Now that the dust has settle can we discuss the greatest release of the past 5 years?
Now that the dust has settle can we discuss the greatest release of the past 5 years?
yeah and then we can create a rupi kaur thread and then harry potter :D lmaoooO!
Not OP, but what if it's actually good?
The purpose of this thread is to write words like SJW, cuck, soy, white genocide etc.
I just wanted to discuss a novel I enjoyed....
lol soy liberal. try the redpill
If you enjoyed John Green you are most definitely a soyboy or an SJW or what have you.
My grilfrend liked this book.... should I be worried? Or is it normal for grils to like it?
women are inferior to us and our big brains. they are feminists and degenerates. try the redpill. We are superior
So that's a yes (question mark)
I would say that it is probably the best book published since zero k
yes, subconsciously suggest her to read Meditations.
>be me taking english 101 class
>"user you have to read a book xD then you have to make a review where you tell everyone about it then we discuss it afterwards"
>english 101 is literally a meme because it is obligatory but the grade does not matter
>pick this because i dont have time for this and i can get some fun out of looking at how shitty it is
>read it in 2 days
>actually is sort of funny to read, dont get me wrong, its a complete shit book, but you can get some enjoyment out of the million cliches and bad appeals to teenage mentality
>2 week later, barely remember the contents of the book, just gonna improv a review
>babble some bs about john green
>try to say some good shit about it, but quickly derail into calling it a shit book literally anyone could've written and that the book is really creepy because its written for young girls and how i think its completely unoriginal and the only reason so many people relate to it is because most people are unoriginal mass-produced garbage
>the entire class is pretty much silent
>later figure out literally 8 of the ten other girls in my class as well as three other retards have chosen the same book
>tfw they actually like it
>tfw one of them tries to explain how the book actually isnt creepy but fails due to bad english skills and ends up really mad /sad
Ummmmm hellloooooo?????
Ever heard of a book that serves the memory of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and many other unarmed blacks who were upstanding moral citizens who were in no way associated whatsoever with gangs and gang violence, who were all shot down in cold blood by racist CIS white cops???? Ummmm sweetie, I have news for you, it's a book called The Hate U Give
This. women should be shot.
>tfw that's a real book
>and the U is really a 'U' and not "You"
God I fucking hate newplebs who can't bant to save their mommies lives. Put some fucken effort into it. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Keep 'em cucked, John!
>non-white author
Strike one.
>female author
Strike two.
>female protagonist
Strike three, you're out!
>Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
And what's wrong with it
while i dislike this kind of bullshit turned into a book I fucking hate this kind of posts holy shit how unfunny can you be
I hated The Fault in Our Stars so much that I couldn't get past the first two chapters and I still haven't finished it.
With Turtles All the Way Down, Green toned down his obnoxious humor and managed to convey the experience of OCD (which he and I share) both without the obnoxious irony with which he wrote about having cancer, and accuracy in terms of what it's actually like to have the disorder.
It's not a perfect book, though. There are parts of the book where the main character is looking at her love interest's blog, which is just an excuse for Green to insert a bunch of literary quotes from authors who are better than Green, and you can tell that Green really, really wants people to view the book as "literary" YA fiction.
Also, the love interest and the best friend characters are fairly one-dimensional, which is a shame because they actually could have been really interesting. The main character struggles with the idea that she is not in control of her own thoughts, and the love interest brings up that because he was born rich, he had little control over his own life either. Then you have the best friend character, who comes from a poor background and has trouble sometimes taking the main character's OCD seriously because she doesn't see it as a "real" issue. But Green only has the characters bring these things up once or twice. The love interest leaves town before his relationship with the main character can actually be explored, and the main character resolves all her issues with her friend before the book can go into any depth with their conflict.
The book really sounds like an excuse for him to officially publish his shitty Star Wars fan fics. At least that's what I got from the Wikipedia summary
the only real post in this thread
>because he was born rich, he had little control over his own life either.
No kid has great control over their own life.This applies across all levels of wealth. Laughable.
i wouldn't worry, although all the women i know loathe him.
You're not allowed to enjoy YA novels here. It's a rule.
bait, still angry though.
technically correct, the rule is we're supposed to discuss literature, which YA obviously isn't.
My high school English teacher loved this book.
John Green is so great I cried on every page of AFIOS. I also LOVED John Dies in the End.
So funny! :DDDD
And the one other guy who said he liked the book refuses to discuss it further.
David Wong's prose style pisses me off so damn much. The only person I've ever seen make "hey guys, I'm almost Douglas Adams" writing work is Gareth Roberts, and he was working off a preexisting manuscript written by Adams.
The book itself is just a vessel for stoner jokes and butchered philosophical tirades. It's one of the few texts that would be made more interesting with the inclusion of a political manifesto.
Also fuck