Read your textbooks you underage faggot
fuck you im a senior
im on 80mg of vyvanse and ive bene watching tom richey videos for the past 5 hours
im a simple senior in highschool with simple requests
please help me not fail
i have alot of the 3rd and 4th period down
im not too sure on what happens after the renaissance up to around industrial revolution
thanks for that
bumping for my life
>taking exams
You've fucked up
Mr. Adams 1st period?
this is AP euro for college credit
Most colleges won't even accept them anymore
underage detected, i took AP Euro in like 10th grade
AP Euro is usually a senior class, 80% of AP Euro free responses look like
30 years war was started with some kind guys thrown out of a window. Gustavus Adolphus was based with his effective use of artillery.
-remove the word "kind". my mistake
I also suspect op is underage
We took ap euro in a 10th because 11th was for us history state wide and 12th was for econ and gov
I also know our state was not alone in this
Texas is
>9th WHAP
>10th APUSH
>11th no history course
>12th AP euro
in texas
I went to high school in Texas our courses went
>Geography/World cultures
>World History
>US History
>Govt Econ
AP Euro was an elective
I remember when I took the ap euro test like 10 years ago, the document based question was on the most retarded topic imaginable. It was something like Eastern European sports. Threw me off.
You're exactly right. I'm just fucking stupid, Highschool was a while ago.
>And then they went to war
That covers half the material.
>AP Euro
Uh, that's definitely a sophomore / junior year class. The AP history of senior is either APUSH or AP US Gov depending on how you go about it. Basically, OP is almost definitely underage.
No he isn't.
fuck off op
OP left many many hours ago
>catholics and protestants dont like each other
>empires happen
>don't check their maxim gun privileges
>h>r>e stops existing
>becomes germany
Good enough OP?
That's probably because the document question is testing your ability to read and analyze primary sources you dingus, you aren't supposed to know anything about the subject
OP here
can anyone give any must know things about ap euro?
All europeans fucking hate each other and have spent the last couple millenia trying to find ways to screw their neighbours over.
>tfw forced to take AP Euro freshman year
shit was hard. got a 3. Got a 5 on Human Geography and US History though
who /never failed an AP exam/ here?
my problem is that college board restructed the entire FUCKING test
OP. All you need to know is how to interpret some readings, a few charts and figures, and basically synthesize into a fairly simple straightforward thesis and build from there.
Know your Kings, Queens, ArchBishops, and just hit that textbook. Think of the most important figures and read and then move on down. They will throw curveballs at you occasionally but it isn't so much memorizing as it is being able to read meaning from the events. It's been a while for me since I took mine but I got a 5. I got no specifics because when you get out in the world you forget most of it. But not HOW to learn it again. That's what I learned from my AP History teacher.
Her AP Euro class was so good next semester I took the senior history course just because it was World History and it was pretty good at keeping memory. I took that same history class the next year too.
She was pretty based.
they restructured the entire test, its almost more content knowledge now.
That sucks. Writing those essays was easy peasy.
Content of what exactly? The text book? I never read it hardly
I got 5's on the AP World, Euro and US tests, that shit got me near a full semester of transfer credit at College. You'll be good if you did your readings throughout the course and already had a passion (You're posting on here so you probably do.) for history and can understand the perspectives of various groups in history for the essays.
>tfw the test is the same day as my senior skip day
>tfw I can only skip the first two hours of school
I'm such a cuck
lol idk college board has barely told us or the teachers anything, the practice test they provided to us was fucked, I go to some prep school that just got a kid accepted into MIT and the top score on the dbq was a 4/7