Why this country always behaves like a spoiled kid, who did not stop causing troubles to his classmates ?
Why this country always behaves like a spoiled kid, who did not stop causing troubles to his classmates ?
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It isn't his fault. His little sister Austria always gets him in trouble.
The eternal kraut will never give up his hope to destroy Western civilization
Krautcucks have to attempt a beta uprising now and again because the rest of the world stops paying attention to them.
I really am getting tired of /int/
Actually we're the most gloripus country in existance and deserve to rule the world. It just wasn't meant to be, yet.
Aber wartet nur ab...
L-Leave poor Germany alone!
>One of the richest countries in the world
>One of the best living standards in the world, best education and freedom of press
Sure is competent for a spoiled kid.
Germans have a long history of doing some cool shit for a little while before looking at everybody else and saying "Fuck you people" under their breath.
Then they get roughed up a little and are quiet for a century or two before doing it all over again.
Today on his: A German stole my girlfriend and was adopted by my parents. I'm now facing a life under the bridge, shitposting for eternity. My name is Igor Adidasowitch.
I hate Krauts who disagree with me but I hate other countries even more
>One of the best living standards in the world
Except if you are live in the Eastern half but oh well, I guess it's half correct.
>best education
Worse than Poland, Estonia, and Vietnam but good try
>and freedom of press
The USK would like to state otherwise.
East Germany is not a half of Germany (a fifth of the population) and still has good living conditions. And the quality of education isn't solely defined by PISA results
>East Germany
*Best Germany
>The eternal kraut will never give up his hope to save Western civilization from the eternal Judeo-Anglo
Because they are the best people in the world and will subjugate and exterminate all others in good time.
>"Poor old Germany. Too big for Europe, too small for the world." -Henry Kissinger
because his parents weren't rough enough when they should have been
Have the Frogs attack you in the rear to steal clay for 300 years and you'll go nuts too.
As if we didnt get gangbanged by everyone from everywhere either
Because they had the same mentality about certain groups Veeky Forums has for them now.
Everyone loves a good mental shortcut.
Reparations WW1
Reparations for "Holocaust" over 89 million
Fast-Shrinking population of natives
Needs immigrants whom in returned have made crime skyrocket.
Germany has plenty of reasons to complain. In modern times, I blame Israel
89 Billion*
>it's another season of germany ruins europe
add Merkel and her cronies to this image please.
>Fast-Shrinking population of natives
The answer to this problem is never "import millions of savages who will never integrate".
That's just lazy.
It's a dead horse, stop beating it.
Glad to see racist /pol/tards are here.
Not him, but he's right.
The thing, there was no real sense of 'Germanism' or a Germany until the 19th century after Napoleon btfo'd the Holy Roman Empire. Before then, their identity was basically just being Catholic pawns, and even that wasn't going so great after the reformation.
After they finally got their shit together and become an actual country, they were like "hey, we're pretty strong. We can be a strong country like Britain and France". Except Britain and France were already there and weren't going to tolerate anyone challenging their alpha status, and that's when shit went down.
Anglos are ethnically Germans
Saxons are ethnically Germans
Aryans aren't Germans, they are Iranian-Indians.
>Fast-Shrinking population of natives
That's their fault.
This is a 100% accurate history of Germany.
Read a book. Germans had a common identy long before France, Italy, Spain, leave alone 'GB'.
The HRE was dissoluted by the emperor himself.
>Anglos are ethnically Germans
>Saxons are ethnically Germans
And yet they left both France and Britain behind. European politics are made in Berlin nowadays.
Lol vietnam.
Why does no one understand the difference between German and Germanic?
>ITT: lol krauts what r u gonna do most overrated country in human history
Why am I always right
Maybe a thousand years ago. English are now mixed with French, Vikings, and Celts, and can't be considered closely related anymore.
dey wuz gud christians they dindu nuffin
poor fellas... fucking heartless allies always making them pay for the shit they've broken.
next time i go to a china shop i'll just start breaking everything i see and if they force me to pay i'll just tell them i can't or else i will go bankrupt and won't be able to feed my family. i'm sure that will work... (and if it does i'll do it again)
>The USK would like to state otherwise.
>implying the usk censors the press
It's the prussians
>anglos are ethnically german
Weren't the anglos the native population before the Saxons invaded? The Saxons being Germanic.
>1938 goes full retard and tried to kill all non Aryan races
>2015 goes full retard and tries to cuck all of Europe out of existence from guilt
So much bullshit in here.
Back to /pol/ you degenerates.
Come on, you're better than this.
That's just common sense ese
>Needs immigrants whom in returned have made crime skyrocket
Nice meme
Reminder that Germany has never won a war since its creation in 1871.