
books where the main character suffers from learned helplessness and approval seeking.
bonus points if: he is also a virgin who obsessively builds up happy scenes of life in his head with every attractive girl that shows some interest in him (she's only being friendly). this is the thing he thinks about 95% of the time(no exaggeration)

>no self help or psych books

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OP you sound like the perfect person to write such a book.

thanks user, been playing with a screenplay idea not a book though. too brainlet.

A god tier screen play is harder than a god tier book

I was writing a short story but it was very hard to write it as a story and describing things as a narrator. I ended up just writing it like a screenplay. it felt easier to do.

why you say that senpai?


All men and women fantasize about being with people

I want to just rub her thighs in oil, fuck you OP

good dialogue is hard to write tbqh

my diary desu


They have nice feet. I want to suck their toes.

>>no self help or psych books
>posts pic of libtard hambeast wearing mesh sushi wrap

Nigga. Do you even in2 oxym'-irony.

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Sure it is; if you're a rube.

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>A god tier screen play
does not exist and never will. Every single screenplay is rewritten in part by non-writers and non-editors, and often revised at least once by directors and producers. Not to mention execs, and every other party involved in the cash flow of the production or, at times, distribution or marketing budgets.

God tier books are rare indeed; at least they exist. There are books with original, unedited manuscript copies being considerably better than the professionally-edited editions.

Unless you mean a god-tier rough draft, or final author send, or final manuscript pre-edits, pre-revisions. In that case, I concur.

The Collector by John Fowles

Is there a fetish for these alt-liberal neo-gender women?

>tfw no muscular thicc Zarya gf
Kill me bros

holy shit these twins are hot but I bet they don't even read those books

*though only in the case that they're sexy attention seeking, not the hambeast version