How to come to terms with the fact that your writing is subpar and you will never be published much less make a living by writing or create anything worth remembering and will be doomed to work jobs that you loathe and that make you suicidal? I seriously don't see any way out of this cycle of work, exhaustion, inability to write or submit stories, and resulting hopelessness. Should I just resign myself to bring miserable and give up on writing? I think I can probably deaden my sadness with video games and tv but I've mostly abstained from those so I can read and write. But if there's no future in that for me I might as well just accept my fate and become a total loser. Will Jesus help, or shrooms? Help, anons.
JUST b urself
1. Conquer the void. Find a way to write and be successful.
2. Accept your fate and push the boulder up the hill every day.
3. Off yourself.
Write young adult fiction. Or young childrens books. Self Publish for E-readers. Doesn't have to be as good as other genres and it shouldn't be too hard to find some meme to tie it into. That will help with future submissions.
Practice more.
Remind myself that literature is an obsolete medium that will be completely abandoned and forgotten in 50 years. So it doesn't matter. Then I get angry at myself for not picking music as my art form of choice instead.
but my writing is amazing lmao
Flaubert began writing at age 8 but did not publish anything outside of school until he was 36, and this was Madame Bovary. He would write for 12-14 hours per day. He wrote a book for 3 years and read it to a group of friends over the course of 4 days and they told him he should rewrite it entirely or burn it. 25 years later he finished it, The Temptation of Saint Anthony, which sealed his legacy as arguably the greatest writer of the 19th century (Three Tales hadn't even come out yet).
And he had zero discernible talent until well into his 30s. He was by no means a genius. He just busted his fucking ass for 14 hours a day for decades.
>he wasn't born into a wealthy family
Get a job, a wife, some kids, be happy. Read a book once in a while.
Simply untrue. I work in publishing. We are trending toward another year of higher book sales, which already increased like 15% from 2016 to 2017. 2018 will mark an even larger increase.
Books are western society’s antidote to the clickbait, social media addiction disease. You’ll see massive marketing initiatives making this claim in the coming months. People are unhappy with the direction the internet, and screens, are taking us.
*This is known as “nostalgiafagging” on here. It’s the future. Invest in that which is seemingly antiquated.
This makes me angry almost every day
Rationally I get this but I have a hard time with allowing emotions to dictate my choices.
Tried being a musician but you need other people to make it work and no one wanted to be my friend.
Missed this one. I have the first two. Still unhappy. In fact the job goes a long way in making me unhappy. Pretty sure kids won't help either unless fulfillment really is found in following biological imperatives.
Get to work wagie
that's interesting, I decided to get into reading because I was sick of social media and normie interaction
Im not a bad writer, and If I chose to be published, It wouldn't take me that long.
Your suicide note will be incredibly well written.
>need other people
homie music is like the one thing you don't need other people to make work. You can make your own music easily. There's numerous acts that are essentially just one person writing, performing, mixing and recording. Of course they'll get help when they can, but if your music is good people will be interested.
this is fucking retarded, global markets are bigger and people can buy ebooks and coffee books more easily reading isn’t making a comeback
>i work in publishing
ah you deserve to be hung from a lamppost
he’s just saying things that benefit him financially literacy is at an all time low in the west, book sales going up, which is almost certainly all YA fiction and self help books and ebooks people don’t read doesn’t mean anything. never believe anything market actors tell you about their source of income at all, they have an incentive to lie to you
Fuck it. Write anyway. What else are you good for? Write, damn it.
Take commissions to write furry fap-fiction. It'll pay the bills at least. Never underestimate the disposable income of gay furries
Cheer up user you could always write a day time soap opera.
Jokes aside. You don’t need to have a good writing style. You could just be creative, and have a vision. Why do you think people still pay and hire editors?
Not all editors can write in case you haven’t noticed but they sure as hell can imagine and manage things.
Wow great argument. You made 0 points. Kill yourself you miserable edgelord cunt
>literacy is at an all time low
Objectively false. You’re an embarrassment.
Life isn’t worth taking too seriously. We all die, everyday I get up and think amazing how the Greeks survived, but the Egyptian thought must have been entirely lost and no one has fucking answered my prayer. They must have been just as good but people get lost and forgotten. C’est la vie
Decent point but I'm vain and in need of validation.
How old are you? How long have you been writing?
26. For maybe 3 or 4 years seriously.
I'll write myself into the ground, be it by poverty or old age.
You have basically two options: accept your mediocre existence and manage to find some happiness on it or simply kill yourself.
Fucking hell... they said the same thing with TV, and silent film.
You can't replace the written fucking word, you reactionary dolt.
