>I think if there were no such thing as men, there would be no word processors. Male writers like them because they have this sneaking suspicion that writing is not the most masculine profession. This is why you have so much idiotic behavior among male writers. There are more male writers who own guns than any other profession except police officers. They like machines because it makes them seem more masculine. Well, I work on a machine. It’s almost as good as being a mechanic.
Is she right Veeky Forums?
I think if there were no such thing as men, there would be no word processors...
probably because thats a dude right?
First sentence is correct
Science was built by men
>Lebowitz was born and raised in Morristown, New Jersey.[7] Lebowitz describes her "Jewish identity [as] ethnic or cultural or whatever people call it now. But it's not religious."[8] She has been an atheist since the age of 7.
inb4 /polfag, I love jewish people and am just posting this out of a respect for her culture and background
Baudrillard hates word processors. Checkmate
>Veeky Forums cant identify satire
Does anyone else actually like Lebowitz? She reads like a less faggy David Sedaris
I thought that was a man and now I'm laughing. I mean, I guess the passage makes more sense now that I know it's a generic "weh the opposite gender is different so I don't like them" tirade.
Femcels are real and I feel just as bad for them as I do regular incels.
>A heavy smoker, Lebowitz is known for her advocacy of smokers' rights
desu I hated her after reading the first paragraph of her wiki, but this actually takes guts in modern pc cliques. she has bigger nuts than most male libs
That is one ugly woman. Looks like Geoffrey Rush.
I think she's a dirty subversive kike, but some of her writing is pretty funny.
There hasn't been a great artist who wasn't predominantly female.
>predominantly female
As opposed the 'only sort of females', or the 'minorly females'
As opposed to predominantly male
he means that artists are basically pure Animas, they're all either homos or effeminate, and the one's who are masculine belie a secretly feminine driving force for their behavior. This was well known in the ancient world all the way up to the modern era when people made it socially taboo to call literati faggots limp dicks
That's like...either Simone Weil or Linda Hunt.
what is this person trying to say
Cheers was more than 30 years ago, time to step out of the limelight
Leftists need to decide whether or not an interest in mechanical systems is a male trait or a non-gendered trait that needs to be taught to girls in order to better prepare them for STEM careers.
I do think she's on to something though. I do bet that men are more into word processors because they make it easier to move stuff around and tinker with the structure of their writing as if it were a mechanical object. Men tend to think that way more than women do.