*blocks your stack*

*blocks your stack*

Should I give in?

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No you should not.

Yes because it's much cheaper, takes up less space, and you have access to books instantly. You can get a decent Kobo or Kindle for around $30 on ebay.

Yes, Kindles are awesome.

You'll def save more money. If you really like a book than buy it in physical form

Never in the history of humanity has an object more clearly separated those who are into a hobby for the enjoyment and its essence, and those who are into it for looks.

I agree. Having a bunch of uncracked spines on a shelf is just another way to appear intellectual. The whole endeavor is enmeshed in a patriarchal system of validity determination. With a Kindle one can just read without "appearing" a certain way. No more pseuds on buses, trains, and in cafes carrying unread copies of Ulysses.

I haven't used mine for like 2 years and it was just laying on my desk. So, naturally when I wanted to finally use it yesterday, it was nowhere to be found.

Don't bother. Use your smartphone instead.

lolpleb, get a kobo like a TRVE PATRICIAN

>power goes out
>battery dies
>can't read books

>meanwhile "archaic" man with real library prospers
>kindle not even useful as firewood

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Good job pointing out issues that apply to absolutely no one that uses this website.

>not having a generator or living off the grid with solar panels

The battery lasts like 3 weeks dude.

kobo respects freedom

if electricity goes out for a couple of weeks i'll be to busy shooting marauders to read

in case of the apocalypse every hotel has the most important book in the desk drawer so we'll be alright though.

I need some help choosing one.
There is no Amazon where I live, still I can get a kindle paperwhite brought here by a friend who's working in the UK it should run me 130€ give or take.
I can also buy a kobo (probably a aura one) in a physical store for the warranty and what not.

My question is, is the A1 worth it? Is it too big? I've looked around everywhere and all I can find is either shills or people who won't even use the A1 in hand so I really can't figure out how big it is in comparisson to the paperwhite.


>could have picrelated
>choose a flimsy piece of plastic instead

What does a Kindle smell like? Nothing. But the smell of an old book is like a long time friend. Each tome is a treasure, each one has its own character.

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this is peak pseud

>this level of fetishization

Don't buy anything that doesn't come with an SD card support.

The dangers of unchecked autism.

what if you want to have two books open at once, to compare certain passages or whatever

buy two kindles?

Ghetto as fuck

You people make me sick I bet you would sell your ear for some cyborg monstrosity. "Hah why get up and leave the house I can just order my books on amazon!", "hah, why should i get up from my couch I can just order food to my door and open it with my Ultima Prime remote control!"

Attached: tome-blue.gif (30x60, 2K)

if you want to learn, you should keep your mind free of things that don't matter



> less space

Fair point

>access to books instantly

Rarely significant

Basically Kindles are for people too rich to use the library and not rich enough to have a big house full of bookmarked volumes

>they have become so acclimated to the lifeless cosmopolitan culture that quality means nothing to them and anyone who appreciates it is inefficient and therefore a pseud

Attached: tome-red.gif (30x60, 2K)

>too rich to use the library and not rich enough to
you sound like you're 12

>cyborg monstrosity
You mean like the one you're using to post your bullshit?

>cares about if the book looks nice instead of the content

>he has become so acclimated to conspicious consumption that the text itself without the social signals provided by the object isn't enough for him

I bet you unwashed worms write on a computer and not with proper pen and paper. No wonder you can't get published, you surround yourself with these ugly machines of modernity that turn everything into cheap junk. Surround yourself with artificial, cheap things and all you will produce will be cheap and artificial. I bet you're around fluorescent light all day and you wonder why you're depressed. I bet you think Photoshop will someday facilitate a Michelangelo. Wrong you soulless maggots, art isn't about efficieny. Only the hard marble could have given birth to a Laocoon. No one will ever produce anything meaningful in a digital world.

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>Hah why get up and leave the house I can just order my books on amazon!", "hah, why should i get up from my couch I can just order food to my door and open it with my Ultima Prime remote control!

The only thing the word processor or an "e-book reader" gives birth to is a herd animal. A complacent knave who only knows how to judge things by quantity.

Oh and I suppose the statue of David looks equally as proper through a computer, and a performance of Beethoven is just as sufficient when heard through larva colored $10 earbuds.

You people should be ashamed of yourselves. You are the death of art.

