What am I getting into boys
What am I getting into boys
some queer's self insert fan fiction
one of the greatest works of literature ever produced
enjoy user
>muh Beatrice
>muh Virgil
>muh put all my bullies in hell
Allegory lots and lots of allegory
good but not great, allegedly far superior in old Italian, but if you are monoglot this is what you are stuck with. hav read twice, left bigger impression as a kid
And it's still the best book ever written. Isn't that funny.
>good but not great
amazing faggotry and pelbdom
>reading poetry in translation
seriously hope you don't do this
you need to go back
You need to learn another language
Cringe worthy self-insert "I'm not worthy even though I've glorified myself for the entire story! Oh I'm oh so humble!" unchristian (taking pleasure on the punishment of others in hell) bullshit.
its extremely monotonous and the christian god doesnt exist, he teaches you a disgusting version of the Osirian-Eleusian mysteries and forces Italian political intrigue down your throat. The only circle of Hell that frightened me was the circle of treachery where the one sinner attacks and tries to devour the other in Canto ~30. Its an unbelievably banal work of fiction, the references to Semitic mythology, the Bible are worthless spiritually, the prose in english is lifeless, Dante is a reprehensible moralizing dork, and including Virgil is possibly one of the most homo beta measures ive seen an author use to acquire legitimacy for their work. Catholics and classics fags belong in the boiling pit of excrement for forcing people to read that shit. It doesn’t deserve a close analysis. As a kid it seemed all so powerful, infinite associations, Hell is designed as a parody of heaven, the architecture and names all having significant references, most of that is fucking nonsense, there’s no point to it at all, Dante was a superfluous thinker. Milton and Dante are garbage user, that’s all there is to catholic lit
>only reads inferno
back to r/books
I'm sorry that was much too harsh still you get my point.
Why was Milton bad
name something about the inferno that’s interesting and then tell me why i sud read books about Catholic Purgatory and Paradise with more name dropping and schizophrenic, but simultaneously castrated SPIRITUAL architectonics. Sell them to me, from what i’ve seen its fucking garbage. Shakespeare strikes me a similar way, just classics homofaggot bugs licking each others assholes for knowing references to historical places and names, getting high off of symbolism and again what amounts to bastardized Greco-Egyptian mysticism. Why should I care?
literature is just not for you
wtf i hate dante now
2/10 made me reply
>doesn't like Shakespeare
Is that actually a thing?
The greatest, bar none. An all-encompassing representation of the world as it was in the author’s time. Truly magnificent.
post an excerpt or give your defense of the Divine Comedy, from what I can see its just something Christians and Classica niggers exalt to feel more secure in their elitism. Again, Milton, Shakspeare, Dante all seem like nothing but puffed up amateurish attempts at having some kind of Western christian cycle or mythological consciousness, they all fall flat, imitating the Greeks and older cultures doesn’t work if your religion is desolate. Why would anyone who is not a Christian care about those works?
What's so christian about fucking Shakespeare
>its extremely monotonous
But it's not you fucking retard. It's one of the most layared and humane things ever written.
>christian god doesnt exist
I'm not a chrostian either but Dante's christianity is his own and no one else. Beatrice is his gnosis.
>The only circle of Hell that frightened me was the circle of treachery where the one sinner attacks and tries to devour the other in Canto ~30
>Its an unbelievably banal work of fiction
Nope, again, is one of the most layered and humane things ever written.
>the references to Semitic mythology, the Bible are worthless spiritually
I'm not a Christian eitherb but you need to understand and appreciate spirituality as an act of human creation. Dante's vision is unique.
>Dante is a reprehensible moralizing dork,
This is true but basically every classical author sans some exception is a moralising dork (truth to be told his humanity manages to shine through the moralisation, see Paolo and Francesca or the Ulysses scene which represents, amongst other things, Dante's poetic journey)
>and including Virgil is possibly one of the most homo beta measures ive seen an author use to acquire legitimacy for their work.
If you think about it, it is actually one of the most alpha things ever done in literature. Who else had the balls to self insert AND self insert with your literary daddy? Dante is fierce like no one else.
>Catholics and classics fags belong in the boiling pit of excrement for forcing people to read that shit. It doesn’t deserve a close analysis. As a kid it seemed all so powerful, infinite associations, Hell is designed as a parody of heaven, the architecture and names all having significant references, most of that is fucking nonsense, there’s no point to it at all, Dante was a superfluous thinker. Milton and Dante are garbage user, that’s all there is to catholic lit
Thats ur opinion and your very gay
>opinion vs opinion with no arguments: The Thread
beligerent, no excerpts or analysis all of you are pseud conformists
nothing he’s just a wooden egotistical hack for sodomite literati to ape
>hates Dante Milton, classics and Shakespeare
what's your idea of good lit bucko?
books that actually say something about life and society, instead of pretentious drivel. infinite jest, gravity's rainbow, and some philosophy like meditations.
Confirmed for bait.
The Oresteia, Oedipus Rex, Antigone, Illiad, Oddysey, Gravity’s Rainbow, The Metamorphosis, The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, Storm of Steel, Notes from the Underground, Journey to the End of the Night, Ubik, The Sheep Look Up
Literature is high brow tv for bored upper middle class types its not something worth more than a brief high Deleuze was wrong
I didn't laugh once desu.
>tell me why I should read
I don’t give a fuck what you do my friend
>tfw unironically did not enjoy La Commedia
Was pretty dull tbph, had nothing on Homer, the Aeneid or even the good bits of the Bible. Guess I'll blame the translator.
What did Deleuze say?
I enjoyed it. There are several companion guides you could use to clarify things. Worth the effort.
One of the greatest Fantasy trilogies of all time, right up there with The Princess Bride
Selfinsert bible-fanfic by a competent author.
Also shits on loads of people from his time while walking through hell. You better know your Italian, papal history.
are there poetic roses to stop and smell along the way?