Books to keep getting stronger and to fight against...
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Books to keep getting stronger and to fight against...
>pic related
this might be a faggy post but I didn't want to say existential dread. Putting a name to it is gay and pathetic. It's that thing that lurks just outside of the corner of your mind's eye. You know what I mean... Or I'm just a faggot.
Mental fortitude?
Spiritual fortitude?
Spiritual I guess. I've been looking for something to believe in for a long time and nothing really sticks. I'm not some edgy atheist but I don't believe in the afterlife. Maybe what I experience is actually fairly common (and I believe it is), but without some goal or ideal to strive for, it just seems to easy to accept failure. I used to be so defeated and depressed but I've gotten the courage the live on but it's beyond me to know what for. The most likely case is that I just haven't been outside enough this week.
I used to be like you in all honesty.
I turned to God and scoured for texts that felt real to me.
Maybe try to define your place of eternal rest.
Make your heaven a place of fantasy you wish you to see on death
Find virtues in laws, arts, and love.
Most texts will do this for you if you do it right.
But the book that really changed me is a gem called 'the gleam'
Seems like a book that has been primarily forgotten. Judging by the preface it promises to be an interesting read. How did you come upon this book?
I found it at an antique store looking for a christmas gift for someone.
I'm surprisingly enjoying it. I find her to be very relatable and I want to thank you for sharing. You should tell others about this book.
I try my best. I hope you realize what Ive given you, and can appreciate it for all its beauty.
I hope I can as well. For the most part, I'm optimistic about the life I've been given but when faced with that emptiness, it gets difficult. Thank you and good luck.
Might is Right
Yes, this book is an anchor.
Think of it as a memory
I haven't read Might is Right but how applicable is it really to the modern age? Not to whip out the "current year" meme but we no longer in an age where men can conquer anything that they desire given that they are strong enough. Or so it seems.
there are still corners of the earth where modernity hasn't entirely encroached
Dragon Ball Z.
I think if I rounded up a band of soldiers and overthrew Uganda that it'd prove fairly fruitless...
that depends which fruits you would like, I think that sounds like quite a fulfilling experience
I'll sit on that idea, user. Thanks though.
The Death of Ivan Ilytch
Thus spoke Zarathustra
If you actually pulled that off as a foreigner it would be pretty impressive. Getting your own kingdom in the modern world is kind of a sublime way to have lived life isn't it?
Sure but it's really unfeasible. Even disregarding all the various established countries with a staked interest in your conquest, there's just so much that's able to fuck you over. It's not quite like in the days of Rome.