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>Oh and I suppose the statue of David looks equally as proper through a computer, and a performance of Beethoven is just as sufficient when heard through larva colored $10 earbuds.
No they don't and no one ever said that, now explain why words on a screen are worse than words on paper.

e readers seem cool for reading stupid bullshit, or when a quality edition of something you want doesn't exist and you don't want to spend money on a subpar copy.


Jesus, this place is so "either/or." You know it is possible to like having physical books and actually be an avid reader. Some of you autists seem to think that owning a copy of a physical book means that you're illiterate. It's okay to own a book, fellas.

You are probably so used to the ugly, dead light of LED screens that they don't give you headaches anymore. You don't understand. When everything becomes about quantity and efficiency all that is left is a soulless mercantile culture that no longer facilitates genius—only a herd of walking corpses. Why do people pay so much money for original manuscripts? Is it because they're just pseuds t? I suppose we should just toss out all the old Bibles because everybody has one on a flash drive. Ugh. If the world were meant to be two-dimensional if would have been that way. I will never trade a proper tome for a flat, clinical, plastic abomination. People don't realize what happens to our world when we flatten it and consolidate it into micro-portions. Yes, we could fit an entire library on a piece of plastic, but what's next? Why keep the library around if we have it on digital? After all we need space for the new giga-Apple store and the Amazon warehouse.

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what are you on about? i thought this was a meme thread.

not very related but I downloaded an epub version of the bible and it said that the author was Jesus Christ lmao

The modern man thinks he is an erudite because he has seen great art through a screen, and read great works through some cheap digital printing of them. He is not aware what a remarkable debasement this is of the artist's original work, as though the sculpture only existed to have pictures taken of it, or medieval manuscripts in all their fine detail existed only to have all the superfluous bits ignored and just the bare words taken out to be mass produced on cheap paper with some ugly thrifty font.

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If you care more about the paper than the words written on it, you're literally a caveman.

Imagine getting an e-reader without an sd card slot

The teeming masses don't care about quality. They only want their ridiculous "health apps" and "easy-to-use" e-book readers. The old world valued quality but today all we care about is the "important details". Give me the summary, they say. Skip the formalities and give me the quick and dirty, they say. I suppose Dante is best read on an Apple laptop in a Starbucks whilst listening to Ed Sheeran. Yes I suppose it will have the same effect and if you don't think so you are a pseud.

>It's only about the words, man!

It's really not but you imbeciles wouldn't understand that because you don't see that art encompasses all of life. Just compare the audio renditions of classic works: a young student can rarely recite Plato or Nietzsche in a believable, engaging manner, but the write speaker can suddenly bring life to the immortal words.

E-book readers are the equivalent of people who drive to the gym to walk on the treadmill. "Oh but it's efficient man and I don't have time when I get off from work to--"

Disgusting. You make me sick.

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*snorts and sips expensive wine*

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What a surprise, the vehement anti e-reader crowd are a bunch of pretentious losers.

Yes, very good. Distill everything down to Internet meme quality so that teenagers with the attention span of a fish can participate. This is a microcosm of the debate we are already having. Notice how no quality discussion is possible because a person with a reasonable vocabulary nowadays is something offensive and pretentious. Art is dead because you fools are too cowardly to ask for it, instead feeding on cheap mass productions.

You made a mistake in your post, it appears you forgot to answer my reply, so I'll forward it to you again.
>why words on a screen are worse than words on paper

open the one(s) you're referencing on your personal computer or smartphone, while the one you're actually reading is open on your kindle.

>"Art is dead" says the guy who never went to a gallery and just sadturbates to pre-raphaelite paintings alone

And why haven't I been to a gallery, you simpleton? Perhaps because the modern cosmopolitan culture values quality so little that there are more cellphones in the world than people.

Alright then, Icyfag!

None of them do, besides sd card isn't a big concern for me. Even 4Gbs of ebooks is more than I care to read.

You have to drive to the library, I'm busy and can use that time to do something else.
>rarely significant
I download and read on a whim often.

>I'm busy
You're busy because you have a job you use to buy extraneous shit with. Read your library book on the bus

I've had a kindle paperwhite for the past 2 years, and I've been very content with it (size-wise, battery-wise, availability of reading material, etc.)

If timing is not an issue for you, there's a website which monitors amazon prices and lets you know when they drop, you could wait for a price drop of $20-30 over the next few months

My only reservation is much like that of other people on this thread, I tend to prefer reading on paper. (not so much for showing off a book, but rather I find page flipping and looking for references easier)

pic unrelated

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Dude I live in a shithole 3rd world country where power goes out everytime it rains and not even I get affected too much by this.