That's very young. You shouldn't give up so early. Do you write and read every day?
Become a journalist
I feel that the culture most of us has been brought up in glorifies recognition by the world, which is why we have people like OP agonising over the problem of mediocrity; but the reality is, most people are mediocre after all, or even if they achieve some regional fame they won't achieve world recognition, and in any case recognition is necessarily a biased metric—thinkers and writers who are recognised today are so because the intellectuals and the people in power doing the recognising have decided that recognising these particular people suits their political or ideological motives. No one writes a novel expressly for it to be recognised; they write it, and if the conditions favour them it is recognised, and if not it is not, sometimes without regard to the quality of the novel itself. So maybe we don't need this sort of biased recognition by a world that sees you only as a tool. Maybe we only need recognition from a few important people in your life—your family, your friends, your wife, your children. Maybe that's enough to get by.
At least that's what I tell myself to fight back the crushing disappointment and dreariness.
They said that they would not catch on, not that they were outdated, and both of those mediums are dying already. Streaming is replacing network television/cable television and film is suffering immensely from pirating and streaming as well. Literature is hundreds of years old, has a dwindling applicability to the world and an even smaller number of people worthy of continuing the tradition.
Also, what user said is not reactionary, be careful when you call people stupid in an emotional stupor
This. Do we honestly think the Greeks wrote with the intention of being studied thousands of years after their deaths? If your work is able to touch just one person, even if that is just yourself, it's been worth it.
This makes me feel a bit better. I should probably be focused on creating the best thing I can and less on approval, though that's pretty difficult when wide approval has been drilled into your head as the only metric of success.
Most days. I have a hard time sticking to things but I've pursued reading and writing with more tenacity than anything else in my life so far. Probably because I actually like doing it. I do feel 30 looking ahead of me and it feels like most of the great writers had published important work by that time. I guess the modern world is a little different but it's still nerve wracking.
You should never come to terms with it but always come to terms with the fact that you can always improve and become better. Scour your work with a critical eye, get a second opinion from another writer, maybe pay for a professional reading, submit to competitions, free or paid, contact agents, self-publish, never give up never surrender
There's literally no excuses but sometimes motivation can be hard to come by. For me I need ignorant trap rap to pump me up but I also take motivation from philosophy and stories of other people's successes. Different strokes for different folks, but you gotta press on my guy
There's no way your writing would be as bad as it was a week ago if you continue to re-draft, a year ago if you continue to improve, a decade ago if you kept yourself busy and productive.
>No one writes a novel expressly for it to be recognised
Nobody would pursue publishing if that was case.
From what I've read u should just read tons and also be already creative as hell if ur not smart than u r screwed yes u probably wont invent some new cool way to write. but one thing that most good writers had was they read all the damn shit.
Then give into self-vanity: the filled page and not the blank one, the page filled with words made by your hand will validate you. It gives you a something over a nothing. And in the face of a nothing, you can still spill ink.
seriously considering this option
Reading does make my brain less like that of a child who's consumed massive amounts of sugar it's true. It's an ongoing struggle, but when I manage to get my brain to engage with prose after work it feels like a relief after staring at a pc all day.
Here's an idea. Write what makes you happy, and find a way to make it good. Don't sit around on a message board for posting memes and getting keks and go find something worth writing. You're not going to get anything done otherwise.
Essentially, get the FUCK up off your ass, and IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE SITUATION YOU'RE IN, FUCKING CHANGE IT. The only meaning in this world is what you give it. So make up a reason to live, even if it's a lie, and make it something worth living for.
Write yourself a better fucking plotline, and GO.
just keep posting
there is absolutely no evidence to suggest the piss poor literacy of Americans has improved, all studies done show literacy has stagnated in America and is only improving in Asia. Book sales increasing because online shopping and uni purchases for their libraries and burgeoning bug student bodies increasing doesn’t mean anything. The complexity of speech and writing has decreased in the media and public correspondence. I see less people reading in class and less adults that have read classics by the year. You’re fucking idealogue industry hacks both of you are projecting. Look around you, culture is degrading
Sounds like you are having an existential crisis user.
You already know the answer. Take your time if you can't see it. Don't be afraid to do whatever it takes to achieve what you want once you know, but be honest and take your time.
Kinda write this to myself too. Thank you for share your thougths.
Perhaps some writers do publish their best works at a young age, but there are also a greatmany who do not publishing anything until their 50, 60, even 70 years old.
It all comes down to your true level of commitment. If you’re only willing to grind for a couple years before you expect literary success, best to quit now. If you’re willing to work for a lifetime? Go ahead, you’ll most likely write something good eventually.