How brainwashed is the average American?

How brainwashed is the average American?

Between the political misinformation campaigns, mass media distortions, ideological oversimplifications, scientifically engineered advertisements, narrow school curricula, religious mystification, and lack of historical awareness and appreciation of other cultures and perspectives, you could venture that the average american's grasp on sociopolitical reality is tenuous at best and that this state of affairs is deliberately intended by the powers that be.

Only in America do you have huge swathes of the population unable to grasp the true roots of the economic and political forces that have seen a steady decline in the prospects of middle class in the past decades and massive shift in wealth from the majority of the population to the very few.

Is the inability of Americans at large to critically analyze the situation of the country a byproduct of the corporate state's social engineering, or are Americans simply in denial about the state of their country?

"and humanities" was a mistake

>Only in America do you have huge swathes of the population unable to grasp the true roots of the economic and political forces that have seen a steady decline in the prospects of middle class in the past decades and massive shift in wealth from the majority of the population to the very few.

Yeah man, I'm sure if you go to like, Greece or Russia, everyone will totally understand economics and realpolitik.

>Only in America

Are you delusional? The average person all over the world is stupid and uninformed. Its just that Americans are on TV more often.


I think you are vastly overestimating the rest of the world, if you think Americans are the worst.

I don't care about shitty counties. I mean good countries. For the most part Brits know what's up. Canadians know what's up. Icelanders know what's up.

>For the most part Brits know what's up.

I'm curious as to how much face-to-face interaction you've had with regular, everyday British people, because this is not the impression I get from talking to them, at all.

Busted countries with no literacy and basic services don't count. You would expect them to not know.

In America all the answers are out there to find throug freedom of information, and yet you still find huge portions of Americans holding patently false beliefs about the way their society works. I belive those beliefs were planted somehow through an elaborate propaganda mechanism.

>Canadians know what's up.
no they don't
t. Canadian

Very little. But read the comments sections of British rags, and you'll see people point out what's what.

I'm fully willing to concede that this is a biased sample. Still, it seems that in America there is a popular will to believe in the patently untrue in order to evade asking serious questions about corruption and system dysfunction.

On healthcare, eduction, the electoral process, you find millions of Americans not with uninformed views, but misinformed ones.

>Busted countries with no literacy and basic services don't count

Not talking about them. Have you seen Vladimir Putin's approval rating? Americans are actually more skeptical than most of the bullshit they are fed.

there's a greentext and kojima MGS2 speech covering the flow of ideas becoming a more insular exchange that's limited to the like minded group one often surrounds themselves with.

This isn't unique to America.

you have no idea what you're talking about but sure, keep at it

>an elaborate propaganda mechanism
You mean the internet?

>read the comments sections o

Nigga are you serious? First of all, like half the top visited british news outlets are tabloid-tier; that alone should tell you something about the caliber of minds we're dealing with. Most of the comments are banal shit like:

>"well in my day this never would have happened, we had common sense back then >:^("

No, I mean all the things I listed in OP.

But the Internet is part of it. Studies have shown that even gently biasing what shows up in the top ten google searches can greatly influence people's decision making and voting patterns.

Not even an american, but the US seems to be doing a lot better than Europe at the moment.

How brainwashed do you consider yourself? That's the level the average American is at, no better, no worse. You aren't some super-magical thinker immune to idiocy

It's not the irrelevant chatter and celebrity gossip I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is Americans having a sociopolitical belief system that is add odds with reality, and which seems greatly resistant to change or critique, and which keeps Americans from thinking about the flaws in their country.

For example, the childish build a wall meme. For some reason millions of Americans think this idea would set the country on the right track. That very fact goes to show that critical thinking and reasoning have no place in American politics. Why is that, unless Americans are being unwittingly socially engineered not to see things as they are?

Americans more than any other people I know of will defend the very systems and processes that hold them back. Working class people voting republican is a big example of this.

But actually I am ;)

>For example, the childish build a wall meme. For some reason millions of Americans think this idea would set the country on the right track.
How is this any different from Prime Minister Cameron's "No more refugees!" meme?

Doubt it. Unless you agree with me on every possible topic, because you see I truly am an independent thinker who sees the truth. If you disagree with me the only explanation is brainwashing by a nebulous cabal