Alright what's a good source to pirate Kindle literature

Kindles and efficient and handy but you know its not a mortal fucking sin to enjoy a book for its physical qualities as much as for its content right? You can take the whole I'm a true intellectual because i don't need a physical copy to seem smart! shit too far and end up sounding rigid and insecure.

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Actual books for important works of philosophy, art etc.
e-Readers for lesser work.

How is this hard to figure out? Or do you people actually insist on showing off your massive library consisting of mainly genre-fiction and other schlock?

>I buy books that make me look smart
>meanwhile the embarassing stuff I enjoy I hide it on my ereader
You gave the most pseud answer in the whole thread, congratulations.

I believe the whole concept here is not being attached to your possessions, and if you put your heart and love the most into your physical books and possessions than it's time to make a change.

Why would I keep books around collecting dust when their value was spend the moment I finished them for entertainment?

Why the FUCK do >5gb ebook readers cost like 200$????

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Not the same guy, but the light from a screen makes it difficult to go to bed. That is why I mainly buy physical.
Besides, it does not matter what format the book is in. It only matters that people are reading. We should not attack each other over the format of the book, as long as the book is being read.


why do you need 5gb? just keep everything stored on your calibre library and upload one or two books at a time as you read them

I already gave in

>The form is less important than the substance

WRONG. The form and the matter are critical for one another. THIS IS WHY WE DON'T LISTEN TO BEETHOVEN PERFORMED AS A CHIPTONE. People like you will say, "Well it's the same because the information is all there. The form doesn't matter." WRONG. A book is best read IN ITS PROPER FORM, i.e. as a tome treated with respect and reverence, not how you treated your oily, crusty electronics that don't mean anything to you.

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unless you are reading the book in an edition personally approved by the author you have the wrong form

picrelated's form immediately demands reverence and humility. You wouldn't read this while you're evacuating on the toilet seat because it would instinctively feel like a desecration, and this is merely the work of the format, so beautifully and gracefully is the work encompassed and delivered.

Attached: Gutenberg-Bible-in-NYPL.jpg (3161x2178, 2.04M)

picrelated on the other hand wreaks of consumerism and "practicality". it does not even try to accommodate the different works which it presents; could use it while taking a shit and wouldn't feel bad. no harmony between form and substance.

damn it, curse my haste

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Your own logic makes no sense. Of course listening to chiptune Beethoven and actually listening to a live orchestra would be entirely different due to the fact that some asshat edited it to make it into a chiptune.
This is why your logic falls apart. The Chiptune was changed from the original, thus not giving the same content as a live orchestra. As such, to compare the two is stupid. A better comparison to make would be a recording of a live orchestra playing Beethoven versus going to hear the orchestra live.
This puts a point in my favor. After all, there should (hopefully) be no difference between the physical or recording. The choice between going to the event and just listening to the event in question does not change the content of that event. Thus, the two get the same or similar experience. This is the same with physical and kindle books. After all, there is no difference between one's physical copy of Moby Dick versus the kindle copy of Moby Dick.

precisely my friend and these hedonists here will never understand

I did. Only drawback is the blue light from the screen at night. I wonder if I should keep a light on the room or not?

>this shitty example
A beethoven performed as a Chiptune is not the same you fucking retard.
And just so you know, since it's been a few times you used music examples without knowing jack about it, conductors do their own take on the symphonies of the composers all the time. Nobody knows how Beethoven wanted his music to be played. We don't even play his compositions with the correct instrumentation since it evolved since the 19th century.

You are still misunderstanding. The chiptune retains the matter, the substance i.e. the music as information, but present in a different form; a form which still presents the same music but degrades it and does not present it in a way which allows the audience to hear it's full breath.

Likewise, the matter of a book is the bare words; the format is the paper, the font, the overall feel of the book, AS WELL AS the whole atmosphere in which the book is read, i.e. the whole manner in which the book is presented to you. If it is treated as something which demands seriousness from the reader, he will go into it with a much different attitude than if it is just some book on Amazon with some hastily printed cover art and so forth.

The form of the presentation is important because it has a tremendous potential to PREPARE the reader for what lies within, just like how people attending a symphony are expected to dress up, be polite, and so forth, and all this has the effect of communicating to the listener that this work is something worthy of their whole attention.

