ITT: Good Borders.
Show me your borders, Veeky Forums.
Pic related, best map.
ITT: Good Borders.
Show me your borders, Veeky Forums.
Pic related, best map.
Thanks for using my map senpai.
I still think GrossGermaniums was a mistake.
It's a solid 9/10 map my dude.
I tweaked it a little by giving Cyprus to Greece, Corsica and Algeria to France, but others wise great map.
But I do wonder what that disgusting blob is next to Russia and Poland?
>inb4 posts that demand anatolia to be within greek borders
>france existing
>eastern thrace to greece
>iberian union
genocide Turks, give the land to Kurds, and we're fine
Nothing wrong with it, they both have similar cultures, share a language etc..
Yeah, I kinda agree
>France existing
Whats wrong with France existing?
>eastern thrace to Greece
>Iberian Union
See GrosseGeraniums
we get it Prussiaboo, you hate France. Now fuck off before we invade you yet another time.
Also map threads belong to /int/ faggot
Alsace-Lorraine is German.
>invading anybody after the 1870s
>that borders
*tips mitre*
Ruthenia senpai. I don't want Poland to border eternal ruskie
Also, I based it on 1942 map of Europe
Fuck off kebab
>Denmark having Norway and Iceland
Why would Turkey deserve any on the islands in the aegean?
Also, a Scandinvaian union would be rad along with the Baltics.
Best alt history would be Denmark getting petitioned between grossgermanium and Sweden desu
I mean Partitioned hehe
>people keep giving Istria to Italians in these meme maps
Go eat a turd and choke to death while doing it. Also, we're not sharing a state with Muslims and Serbs, go fuck yourself.
>no Slovenias
what is this non /gsg/ sanctioned meme?
r8 ebin preussen glorialis
I second this, at least let us be under a Slavic ruler, not the fucking Italians or Germans again
So, half of Istanbul is Greek, half is Turkish? How does it work? Millions of people have to pass through border customs to go to work?
It works in the EU ma nigga.
ITT: I can't remember all countries and want world politics to change because of my ignorance.
WIP Setting that takes place in ALT 1960's.
r8, h8, masterb8.
>Greeks a minority in their own country
Agreed this is the best Spain.
I need a legend
light blue = first world
red (the russian kind, not the south american kind) = second world
what's the rest?
that map looks so good op
Light blue = US & Satelites
Dark blue = Union of European Monarchies (probably going to strike this one out)
Grey Blue = International Falangist and Integralist Movement
Purple = Syndicalist International
Russian Red = Warsaw Pact
Blood Red = 4th International
Light Green = Sunnis also Rhodesia (not related)
Dark Green = Shia
Brown = South Asian Economic Union
Cyan = Union of Pacific Republics
It's an experiment to see how multipolar could the world have been if the 300's-40's went about differently.
The main difference is that Trostky survives in South America and Mussolini leaves Hitler after he invades Austria.
If only they learned how to hold on.........
Please come True
What the fuck did you do to Romania you fag, what's that red shit over there
>you will never live in a world where Salzburg won the 3rd Battle of Rheinfelden
Just end my life now 2bh family
prove me fucking wrong
>Chzech Republic
>Turkey owning Constantinople
>No Iberian Union
>UK has Ireland
>Egypt owning Israel
>Serbia gainz
Nah m8
Done well on Germany, however
>Clusterfuck of nations in the Baltic
>That little blob of land inbetween Russia and Poland should belong to Poland
>Halved Italy, Corsica should go to France
>No Iberian Union
>Greece into Anatolia
>Independent Crimea
>Ireland owning parts of Wales and Scotland
>Sweden having parts of Finland, Finland having parts of Russia
Get out
Nerf'd it, It was shit anyway
>International Falangist and Integralist Movement
this nigga knows what's up
how did this happen
I cried
>Good Borders.
Fuck you OP.
>playing EU4
Map discarded.
This is bullshit. We've no reason to lay a finger on Åland since they're basically Swedish people living with a special status in Finland just because. If they became Swedish they would became ordinary Swedish people.
And the day Denmark gets Norway again is the day we march over the Great Belt again. There's no reason as of why Iceland and Norway wouldn't be sovereign nations.
>Finland still belonging to Sweden
Tbh id rather be under Russian rule than Swedish, atleast Russians aren't push over pansies that bend over for immigrants.
>Croatians still think Istria is in any way, shape or form Croatian
If I were you I'd be glad they'd let you keep Dalmatia you Half-Turk abomination
>No greater South Africa
>French Congo
>Commie Algeria
>split France
>split Germany
>Baltic states existing
do you even meme/10
Hey, that's pretty good!
except for
>Everything east of Poland not being annexed into Poland or Russia
>no united Baltic State
>Basque ""Country""
But then again
>Greater Netherlands
>Greece as Balkan hegemon
>those Netherlands
>that Germanymanymanymany
End my life tbqh F.A.M.
>implying we want the "nation" who voted to stay in the UK and some sheep fuckers.
>all those shitty maps
>No pic related
nice trip
I took yours as inspiration.
Soviet European Union.
Long live the Bolshevik Revolution!
Better dead than red, commie.
Then why did you just call it Alsace-Lorraine ?
Checkmate atheists
Better Red than a capitalist, imperialist tool.
absolutely disgusting
best in the thread
>T*rkey owns Constantinople
>Cyprus is independent
>tiny Austria (butthurt Prussian detected)
>French Corsica
>France not going up to the Rhine
>Portugal without Galicia
>ugly Eternal Anglo extension in Ireland
>Denmark and Norway two countries
>Finnish Aland
>Poland not owning Ruthenia
>tiny Hungary
>what the fuck is a Belgium?
Utter shit, looks like you didn't even try.
What's the difference?
Communism is shit, and every nation that has adopted it has been a total trainwreck
This is 1942 map of Europe with by the Germans. For example it has Ostland which was never really a country
As a lithuanian I say if you unite us with someone then bring back rzechpospolita and finally create Republic
Whatever map where national borders most closely follow this map, with some exceptions where the politics are simply too extreme.
Why do you faggots want to balkanize Germany so bad?
best planet earth coming through
I thought Lithuanians hate the idea of Polish dominated state.
Baltic Kingdom or Dutchy seems more reasonable. Multiethnic states are doomed to fall.
Turanism sure is cancer.
>HRE's Danzig
GIve it to Kingdom of Poland ffs.
Danzig/Gdansk us part of poland on that map m80m8. Also that's ebingrossgermaniums(including the little prussia exclave).
Prussia Is rightful German land.
Give Prussia to Germany and it's 10/10
muh prussia
Prussia is 100% German territory, aswell as "Alsace-Lorraine".
Just like German women are 100% Syrian and Turkish territory.
Lithuanians hated the fact, that they essentialy cucked themselves volountairly into Poland. They lost their culture twice - to the Ruthenians and then to the Poles. All of Poland's major noble families are Lithuanian, Vilno was majority Polish and finally, only the peasants were left to rebuild Lithuanian identity. They claim Mickiewicz wasn't a Pole, because his most famous work begins with words: "Lithuania, my fatherland!", but the same book ends with Polish anthem being played. They lost everything as a nation.
I know.
It's only a matter of time before culture of minority gets replaced with culture of majority.
Still, Polonization in PLC wasn't as hard or even close to being as hard as in Prussia or German Empire or even Russia.
You wanna fucking have a go m8?
>wallonia under dutch rule
Yeah that wont go wrong.