What are some books about geek culture?

What are some books about geek culture?

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Maters of Doom
why do people keep making fun of this guy? he's just reacting to trailer. What have you never been excited before?

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>why do people keep making fun of this guy? he's just reacting to trailer. What have you never been excited before?
I think the issue is how forced and for-profit it is. I'll admit that I screamed when Shenmue III was revealed, but I'd never film myself for it, now matter how genuine my excitement was.

Ready Player One and Armada accidentally expose how vapid geek culture is. Ernest Cline is a shallow consumerist who doesn't have any self-awareness whatsoever.

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Jesus Christ, its like watching my three year old get excited.

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That's it. I'm going to write a book about Soyboys called "SOY". It'll be like Houllebecq's Submission but explore the realities of how dangerous popculture and using it as a replacement for real religion and literature. The main character one day wakes up and realizes he has nothing in common with his "geek" friends and tries to befriend some normies but realizes he doesn't fit in there either after being cock blocked. In turn he sets out to start some anit-popculture movement which spawns into a religion. Simon Pegg plays the main character in the inevitable movie adaptation.

Why did Simon Pegg agree to star in Ready Player One after he wrote that greentext about geek culture?

I would guess Spielberg talked him into it. He's a massive Spielberg fanboy.

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Explain why geek culture is vapid.

kill all normies

Would read.

Start with the geeks.

Percy Jackson obviously.

Cash rules everything around me.

I would read it. I also need something like The Man Asleep but with a geek protag obssesed with japanese culture.


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I thought this was Riley and we were still making fun of him for losing Mew.

Would read, but either needs a better title or damn good cover art.

I've never been that excited about anything in my life. Am I broken?

It practically explains itself, user. Grown men throw aside religion and philosophy and instead embrace silly comic books that were written to entertain children. These men spend all of their spare money on useless hunks of plastic and get orgasmic over formulaic blockbuster movies. If you don't see anything vapid about that then you're part of the problem.

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Take into account that he's on camera looking for clicks, so his reactions are going to be turned up to 10.

No. It's not normal to be that excited about a fucking movie. I've been that excited after getting in a terrible car crash and not being injured, but that was a different emotion I think.

Who cares if they’re happy?
It’s not as if philosophy or literature have an particule value either.
Just do what makes you happy bro.

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I'm not falling for it. Geek culture manchildren don't browse Veeky Forums.

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Holy fuck. The soy-boys actually exist!


Simply ebin. I'm sure it won't be didactic garbage.

>ppl don't realize this whole thread is viral marketing for captain america

keep bumping the ads you fucking pleb trash

>Why did Simon Pegg agree to star in Ready Player One

>haha just spend the rest of your life holed up in an opium den bro, as long as ur happy haha

>"Explain why geek culture is vapid."
>gets an answer
>"Who cares if they're happy?"
>"Just do what makes you happy bro."
Why are you trying to dodge the fact that geek culture is completely hollow?

An old book about a murder of a nasty but popular science fiction author taking place at a convention.

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Literature is an opium too.

>Who cares if they’re happy?
They're not, that's the problem. They've filled a hole in their life with pop culture knick-knacks

geek culture is just a nostalgia trip like sports fandom, it's not like people who watch sports arent just tripping back to their days in little league in grammar school or being a high school in hero or whatever, geek culture is the same stuff but for the less athletic, nostalgia for video games, cartoons, comic books, etc. feeding manchildren has always been big business

>Simon Pegg plays the main character in the inevitable movie adaptation.

You should make this part of the book as a sort of meta commentary.

Um no I think they're categorically distinct pleasures, retard

Is this deliberate parody? Surely people can't be this much of a soyboy by accident?

No one is saying there's something inherently wrong with enjoying comic books or blockbusters. The problem is the media have turned this meaningless entertainment into an identity. It's all a sinister marketing scheme and many of the people who fall for it end up leading meaningless lives.
The key difference is modern geek culture completely consumes people.

What do you think they should have to "full their hole" them?

