic, OP said historic not fantasy

>he doesn't know the Templars are still around today controlling half of the world

I really do get sad thinking about how shit the Native Americans had it, there are natives cultures existing in the world today that deserve that kind of oppression, but not the Red Indians.

I oftentimes yearn at the events wherein, if it weren't for a set few decisions, all basically would have been right.

If in the events leading to British North America's war for independence, if some manner of representation in parliament, if really, the tensions and events leading to it had been handled better the US would be part of a rather badass and glorious Anglo Commonwealth, and while I'll happy for the ideas that the US put as a model to much of the rest of the world, it's a shame when looked at it in such a manner.

I also cannot shake the feeling that if the German Empire had only conducted their war differently, they'd be wholly justified. British totally fucked over and stole from the Ottomans preemptively, Austria was guilty of pushing for terms that would lead to war, but hey, they weren't the ones that killed the Archduke. Looking at the whole of WW1 it's just sad to see where everyone fucked up. If the German Empire had kept the sensibility that it has developed under Bismarck, Communism in Europe would never have gone to the extent it would have, and the whole next wars were a chain of folk trying to make sense of their world and do what they thought they had to to stop the next great evil.

It's actually fucking creepy to realize how a massive continent had it's cultures and ethnicities completely eradicated and replaced in only a few hundred years. Fucking scary shit I tell you what.

"Sophie! Sophie! Don't die, live for our children!"

I feel like it was inevitable as soon as the Ummayad dynasty fell apart and power hungry viziers started in on their shit leading to a ruined line of succession and an endless miserable series of coups and civil wars. If only someone had killed that fuck Almanzor before he started screwing everything up.

At least it led to republican Cordoba for a short time.

>Archimedes' murder before he could popularize calculus like Euclid did with geometry
>Varus costing Rome their entire Germania campaign at Teutoburg forest, so they wouldn't have a way nice Elbe-Danube Border
>Justinian's reforged Empire just getting shat on by Arabs and Lombards
>Barbarossa drowning like a fool
>4th Crusade
>Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo
>WWI being won by super power jones coming tardy to the party and letting France pretty much cause WWII
^Thanks great grandfsther for that one
>Austria not joining Germany during thr reunification

Dawn of the computer age

Especially the years 1975-1985, these are the best years, give me the strongest feels

>The downfall of Rome
>Conquest of Constantinople
>The Mongol mass murders
>The Crusades
>The Black Death
>both world wars, sometimes the scale of the destruction seems unreal

>WWI being won by super power jones coming tardy to the party and letting France pretty much cause WWII
If they'd let France do what they wanted WW2 wouldn't happen because Germany would perish.

Yeah but they pretty much let france do what they did. They didn't have to let anyone do anything, especially the nation that was getting rekt get all high/mighty now that rhe big bad eagle came in and cleaned things up

>Yeah but they pretty much let france do what they did.
France wanted Germans to actually pay their reparations but they never did, France wanted to Balkanise Germany but it never happened...

WW1 depresses me so much. Nobody knew what they were getting themselves into

I've spent a few drunk nights sobbing about the death of Akhenaten. Potentially the greatest cultural movement of the ancient world was crushed under the heel of the traditionalist clergy. But hey we got Tut out of the deal.

GUIs were so comfy in the 80s.

>Handpicked by Julius Caesar to be a Centurion in the founding of the 10th Legion
>Served for over 13 years and was viewed by Caesar as one of his best soldiers and would go on to become Primus Centurion despite the fact he wasn't in the Equestrian order.
>Would come out of retirement to serve with Caesar when the civil war occured
>He promised Caesar on the battle of Pharsalus that he would get the job done, and that he would serve loyally
>When he dies leading his soldiers Caesar would give Crastinus his own grave whereas most of the dead would be put in mass graves, and he was posthumously given battle honors and medals, which was extremely rare.

It helped that, barring a very select few "cities", they were all extremely small stone-age civilizations.

>Islamic Conquests
>The splitup of Charlemagne's empire
>100 Years Wars
>Deaths of St. Olaf and Harald Sigurdsson
>Fall of Quebec
>Frsnch Revolution
>Death of Napoleonic France
>Franco-Prussian War
>Boer Wars
>The Easternfront

The execution of Maximilian of Mexico
The guy was such a nice dude, he loved the people and was convinced they love him too. He embraced Mexico's culture to the point where he wore a sombrero during his execution. His only sin: being to liberal even for Mexican liberals.


This omg poor guy. He was told everyone would love him ;_;