I did it I beat it

Just finished Blood meridian as my first book in a long time. It was great, and I'm excited to read more. What should I read after this? Any of pic related?

Few notes though:
>I tried to read Moby Dick and failed completely. That's definitely past my limit, so I won't be reading Finnegan's Wake anytime soon.

>2. I'm 21, and I'm not particularly smart.

Attached: lit top 100 books.jpg (1500x3500, 1.34M)

read dubliners, stoner, and blindness, decide which one you like and come back for more suggestions, or research on your own for similar works.

Out of curiosity, why those three books?

Blood Meridian is fantastic. I'd recommend something like The Trial by Kafka. It's an easy read.

they're short and represent three different styles. good for beginners. i think they're all really enjoyable
florid language, heavily metaphorical and allegorical, lots of allusions to historical/religious context.
extremely sparse and lucid, straight realism narration
somewhat experimental narrative and prose technique, a bit more alien in terms of subject matter and treatment, and also translated so adds another layer of differnece

but ill add that they were chosen somewhat at random and there are lots of other fantastic choices, both on that list and not.

Thanks this is really helpful.

Thank you, I really appreciate it.

that's a pretty good list but don't take the order seriously and disregard all the jap lit

>disregarding jap lit
do you knwo what website you're on faggot?

#13 zettels traum

this is a literature board faggot

I can recommend The Master and Margarita. It's very fun, beautifully written, not terribly difficult and will impress art hoes when you take it with you in busses/cafes.

>is on a literature board
>tells people to disregard literature
kys faggot

oh i'm sorry i guess we must throw out all criticism now

go back to r/books newfag

This is the inauthentic 2017 list, OP.

when has Veeky Forums been a weeb board
this chart was made by like two people who like jap lit more than it's worth, it's not indicative of quality at all

>when has [Veeky Forums.org/___] been a weeb board
let me guess you migrated here from the_donald

I'm here from Veeky Forums and I will back up that user's greater point.

Veeky Forums is /sp/ territory weeb

start reading Dostoyevsky, it’s probably the best entry into literature and there’s plenty of references to other books that you will want to read later. After a while the interest on what to read will come naturally.

jump straight into zettels traum my man

Do I want art hoes or nah?

they are perfect

I've read The Idiot about 3 year ago. It was really addictive and fun to read. I had a harder time reading Crime and Punishment, and my failure was a big reason I stopped reading for a long time.

>being this new

I have been here longer than you have, bud.

wrong. t. moot

don't fucking out me like that ever again