>nobody knows how Beethoven sounded

Exactly my point, but nonetheless conductors and performers spend a great effort in trying to deliver the work in a way which lends itself to the true meaning of the work, which most gracefully accommodates the substance. This is called the form. A chiptune may still retain the whole matter of the work, i.e., all the notes and rhythm, just as a Kindle e-book retains the barebones content of a work.

What I have said and what you have reinforced is that the FORM is IMPORTANT and actually critical to the delivery. What our modern culture does not see is the dangerous effects of changing the form so as to be conducive to mass production and "practicality", the very thought of which is offensive to art.

dude we get it you have aspergers

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The amount of money you save if you read a lot (and pirate) is worth it alone. Plus if you don't have a stable locations and don't want to be lugging a million books around all the time. Depends how much you read really.

Sadly timing is a issue for me. My friend is coming here in early May and he won't come again for probably a year.
He can ship it to me afterwards but I'm unsure if it's worth it, value wise, and I don't want to be too much of a bother.
Thank you for the small review of the paperwhite tough.

>lol funny memes haha autism

You will never be taken seriously because you can't approach anything of significance with the seriousness it demands.

There's no "proper form" for books you brainlet. The only "proper form" would be the original manuscript. You're mistaking embellishments for actual form. Your analogy also doesn't make sense, changing instruments in a composition also changes the substance. Please find a cliff and off yourself.

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giggling, mate

the form of a book can be whatever. Books can have many different editions with different covers and paper quality, font, etc., in different countries and these are usually not decided by the author.

>The chiptune retains the matter, the substance i.e. the music as information
The chiptune version does not retain the original symphony's substance. After all, it is a remix of the original symphony, thus to compare the two is, again, stupid.
>The form of the presentation is important because it has a tremendous potential to PREPARE the reader for what lies within
This exact line of logic is why you are a pseud. Your example of attending a symphony makes no sense. Of course your expected to dress nicely at a public event. This is especially true of Orchestras. However, this does not apply to books. The mere book itself does nothing to "prepare" a person for anything. It is a book, not a status symbol. The fact you treat it as such is what makes you a pseud.
Again, just read the book. As long as you get the same substance, the form does not matter.

>The chiptune retains the matter, the substance i.e. the music as information, but present in a different form; a form which still presents the same music but degrades it and does not present it in a way which allows the audience to hear it's full breath.

Books nowadays are not what they were. They have ugly digitally printed cover art, as opposed to etching or drawing, the paper is cheap and the font is ugly. The beautiful calligraphy which is to be found in medieval works is entirely absent. And in our technologically advanced aged all of this should be easily implemented. But it is not because books are not treated with the same respect.

The very moment those things affect the sound of the work they stop being form and begin being substance you cretin, we are talking about MUSIC.

What do you think constitutes the form of the music? It is everything except the actual music, just as the form of your speech is everything except the words. If the chip tune was not capable of transmitting the matter of Beethoven's symphonies you would not even recognize it. That you can recognize the music in the chip tune is proof that it is only different in format.

I'm trying to explain to you that the whole presentation of the symphony, including dress code and all that constitute the form in which the music is presented to you.

You idiot. The music as it is on paper is the matter. The instruments on which it is played contribute to the form. You are implying that the sound of the violin is somehow part of the music—no, it is merely the vehicle for a particular melody line. The chip tune can carry the melody just as well as the violin, both carry the melody, which is the matter, but in a different form.

That doesn't answer what I said cretin.

I pity your retard wrangler

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Can you explain to me why the same book (for example, Moby DIck) would have a different form between the physical and the Kindle edition? After all, the content of the book is the same, just in a different format.
The only time I can really see the form of a book being different while the substance is the same is with abridged copies, such as No Fear Shakespear, or with translations, such as the different English translations of Crime and Punishment.
So, let me ask you this: why does the format effect form?

You do know that the composers pick and choose the instruments that play the piece, right? And that they don't sound like the instruments we use today.
Music isn't melody, harmony and rhythm, timbre is also a musical aspect.

Listen, do I read digital copies of books? Yes. Would I prefer physical copies? Yes. Would I prefer a physical library with the sweet smell of books and antique furniture, with light gently cascading down to the floor through beautifully crafted windows? Yes.

I am merely saying that form is important. What I am more concerned about than what font your copy of Moby Dick is printed in is the effect that cheap mass production is having on quality in general. If everyone just submits to the lifeless mercantilism of the modern age, I fear less care will be paid to the form in which art is delivered and the world will suffer as a result.

You're mistaking embellishments with form you utter fucking moron. Go jump off a cliff.