>Final part/chapter is the name of the book
Final part/chapter is the name of the book
Literally god tier move when done properly.
books that do this?
Name 6 kinos that do this
The catcher in the rye
Anne Frank
Peace from War and Peace
Punishment from Crime and Punishment
Chapter 49 from The crying of Lot 49
The last 7 chapters in Ulysses start with the letters U L Y S S E S
The neverending story ends with the word “story”
>The neverending story ends with the word “story”
tfw your childhood is gone forever
reluctant kek
Cite twenty more examples.
There aren't 49 Chapter in the Crying of Lot 49. Nice try kiddo.
I Am Legend
>final line is the title of the book
One Hundred Years of Solitude
>middle chapter is title of the book
This triggers me.
The Savage Detectives lol
Yeah this can indeed pack a big punch.
Some books come immediately to mind which don't quite do this but which do something very similar, which has the same emotional punch:- namely, a chapter very late on has the title of one of the main characters. This works because you've been waiting for them to have their own chapter, and since they are so important, it's a really climactic thing.
Two examples that came to mind were:
All the chapters are named after characters, and it's only right near the end we get the chapter "Yossarian"
>Watership Down
At the climax we get the chapter "Hazel-Rah" where Hazel's leadership is finally proved.
>final chapter explains the title's meaning
>book title is a riddle
>120 chapters in Foucault’s Pendulum
>title of the book is taken from a random throw-away line with no real relation to the story
>First page of every new chapter has a list of events from that chapter
"Quo Vadis?"?
The dark tower
>>First page of every new chapter has a list of events from that chapter
i unironically like that
The Evening Redness in the West?
for some reason makes reading really comfy
Every Chinese novel has that.
You made me remember it, got shivers from that.
>Title of the book is the first word or phrase.
>title of poem inside the book is title of the book
I always assume the publisher did it.
>Fuck it. I don't know. I gave you a fucking title. If you don't like the title I gave you then you can pick one. I'm fucking done with this.
Is it good?
I like the idea of a man alone in New York portrayed in the movie but I havent read the book.
Is it a feels ride?
kafka on the shore?
Pale Fire
>final chapter is a mouse trap hidden inside empty pages
>Chapter title begins with "In which"
>Title of book is the entire text of the book
>final chapter ends with "to be continued"
>Is it good?
Yes, way better than the movie IMO.
>I like the idea of a man alone in New York portrayed in the movie but I havent read the book.
Completely different tone and structure.
>Is it a feels ride?
Very much so.
holy shit
I never noticed this
Also 'The Part About...'
>the trilogy ends with the words "This is only the beginning" appearing on screen
>Chapter title is a fucking joke
>Last line of the book is the same as the first line.