While Afrocentrism has been discredited as a serious academic movement since the 1990s, in the popular conciousness, it has never been more powerful than it is now with the internet and current political situation in the United States. It is now becoming a major social movement, as evidenced by the positive coverage of its ideas in the mainstream US press. The US, as the world's most powerful cultural unit, will play a large role in establishing this as an unchallenged axiom.
I am myself a Person of Color. Any criticism of this observation by aggravated white liberal Americans choosing to be offended on behalf of their minorities, constitutes a microaggression and attempt to silence my views- the views of a non-white. Be careful how you answer.
>The US, as the world's most powerful cultural unit, will play a large role in establishing this as an unchallenged axiom. It's simple. We let the US isolate themselves.
The American left needs a creationism-tier retardation too.
Julian Adams
>French were Giants. Nice, I didn't know that foundational myth. Also I tough Poland=Sarmatians, a related steppe nigger but not scythians.
Henry Cox
it is not a big deal, it is just a few memes, americans tend to blow things out of proportion then get bored of it after a while
Kayden Cox
Gavin Campbell
Stop, he's right that this will be exported and become an axiom. He even stated it was academically untenable. Fucking read shit m8. OP *agrees* with you.