¿Was the American revolution really a revolution or just a war of independence?
¿Was the American revolution really a revolution or just a war of independence?
>Was the American revolution really a revolution
Democratic Republic in a world of monarchies? I'd say so.
Just a war of independence
Sure was a revolution.
It was the first secular republic in the world.
>people say nordic women are the most beautiful women on earth
>they are lumpy faced 90 percent of the time
>American "Civil War"
>it's a war between two independent countries and if anything should be referred to as a war of independence
Sad you can't get some nordic pussy Ahmed? Sure sounds like someone is salty :^)
No, you guys have the best looking men, that much I'll admit. But your women look so fucking plain faced. Come spitroast some bavarian puss with me my man
Why are they orange?
War of Independence, could even argue it was a reactionary movement against increasing British centralization.
Somehow, being tanned has become one of the most desirable points of Western fashion. There aren't enough sunshine hours in Norway to do it naturally, so you gotta do it the fake way.
It's honestly all a bit silly. If a black woman tries to get lighter skin, everyone shouts she should stop and embrace her natural beauty. If a white woman tries to be darker it's considered completely normal.
People usually look more healthy with a tan though, because in the West paleness is obviously associated with corpses and death.
The USA is a false state, they are still the colonies, and Britain is still the rightful owner of that land.
They look butt ugly though.
bottom far right 10/10
I dislike intentional tans done in tanning salons as I prefer some women with tan lines from the beach as I think it's sexy as fuck. I live in Southern California so it's easy to see such women though.
Beauty is mostly subjective
It really isn't though.
If a person doesn't have a symmetrical face for example, most people will not find that person attractive.
They look like Snooki form Jersey shore, the epitome of white trash.
>They look like Snooki form Jersey shore
lol no
Which is funny because Asian women think dark skin = needing to work in the sum = poor
So light skin is seen as better
The fact that you had to use the word most is proof that it's subjective
Tory elites, and their semi-feudal squatocratic plantation mode of production, in the UK and US were overthrown between 1630 and 1930
Which is funny because Asian women look like lifeless dolls and corpses
If you fail in attempting a rebellion, you go down as fighting in a civil war. If you win, you get to claim to be an independent country that fought a war of independence.
Besides, no one recognized the Confederacy anyways.
Not that user, but it's proof of a bell curve. Most people don't jerk off to pictures of little anime girl feet, and most would say that it's not attractive. But you can't have a hard and fast about sexuality, it's too fucked up for that.
>he thinks the south was ever anything other than territory in rebellion
Yeah, nice try Mehmet.
it was a cowardly coup by greedy land prospectors and nothing more
it's hilarious that american still talk about the revolution as if it was due to >muh freedoms when that was mere pretense to trick people into joining and nothing more
>>not liking asian girls
You sound gay user.
nigga im gay? you're the one too scared to go for normal women