How did Ancient Greeks do to get HUGE?
Surely they didn't have bench presses nor any kind of modern strength training apparatus, so what did they use appart from bodyweight training?
How did Ancient Greeks do to get HUGE?
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Rocks, logs, armour, arms.
Pretty sure they had early equivalents of dumbbells
You know how we drive our cars places? The walked it.
You know how we use cranes and forklifts to carry heavy things? They picked it up.
You know how we carve things with tools? They scratched it out using their fingernails.
Ancient Greeks did EVERYTHING with their own bodies.
They may have done this guy's routine
that poor fucking bull. OTOH bull balls to keep your ear warm.
>You know how we carve things with tools? They scratched it out using their fingernails.
Farming. There is a great extent of studies about this. Early ancient greek were farming. Even you had slaves, you help toil the fields.
They went to the gym. They fucking invented that shit.
>so what did they use appart from bodyweight training?
Man, all you need do is lift a giant rock and there you fucking go. It's not that complicated. They rowed, wrestled, played sports, wore heavy armor. It's not like action stars that hit the gym and "train hard" for six months before a movie so they can "get ripped." People soft as fuck. A lot of the training we do today is a lot older than you might think. Sandbag training for example. All you need is sand and a bag, not complicated stuff but very effective.
Macedonia and Rome hyped the shit out of it.
How many bull carries should i perform during a workout? How many sets? Also what's the best breed of bull for maximum hypertrophy during bull carries?
Rich young Greeks would spend all day at the gym, oiling each other up and wrestling...
Let's be real here, if you're making a piece of art, of course you're going to make it look a bit nicer than reality.
They did sports like boxing, wrestling, running and throwing
They rowed ships and marched in gear while at war, and practiced thrusting/throwing spears
They walked literally everywhere and had a modest but healthy diet
you don't need weights to get big, just a proper exercise regiment
reminder that Plato got his name for being built like a brick shithouse and fameous wrestler/billionaire (for the time)
people would basically spend all their time working out, women and men since exercise was seen as a virtue.
They left the humanity behind
Roman's didn't
>You know how we carve things with tools? They scratched it out using their fingernails
So the Parthenon was made using fingernails?
>it's impossible to see a moderately muscular man and imagine him with bigger muscles
I assume they might have looked somehow like the famous Fight Club Brad Pitt in terms of physique. Low bodyfat and moderately developed muscles.
Ancient Greeks were manlets.
Sports were really big
they had gyms
they had to fight in wars
they had to toil in the dirt for farming
they had to carry things
they had to travel by foot
The meat they ate was of higher quality than today too because the animals weren't the weak domesticated breeds that we have today
>Weight training is modern!
No it isnt.
There's pictures of Roman Women with barbells.
Greeks prolly had to.
Their fucking Persian enemies had as well and their weight training program of the Parthian/Sassanid Savaran survives to this day, look up the traditional Iranian gym called a "Zurkaneh" (literally: the House of Strength)
Just do what Louis Cyr did and do it with a grain bag and add more weight. If anything, it shows that the old greek workout of lifting a bull at a young age does work.
Barbells are just modern re-imaginings of ancient instruments the ancients used. Instead of barbells, ancient greeks would lift logs and heavy stones, but it still worked.
>vase from the ruins of snapopolis
>doing rock curls in the bull hoist area
Skinny twink please go back to the gym and train harder.
t. not fat just bulking