Is it still possible to fuck off to Paris like Hemingway and Fitzgerald and Miller or is that nearly impossible now?

Is it still possible to fuck off to Paris like Hemingway and Fitzgerald and Miller or is that nearly impossible now?

Pic unrelated

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Just claim to be a refugee.

Paris is too expensive now. Mexico and minor cities in the US are where it's at for the bohemian lifestyle.

Gotta know Arabic

Tangiers is still cool

idk about all that. I live in Pakistan every now and then I run into senile whities with a deathwish skinny dipping when it is 3° outside. If I ask them why they just say because would rather live dangerously than not live at all.

Where in Mexico? I liked it when I visited and the climate is pretty comfy. Would unironically move there if I got a software dev job.

Mexico City is the most Veeky Forums (lots of expats, bookstores and historic sites in the city) and the climate is awesome, but depending on what you're into Oaxaca, Puerto Escondido, Campeche and San Miguelle de Allende are all livable. Any software dev working remotely would be able to live extremely well in those cities, maybe a bit less richly in Mexico City but still more than comfortable.


best minor cities in US?

It was a scam. They all came from rich families and had major connections.

How safe is Mexico City? Used to live near Juarez and the place was a dangerous hell hole.

Fitzgerald didn't come from a rich family at all. That's a pretty major plot point in most of his novels.

For better or worse you're posting on it Bub.

his family were upper middle class (better off than 99% of Americans)

ciudad juarez has many interesting characters

Very. Just like any other city: have common sense.

watch midnight in Paris if you think that will solve anything.

Hemingway was revealed to be a spook. All his travels were assignments. He didn’t have a talent for being where the action would occur.

Mexico is the most Veeky Forums city. Fuck Europe

Only if you are African or Muslim

Literally asking to get kidnapped and mutilated by a cartel

If mexico is so great why are all these retarded goblins fleeing from it

But he literally chooses to stay in Paris and write his novel at the end.

you have similar odds of being beheaded in Paris these days

Because mexico has an unspoken caste system

>senile whities with a deathwish skinny dipping when it is 3° outside

We do it in -65° in Alberta (Canada).
That's a fucking deathwish.
3° is too hot to wear undies for fuck sakes.

Now that is racist.

good thread

While I don't really want to give this away, I'll let you know user.

I'm planning to go to prague. It's cheap and beautiful. It's easy to be an expat there.

nigga I live in canada and i know it doesnt get that cold in calgary you coon

What's the cheapest city to live as an expat?
Some place in Thailand?

Tell me everything you know about how to become an expat in Prague

you fucking show up with a US passport and you're good, even if you stay past the 90 days they can't do much to you.



It is a deathwish when you do it surrounded by Muslims in an area that wasn’t once controlled by the Taliban.

I dont at all doubt Northern AB to experience intermittent colds that low. It is assured to be at least -42 to -48 under no particularly extreme circumstances for at least a few days per season in Edmonton and we're only halfway North to the border of NWT. Drive 5 hours further North and I see it as being completely plausible. Not often, mind you, however. It is still an extreme after all. But plausible.

Not Paris anymore, but perhaps another city?

I propose Mexico City.

Mexico city Veeky Forums meetup?

I have it on good authority that South America will be the best place to live the literary lifestyle very soon, if it isn't already.

I've always thought Hanoi would be a good spot for Veeky Forums expats to live.

Nah, Thailand is now the Veeky Forums capital. Travelers from all over, cheap digs, cheap beer, cheap food, loose women, corrupt cops, border hopping to extend visas, libertines in a stunning country.

This is why people hate you

Gillette, Wyoming
Scranton, PA
Harrisburg, IL

Detroit is where it's at

Marquette, MI is pretty lit


can I still get laid and do drugs like burroughs in the 50s?

>Sarasota, Florida (Live here, Steven King does too along with many other celebs)
>St.Petersburg, Florida
>Asheville, NC
>Portlane, Maine (Stephen King lives here too)
>Naperville, Illinois
>A bunch of cities in North Carolina
Depends really on how you define 'minor city'

why would anyone prefer to live here over larger cities other than the cost of living?