There's almost no difference between Marvel movies and Homer works

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No one ultimately has to do anything. I just attack them because I think that their unbridled support of comic book film is ruining popular cinema, which is a passion of mine.

>The key difference is modern geek culture completely consumes people.

i guess u never met a hardcore sportsfan before

>popular cinema is a passion of mine

why do i bother reading a board filled with the weakest bait

Difference between sports fans and Capeshit consumers are that Capeshit consumers have zero integrity or personality of their own since they are warped up in letting companies make decisions for them when it comes to media.

I have not seen said greentext. Where may I find it?

Literally nothing inherently wrong with popular cinema. They're not superior to art film, but they do serve a particular purpose given that the scale they're capable of can't be achieved by any other sort of film

Just because their place in culture is similar does not mean there is no difference. That capeshit has entered such a prominent place in our culture is why it deserves so much disdain. Marvel movies lack artistry, lack substance, and lack meaning. It's a hostile take over of our mythos by literal plastic mongers.

sports fans are fans of corporate entities, the yankees today are completely different personnel than the yankees of twenty years ago, but people are still hardcore "yankees fans" etc. they're basically loyal to a logo, if you think sportsfans are not deplorable i urge you to go to some sportsfan bullshit, its just as lame as any anime or comic book convention, capeshit is just a way to sell merchandise to people too unathletic to get hooked on sports consumption

Never knew there was a greentext, but Pegg has been pretty vocal about his disdain for "nerd culture". Basically he rightly calls it out as a a consumerist cash grab which marketing moguls have taken advantage of to make big bucks. Ironic, then, that he ran to RP1 when Spielberg threw money his way.

There's a very big difference. Sports organizations bring a sense of community to their cities, and provide an economic locus of activity. They draw in tourists, and help establish a city as "legitimate". Additionally, they don't change all at once. This means, despite having none of the same personnel, there is still often a central attitude or culture or ethos that surrounds the team over time. The organization, and more importantly the fan base which drives it, maintain a continuous sense of character. Anime and comic book fandoms are a bastardization of this tribal derivative. They serve no function whatsoever. The only worth they have is in preserving and sharing creative work, which of course can only be valuable to the extent the creative work is valuable. Since most of it is vapid trash or childish fantasy, there is little good that comes out of it. To really see the difference, compare the models--geekdoms are sustained by the whales, they're propped up by the hardcore fan who spends an inordinate amount of money on product that no one else cares about, whereas sports teams, while having plenty of whales, rely on broad appeal. It is more important for the cubs to sell a hat to thousands of people, then to sell an entire wardrobe and lifestyle to a few hardcore fans. One relies on childish consumption habits, and the other relies on trivial enthusiasm.

>sports fans are fans of corporate entities
Only in pro sports. College sports has at least some modicum of integrity left, though it too has become a vehicle for rampant consumerism. At least with college sports there's actual history, rivalries, traditions, and school pride being played for.


It's possible there's something subversive about the movie then. Spielberg has made some remarks where he suggests that Hollywood needs to start making original movies again, stop just playing on everyone's nostalgia, and what not, right before selling RP1. A big issue of movie making is that it's steered by the people with money, not the people with the skills. Pegg's career is built off "nerd-dom". He can be mad at how hollywood studios are treating the things he loves, but he's not been able to find cross-over success in another genre. His only way of changing things is by making the money now, continuing to get bigger and bigger roles, and then using his money and influence to change what happens next. It's also a thing, where you don't exactly want to turn down Spielberg. He's one of the true kings of hollywood. The way he's been speaking, maybe this is his way of ending the game. Cline may be clueless, but Spielberg is not. Either he's completely cynical, or he's got something up his sleeve.


no don't. My life isn't ready for an biography.

>real religion

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A religion can be real but untrue.

Steven Spielberg is a pedophile who launders drug money

Where do you draw the line? Age? Number of stories? Number of worshipers? At what point does something stop being "pop culture" and become real culture? Is there any argument here beyond appeal to antiquity?

How many funko pops do you own?

