>he fell for the keynesian meme
He fell for the keynesian meme
>He's a statist
>He spanks his children
>He still talks to his parents
>He hasn't moved to Canada to do something he calls philosophy, which consists of making YouTube videos and replying to butthurt teenage libertarians, atheists, and feminists who have never taken a philosophy class
>He donated one
Not an argument
Is Molyneux the biggest fucking memelord on the internet?
No, Trump is
Trump isn't really internet based though.
He just kinda memes on Twitter once in a while, his memeing is mostly done in the flesh.
not an argument
He's still the biggest memelord on the Internet.
He's not quite Molyneux levels though, although Molyneux is milking Trump's cock right now.
Trump is everything Molyneux wishes he could be. Molyneux isn't even a Great Memer. He's a middle memer.
>he fell for the Keynsianism is wrong meme
What's wrong you all you the STATISTS in this thread?
Don't you know that your parents want you shot?
>he fell for the use inflation to secure full employment meme
>He fell for the full employment meme
What the fuck did you just say about free markets, you little statist? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Austrian school, and I’ve been involved in numerous raids on Keynesian safe spaces, and I have over 300 confirmed debunkings of marxist theories. I am highly trained in free market advocacy and I’m the top debater of all of Rothbards(PBUH) disciples. You are nothing to me but just another fucking statist pig. I will wipe your arguments out with efficiency the likes of which has never been seen before in a command economy, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with criticizing libertarianism over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Libertarian intellectuals all over the USA and your argument is being analyzed right now so you better prepare for the storm, statist. The storm that wipes out your sophistry and the pathetic little fallacies you call your fucking "rebuttal". You’re fucking done, statist. I can debunk you anywhere, anytime, and I can acuse you of 12 different fallacies if you do not concede, and that’s just with my own intellectual prowess. Not only am I extensively trained in combating interventionist theory, but I have access to the entire original unedited manuscript of Mises'(PBUH) "The Ultimate foundation of economic science" and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable attempts at an "argument" off the face of this forum, you little statist. If only you could have known how quick, profitable and efficient a retribution your little statement was about to bring down upon you. Maybe you would have just admitted that you have no valid rebuttals and Hoppe(PBUH) decimated your school of though years ago. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price for tainting our free markets good name. I will expose your 16 different fallacies and post it all over the forum and you will drown in them. You’re fucking dead statist.
You all fell for the non-argument meme
>he fell for the static equilibrium meme
>he fell for the "Neoclassical Synthesis = Keynesianism" meme
>he fell for the rational automaton meme (aka economics as the study of man without humanity)
>he fell for the "don't tread on my fuckkin lawn" meme (and the circular argument, whereby the morality rises out of economics which is then justified by the economic assumptions)
>he fell for the Utilitarian meme
>he fell for the "mathematics does not belong in economics" meme (aka, revenge of the BA)
>he fell for the Globalism meme
>he fell for the Global citizenship meme
>he fell for the Marxism meme
>he fell for the b8 thread
Oh my sides
>pic related is me right now
>which is then justified by
should be
>which then justifies
Why does he insist that political ideology should function like cultish religious adherence?
More specifically, why does he insist that the specific thing that HE believes in is special and exempt and not 'really' an ideology (Since he considers "Ideology" a dirty word)
He doesn't talk about political ideology that much. He talks about his philosophy, which he thinks is true. He thinks people should follow his philosophy because he believes he's correct about a few things and has a good method for finding truths.
How familiar are you with him?
What's left? Ricardo?
>he fell for the velocity of money is constant meme
And so the first Veeky Forums economics meme copypasta was born. Good work user.
Shit copypasta to be honest.
I bet is being ironic.
>He fell for the economy is a science meme
t. Assblasted Austrian
My numbers don't lie: Keynesianism is best economics.
>thinking that the economy is anything but a means to an end
Except when put into practice.
Not an argument.
>keynesianism in practice
>strong middle class, relative equality, happy americans
>neoclassicism in practice
>weakening middle class, relative inequality, paranoid and scared americans
kek it's no choice
It's aggregate demand, but I guess this is too sophiticated for / his/.
Fuck off summerfag, just because you don't understand a single word being typed doesn't mean we aren't having an argument.
>not getting the reference
It's a meme you dip
>Friedrich von Hayek
>Milton Friedman
are you daft m8
try providing arguments instead of assertions kiddo
Mises, Hayek, Friedman, don't deserve the time of day.
unfortunately for you, those happen to be three of the biggest names in the history of modern economics
Keynes was thoroughly btfo by Hayek and Friedman
here and I wasn't being ironic I actually found it pretty funny desu
>unfortunately for you, those happen to be three of the biggest names in the history of modern economics
lmfao t. rightringcuck
>Keynes was btfo because his theories failed to account for supply shocks which was absolutely inconceivable for almost everyone except Abba P. Lerner
>Keynes was thoroughly btfo by Hayek and Friedman
From your posting style you don't strike me as someone who's read any of them.
Yes. And the only people who "believe otherwise" are the wealthy who would rather let the masses starve and go homeless than have their fortunes devalued.
no he was btfo because his 'general theory of labor' was not a general theory at all, but a carefully crafted system for getting government to do certain things in the 1930s
I'll boil it down for you and all the other simpletons here
>government uses inflation to increase expenditure in order to secure full employment
>full employment is achieved by stimulating misdirections of labor
>misdirected labor cannot be sustained without continuing and accelerating inflation (i.e. those people can not be permanently employed unless the government continues spending, and spending at a faster rate)
>at some point you can't safely inflate any further without horrific economic consequences
>government spending contracts
>suddenly atrocious unemployment as those workers are forced to reintegrate into the public sector because there are no more government funds available to keep them employed
GG Keynes no re
the worst part is that politicians can always claim they are going to bring down unemployment and succeed in the short run; by the time the contraction hits, they're already out of office and don't have to answer for the mess they made
>the worst part is
That they understand this
>has only ever read "The Road to Serfdom" as his sole guidebook for economics
>What is Bancor Plan
>thinks inflation is equivalent to aggregate demand
>Thinks govt finance has the same implications & effects as personal finance
Lol k
a plan that is specifically tailored to produce a certain 'correction' is almost invariably going to bad a general policy, and that's exactly what we've seen. government spending in Britain today is 50% of the national income, and what have they bought will all that? the British empire is gone, Britain herself is weaker in the global economy than she's ever been
At the height of British Imperial power, during the reign of Queen Victoria, total government spending in Britain was 10 % of the national income. It is 5 times that today, and the pie is much bigger. Where has it gotten them?
I don't think you understand what the Bancor Plan is, it's supposed to counteract the whole inflation by tying currency to a supranational currency backed by a commodity. Also, total govt debt of Britian was once 200 percent of GDP after Napoleonic Wars, where is that now? You're linking the succession of empires to some financial quandry that had nothing to do with its downfall. Debt and Deficit can easily be serviced by nation states, it's not a problem unless you fins yourself w/o proper shock absorbers and no way to service debt held by foreign entities.
>unironically being an Austrian
>le ebin road to surfdom maymay
>Keynes was thoroughly btfo by Hayek and Friedman
How exactly does an supranational currency help retard inflation?
And you are very clever. I wasn't talking about national debt. I was talking about government spending, which is not necessarily financed through deficit spending. Stay on the topic. Debt is not the problem. The spending that creates the debt is the problem.