What does Veeky Forums think of ContraPoints?
asking for a friend
psuedointellectual. the sargon of the left. i hate e-celebs i hope they all die
>the sargon of the left
Hbomberguy is even worse in that regard, going so far as doing three videos on the "soyboy" meme to show just how not mad he is.
ive watched several of this stupid gay faggots videos. waste of time
i hate this reddit tier style of humor. how hasn't it died out yet
miss me with this gay shit nigga
>fascists use 'degeneracy' as a catchall term for queers, nonwhites, communists, and people with disabilities
hahahahahahaah what the fuck
Sargon is the Sargon of the left
early stuff is funny and informative, brings up a lot of arguments for conversations i never thought to have or already had an answer too. generally follows the socratic method and allows you space to think for yourself.
I especially like the two-parter about free speech.
new stuff is interesting in a different way. bizarro theater. the video on gender dysmorphia was beautiful and strange.
All in all - quality youtuber who puts effort into her work and utilizes the platform in ways beyond the scope of just talking at a screen.
I want to watch xor video on capitalism but I don't feel masochistic enough today
This has nothing to do with literature please go to /pol/ or /lgbt/
Internet """""intellectuals""""" need to stop stealing my oxygen
I don;t have it in me to watch any original youtube content that's longer than six minutes.
I bet you use folks instead of people and voice instead of platform
>That bitch in a frame in the back
Yea 100% guaranteed garbage
whats Stanism? worship of Stan?
>folks instead of people
What's the reasoning behind this? "People" is a gender neutral term
king ape started it, instead of saying hello ladies and gentlemen he would say hello folks
now all uppity college kids make a point of saying it
hbomb is a pretty tragic case. he's the worst person I've seen to do the 'fake laughter' thing, even more infuriating is that 9 times out of 10 he's actually right, his personality and presentation is just a massive fucking roadblock.
>what does Veeky Forums think about pseud e-celebs
Not much
Why would you want to be deliberately insensitive to the feelings of transgender people? IQ is positively correlated with compassion, there is nothing wrong with taking into account how the pronouns you use emotionally affect others. Taking into account the feelings of people around you is what creates societies with low levels of violence and corruption.
I remember watching them back in the day when I was really into the Youtube Atheist community. I was young and stupid, please don't hold that against me. I believe at that time they had a different channel and Contra Points came later, but this was so long ago I no longer remember what it was called.
I haven't really watched any of their stuff recently, 2bh.
Sweden is a compassionate country, how is that working for them?
Time for some Law&Order™ for you people.
Skimming through hoping it'd be fairly educated social commentary but it's Wikipedia spitball shit
The Roman empire stuff was particularly dumb. Not researched at all, not even a skim over Wikipedia to pretend you know what you're talking about, but still using it to make a point. Why do that? It just makes the whole thing shallow. Similar shallowness throughout. Some fuckin' tranny spitballing his presentist opinions with a veneer of podcast/wiki knowledge, and not even a good veneer.
>IQ correlates with so-and-so personality trait because a couple social science studies say so
>IQ isn't heritable, despite the mountain of empirical data that suggests that it is
lefties sure are something special
>Taking into account the feelings of people around you is what creates societies with low levels of violence and corruption.
The problem is that the tribal morality of the contemporary left - with it's concern for "punching down" as opposed to being ethically consistent - is that is doesn't take the feelings of other people into account. An upper middle class feminist can say "men are garbage" on twitter and get 500,000 likes because she and others like her subscribe to an ideology that doesn't take the feelings of others into consideration.
what roman history shit? i don't believe you actually watched anything.
>Why would you want to be deliberately insensitive to the feelings of transgender people?
Because I want them to realize how sheltered they are and realize that we all have to sacrafice part of ourselves for the greater good. Unfortunately, by attempting to deconstruct gender and objective modal differences between the sexes having a teleological purpose, they are then subverting the majority in the name of preserving their feelings
It's a myth being fed to sensitives that does nothing but harm them and everybody else.
>IQ isn't heritable, despite the mountain of empirical data that suggests that it is
“Heritability measures the proportion of variation in a trait that can be attributed to genes, and not the proportion of a trait caused by genes. Thus, if the environment relevant to a given trait changes in a way that affects all members of the population equally, the mean value of the trait will change without any change in its heritability (because the variation or differences among individuals in the population will stay the same). This has evidently happened for height: the heritability of stature is high, but average heights continue to increase. Thus, even in developed nations, a high heritability of a trait does not necessarily mean that average group differences are due to genes”.
>Not sourcing the quote
Uh oh... That's not a good sign
>Does not necessarily mean
At least post a correlation coefficient ffs
>>Not sourcing the quote
You can find the source by using google.com
>He isn't going to give me the source
Oh nooooo, yeah, this is really not s good sign.
I really hate shit like this. Sure those are some pretty good points but where is your solution? What the fuck is the point of this. It first says that it's wrong to just tell black people to stop committing crimes and pull your self up then later admits it's actually the best way to control your own life. Classic leftists with no solution who just want to flagellate themselves and feel good by spreading awareness and promoting collectivism when the answer was right there the whole time.
>telling people to unsub then go find people of color to listen to
>quoting wikipedia
wow it must be true then
All your quote suggests is that it could be the case that the changes in environment that lead to some of the group variations in IQ differences haven't been applied equally to the populations in question (an assertion that isn't proven), and that it's possible that environmental differences could be the primary cause of those differences. The problem with this analysis is that it doesn't take into consideration that studies that have done everything possible to eliminate environmental variables, like adoption studies.
im finna throw up all my fukin organs
Dear Slim...