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By going back to your manga.

Half hour Hegel videos on YouTube help explain the text

hah look a little girl is a dog, its a dog-buman hybrid haha and its a little girl wow


I hope you've spent a few years going through the history of philosophy up to Hegel, including a good grip on Kant. If not, you might have a hard time. The Half Hour Hegel series is really good although a bit glib at times.
That's Fichte

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>That's Fichte

No sweetie, it's hegel

Nope, Fichte

start with the greeks

People study Hegel in that way, but he never used those terms.

>t. never read past Hegels wikipedia

I always hated Hegel intensely until I found out that he was amazingly racist and I could use this to make undergrads have cognitive dissonance

y'know I never thought about it that way

but yeah, it is, isn't it?

absolutely based greek poster

Why was Hegel considered important? I'm sure there are many reasons why people liked him.

Why is he considered important now? Because he's the precursor to both Marxism and Fascism.

The phenomenology of spirit is a romantic bildungsroman of the veltgeist culminating in Hegel. Science of Logic is his Aristotelianism to Kant's Platonism. Anyway, it don't matter. Read his lectures, dawg.

Classical Logic was not 'complete'.

Hegel was one of many philosophers who got very frustrated with this. His solution was to reject classical logic more or less outright and propose an alternative 'logic'.

Not long after he did this actual logicians developed classical logic into its modern form where it is now. All the deficiencies of classical logic were no more and Hegel's system, which doesn't make sense according to either classical or modern logic, was no longer needed (if it ever was at all).

>Why is Hegel so important?
Because people who didn't get the memo about his ideas being made obsolete, adopted them.

This is a recurring theme in continental philosophy.

Europoors took up Marx even though the the day the ink was wet on Kapital the marginal revolution in economics undermined the fundamental principles of Marx's thought. Saussure was adopted by Frogs around the same time that Chomsky, no matter what you think of his Universal Grammar, proved structural approaches as having no basis in reality. Hegel fits into that long tradition of being embraced by intelligent but mal/uneducated continental Europeans, who then proceed to shit up everything.

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>I hope you've spent a few years going through the history of philosophy up to Hegel, including a good grip on Kant.
Disregard this, just make sure you understand Plato and Aristotle, then read up on Daoism and other unity of opposites memes for a bit and you should be good.
Obviously I'm not saying you don't even need to know who Kant is, but reading past the first 30 pages of critique of pure reason is a waste of time since Hegel's critique of Kant is a critique of his general methodology and his fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of thought.

I'd be interested to hear what you think the difference between classical and modern logic is. Other than that you're right.

It's really hard to even understand the game Hegel is playing without Kant. Hegel's project is wholly in the realm of German Idealism, and without a good understand of what that is, and more to the point, why those systems were in need of a Hegelian turn, most people get hung up on the question, 'Why write this nonsense at all'? That is why all prior philosophy - especially the German Idealists - helps to understand Hegel's project as a whole.

should have started with the greeks

On the other hand, following whatever is currently popular leads people to parody systems like analytical philosophy, so surely that can't be the answer either?

I still have no idea how anyone could look at Hegelian dialectics (much less Dialectical Materialism, which has an entire subfield dedicated to backpedaling via traditional logic when DM backfires) and think "wow, this could totally work in real life".

Any good readings on this?

Daily reminded that Hegel's ""confutation"" of Aristotelian principles is invalid this rendering his whole philosophy a joke

He is like Marx.

Nobody takes either seriously however it might be fascinating to know how their thought lead to atrocities committed on an unprecedent scale.

just as i thought people on this board couldnĀ“t get any more stupid than the JP fanboys

Hegelian dialectics don't fucking 'work', they're not a method for divining the future.Hegels system is an attempt at showing how spirit unfolds throughout history, that is to say, a reconstruction of the dynamics of existence while lead up to the point we call present.
In understanding this, people discover the divine meaning of their lives, as one stage of the blossoming of spirit, which is just as real as those that came before it, without having to cling to who they are.
Marx, who misunderstood religion utterly, took this to mean that the unraveling of the absolute could be calculated materialistically, primarily economically, and the necessary course of history 'found' and brought about through ones own will. Unlike Hegel, whose utopia was a transcendental ideal, Marx created a metaphysics of utopian realism, even naturalism.
Can you elaborate on this, or are you one of those people who write one throw-away reply in a thread about a subject they have opinions about and then abandon it?

More like Marx is the way it is because of him.
Every logical incoherence in marxist movements can be traced back to Hegel. He's the root of all retardation.

>Can you elaborate on this
I would but I'm on fucking phone and writing a current and detailed reply would take me hours.

alright, give me your reply when you have the opportunity to.