Why did humans never use their own waste for fertilizing fields and crops?
Why did humans never use their own waste for fertilizing fields and crops?
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I guess you have never heard about Mexico.
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They did, a lot.
But there are very good reasons not to, chiefly that it's a very efficient way of spreading diseases.
wouldnt realy bet they didnt
but maybe cowshit was just generaly more abundant and far far less of a owerall problem to collect and handle
maybe hoarding up the all the shit of all the people in your longhouse might have been seen as weird, revolting or worse, witchcraft
This. Using omnivore/carnivore fertilizer is bad for consumption.
Why is OP always a faggot?
feces of meat eaters has bacteria in it and is unhealthy
actualy i think people still do, search 'humanure'
or "e-coli outbreak in California"
Between 1630 and 1830, the feces of Paris, from the sewers and the cesspits, along with the remains of dead animals, were gathered in one place to dry, and then the stuff was sold as fertilizer.
It was also done before that but in a less organized manner.
Why has nobody told India about this?
What? It's illegal in india.
>feces of meat eaters has bacteria in it
I know this is Veeky Forums, but all feces have bacteria in it no matter what the animal eats
>shitting in the street is legal
>shitting in the fields isn't
Doesn't make any sense
Collecting and using night soil for crops and a country of a billion people with shit (heh) tier to no plumbing is different.
All this. OP do more research next time.
Designated fertilizer streets.
I was by posting this thread.
Parasites, dissises, plague.......... so no its bad idea ouer wastes is what ouer organism dont want inside so spread it on crops we will eat is bad idea, is diffrentw ith other spicies coz we are not compatybile with taheir dissises and paracites.
How about you english first and write second.
We do, even now. It's called night soil.
You could but you'd have to let it compost for a while.
You can also use urine but you'd have to dilute it quite a bit because of the nitrogen content.
But if they did they could be an agricultural superpower by 2020