Trailer reactions on YouTube are nothing but pure validation, both for the uploader and the viewer.

>At what point does something stop being "pop culture" and become real culture?
You're doing a sleight of hand there, I was talking about real religion, not real culture.

Real religion is that which is actually regarded as religion rather than something that somewhat resembles it.

80% of media discussion is just people trying to impress others with their opinions, in the hopes it will get them excepted. Nobody is completely exempt from this, it just seems so much worse when you can actually see the desperation in their eyes.

Real religion: Catholicism
Rest: untrue
Easy as that.

I'm not saying it's a good thing mate.
Even then, that's a hard line to draw. Is Mormonism a real religion? It's a recent phenomenon, we have plenty of accounts of its formation. If it's real because of its connection to Christianity does this validate every prophet who uses the bible as a reference?

This so much

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Are you deliberately missing the point? That user was comparing religion to something like Marvel comics or Harry Potter.

Top kek

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Happiness is for children and older people. Adults should suffer and meditate about the weight of life.

Of course Satan would say that

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This thread needs more reading suggestions. How about:

I am Providence by Nick Mamatas
Jpod by Douglas Coupland
Microserfs by Douglas Coupland
Rapture of the Nerds by Doctorow and Stross
Any of Doctorow's many YA novels
You by Austin Grossman
Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson has some good sections on the topic

Oh, I didn't notice. The amount of times I've gotten 666 trips is insanely high. I'm a Christian so I don't know how to feel about it.

Some OC

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Comic book conventions do all of those things. Even Free Comic Book Day events, if you've been unfortunate enough to ever witness one, have people lining up down the street. People travel, book hotel rooms, spend boat loads of money to congregate at these events. There is a community to it.

Actually, anime expos are funny. Someone should take pics of crowds and play a guess if it's a Pride or an Anime event type game.

Because people know him for geek shit and it's an easy paycheck

The Culture Industry

>Maters of Doom
The story about Carmack breaking into his school with thermite, then telling the juvy officer he would do it again was great. Same with him simply ending their multi year D&D campaign after Romero got greedy and ended the world chasing some magical sword..
That whole book is fascinating. Definitely more of a biography about a collection of people, and the tech and business changes they started rather than video games

No one has seriously beleived in religion for decades, including everyone on this board. And philosophy has never been something the majority partook in.

That sounds good but choose another name that doesn't reek of /pol/.

Not like that, no.

Childhood is looking up to John Romero
Adulthood is realizing John Carmack is the actual cool guy of the group

Unironically, the Frankfurt School. Yes, they're Jewish, yes, they're Marxists, but they have insightful criticisms of modern hyper-consumerism and the commodification of art.

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What about Growing Down? I could add in some stuff about a cultural revolution happening where people literally go to war over defending their capeshit brands. I feel like this should be the next Veeky Forums writing project.

>It's possible there's something subversive about the movie then. Spielberg has made some remarks where he suggests that Hollywood needs to start making original movies again, stop just playing on everyone's nostalgia, and what not, right before selling RP1.

That's the joke.

>all weebs are geeks
you are retarded

>philosophy and religion
your trying too hard to fit in

I love Carmack.

Charlie Kaufman detected

I never said that. Just a geek that happens to be a weeb too.

The day that Satan is the voice of reason.

>What are some books about geek culture?
that would require that geeks have culture
what they have is memes
and in that vein, RPO is the meme book

they take the Jordan Peterson view on religion.

cain and abel is a true story because it reveals that murders happen

>people literally go to war over defending their capeshit brands
kek. I would unironically buy such a book if written seriously. I can actually picture a soyboy army marching with a 300 lb neckbeard holding a flag with the logo of his favorite franchise. The anti pop culture movement could be a conglomeration of /pol/ and /leftypol/ types who hunt down Hollywood and gaming executives and dragging out from their homes in the middle of the night.

geeks don't behave this way
geekls who go to comic con behave this way

Riley unjusted himself, we're waiting for him to get that Scottish cocksucker!