What are you favorite legends of Greek mythology?
What are you favorite legends of Greek mythology?
I liked when Zeus disguised himself as a bull and raped Europa
Athenian Democracy
You mean "myths", not "legends". Why do you think it is a MYTHOLOGY?
t. Rousseau
The iliad :-)
The one where Apollo kills his fuccboi by accident because he threw his discus too hard.
Remember that he tried to have sex with a nymph who did not want to get raped so she became a tree.
>he tried to have sex with a nymph who did not want to get raped so she became a tree.
If women could do this in real life, you'd see this story on /r9k/.
Didn't the cunt transformed a woman in tree because she picked a flower from that nymph ? Lotus or something
I like the god of war video games
>women would rather turn into a tree than have sex with you
>women would rather fuck swans than you
Fucking whores, right?
What makes this story a legend is that the girl rejected chad.
I liked when Zeus disguised himself as a swan and fucked Leda
The Mycenean period during the bronze age. We're not exactly sure how it ended, so a lot of our understanding is in the realm of myth and legend. The major cities collapsed nearly simultaneously, knowledge was lost and Greece went into a dark age.
They reemerged with a vague idea that they were living among the remnants of a lost age of heroes. They believed it was a land built by giants.
There is always some truth to a "myth"...but he did eff up how he wrote that
>not fucking Apollo
the one where they drunk a cyclops,stab it in the eye, and the cyclops fucks a sheep
It's not actually a part of Greek mythology since it's believed to have been written 4th / 5th century AD, but Dionysiaca, especially books 10-12.
Also, Nemesis / Narcissus / Echo, and everything related to King Minos.
Echo. Anything Eris ever did
Pretty much any of the greek "just so" stories. I like the one about the girl who loved apollo and turned into a sunflower
>There is always some truth to a "myth"
Well, yeah, myths originate from truth; from real events.
What's your point?
Sexing gods usually meant being terribly punished by the other gods. It tended to be a death sentence if not worse.
Echo is amazing.
I like the story of Cupid and Psyche because it feels like it was really well developed. The story doesn't stop at the point that would be necessary to show a moral truth, but continues on and becomes its own thing.
What are some good myths involving Echo (or Psyche)?
I want hot nymph stories, y'all.
But Apollo has no game.
Aphrodite being born from Uranus's castrated dick
Hercules doing his seven labours and STILL being cursed by the gods to kill his family
also the Odyssey prior to Odysseus actually making it home to Ithaca
You know Tiresias? The blind guy in the underworld Odysseus talks to? His story is one of my favorites.
>On Mount Cyllene in the Peloponnese,[3] as Tiresias came upon a pair of copulating snakes, he hit the pair a smart blow with his stick. Hera was not pleased, and she punished Tiresias by transforming him into a woman. As a woman, Tiresias became a priestess of Hera, married and had children, including Manto, who also possessed the gift of prophecy. According to some versions of the tale, Lady Tiresias was a prostitute of great renown. After seven years as a woman, Tiresias again found mating snakes; depending on the myth, either she made sure to leave the snakes alone this time, or, according to Hyginus, trampled on them.[4] As a result, Tiresias was released from his sentence and permitted to regain his masculinity.
And then later on
>Tiresias was drawn into an argument between Hera and her husband Zeus, on the theme of who has more pleasure in sex: the man, as Hera claimed; or, as Zeus claimed, the woman, as Tiresias had experienced both. Tiresias replied, "Of ten parts a man enjoys one only."[11] Hera instantly struck him blind for his impiety. Zeus could do nothing to stop her or reverse her curse, but in recompense he did give Tiresias the gift of foresight[12] and a lifespan of seven lives.
Hera is a cunt
Mostly because, iirc, it's the oldest epic fail story.
Jason is pretty cool
It was Zephyrus that killed him, he was jealous of dat boipussy.
Pandoras box