Like most major cities it's entirely a matter of neighborhood. The city's unfathomably huge so of course there are rougher parts, but someone with a good remote job or working as an English teacher can afford to live in the safest neighborhoods.

The cartels don't operate inside of Mexico City, and they're basically invisble where they do operate unless there's an active turf war.

Burroughs had sex with underage boys and young men

Large crowds depress me

the cartels have people everywhere man

okay then kerouac or ginsberg

I have no idea, my suggestions were a play on the word "minor".

the whole point was to leave the US. and mexico (by your leave) doesn't have much artistic tradition

>tfw Mexico has one of the best baroque poets

large cities suck t. live in one
good neighborhood too

>tfw you ignore all the pre-european tradition

>giving a fuck about the Popol-Vuh

Paris won't make you interesting, but it's an astounding city. I miss it.

Richmond, VA

What do most expats do for work ?

why do you say that?

also live in a fairly large city, and I can't imagine living anywhere smaller

It's growing a lot (too much) and getting more expensive but RVA is definitely pretty great.


NEETS who have never travelled apart from with their parents recommending destinations.

Paris, regardless of the issues atm is the best city for the arts you can go to, no question about it

I spent some time in a shitty part of Brazil for a while and that was good for clearing out the cobwebs, so to speak.

>projecting this much

he's right. the idea of supporting cities has ceased to be part of world culture


paris is horrid. really it is just traffic if you've ever been. i don't know if there is a 'place' for artists right now, but imo (and hemingways') the greatest country in the world is spain and if you stay away from touristy places you won't be charged ruinous prices

Honestly the whole Iberian peninsula is nice.

Paris is crap these days. Even London and New York are overrated. Its always the lesser mentioned cities that are always the best places to go. Cities like Córdoba, Mexico, Barcelona.

Buenos Aires & Montevideo



Besides the Mormons and shitty air quality it's basically perfect

Nice place with a Jesuit college in town. They filmed the office (US) in Scranton, and between Wilkes-Barre and Scranton, who are sister cities, Scranton is nicer. Cost of living is also low.

Pennsylvania weather and roads, however, blow.

>paris is horrid
confirmed never been to paris

>people recommending hicksville, USA

lmfao americans baka

almost everyone in england has been to paris


They filmed The Office (US) in California and pretended it was Scranton.

no one who has actually been to paris would reduce it to "just traffic"

thats like someone who has never been to NYC saying "its just homeless people"

Of course NYC isn't just homeless people. NYC is just traffic.

South America or Spain/Portugal is the only livable Veeky Forums place

Literally everyone and their grandmother has been to Paris. Its nothing special.

Paris has lost pretty much all of its old world charm. Writers these days head to where its cheap to live and warm year round.

you havent

I feel like I haven't because I have no good memories of the city. Its mostly traffic and overpriced everything. As we would say when we were there "The sooner we can get out of Paris the better"

you havent been there

i bet you they would. paris is just london with macarons

Why are you trying to defend a city you have no connection to?

Of course they have people in Mexico City for one reason or another but the cartels are not an important part of crime in the district. It’s just not especially useful for the wholesale drug trade given how far it is from the ocean, international borders or production centers and how heavily policed it is. Most drug crime in DF is petty.

Mexico has plenty of artistic tradition, and Mexico City specifically has world class cultural institutions. If you just want to larp as a euro traditionalist or Hemingway then you’ll be disappointed wherever you go, but if you’re looking for an affordable city with a massive and vital community of working artists then Mexico City is a good start.

Go live somewhere in the former soviet union, either in the Caucasus or in central asia. that's what i did, life is good.


Hasn't been relevant since the 50s. Like people have suggested ITT Mexico city is like what Paris used to be. Beautiful architecture, nice people, warm climate, cheap living, great social scene, burgeoning literary movement, historic. I could go on

Attached: Mexico-City-Mexico.jpg (1600x1038, 542K)

Paris is disapointing now a day. There is even a syndrom called Paris syndrom specially named because of how disapointed people were with Paris when they actually went.

Why is it good?

cheap, traditional

It sounds depressing