I have to read this book for a class I'm taking and fuck it. It's so boring. "Well it's not supposed to be interesting you absolute imbecile" eat shit dude. A book should catch your attention. A book should have a plot. Fuck this book. I'd beat the shit out of Mr Ramsey and his "handsome forehead" any goddamn day of the week at any hour. I have AIDS now

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As Claude Simon once said, very eloquently: «Virginia Woolf, cette emmerdeuse.»

You don’t like Virginia Woolf? What are you, an idiot?


I don't know

nigger faggot i don't give a fuck.

does she have books where things happen

>A book should catch your attention
>A book should have a plot
>Fuck this book
lube will ruin it


this fucking mentality to books
no legit just fuck you
"It's so boring"
is showering fun to you jesus christ no you do it anyway, not everything that's good for you has to be fun
not everything is supposed to grab your attention immediately, go watch some pulp fiction or tarantino movie over and over again if you lack the basic respect needed to appreciate something that doesn't satisfy you on the first page
"oh it's just my tastes i dislike this book because its not for me uwu"
okay fine nobody CARES, so READ your book and FINISH it then complain AFTERWARDS
if you're going to mindlessly criticize then at least have the decency of fucking off to your heaps of friends irl and doing it there, they most likely cannot care about whatever drips out of your mouth

>comparing doing a mindless daily task to reading a book that engages you on an intellectual level
reading while not always exciting should keep your attention and interest

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Hey man, I have real criticisms about the book, I just didn't feel like posting them in the main post. It was a mindless rant, I don't mean it to be my thesis on the book.
Yeah it's not to my tastes but I really objectively think it's not as good as most people say it is.
>is showering fun to you jesus christ no you do it anyway
Yes but generally reading books is an activity for pleasure
It really ain't this serious buddy

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i thought it was unbelievably retarded, ten pages to describe 10 seconds? fuck you

Isn't that a girls book?

>while not always exciting should keep your attention and interest
then we agree then from what i understand, as what i gather here is that excitement IS equivilated to attention/interest, so quit your pedantry
i understand and i apologize, taking out some pent-up frustration out on Veeky Forums

It wasn't really my choice whether or not to read it. But eh, no, not really. It's very slow, though. It's for people who are willing to sit in a chair and read about emotions for 2 hours. So yeah, maybe it is sort of a girls' book.

I gotchu senpai. No worries. So was I.

user, you might be slightly retarded

I agree OP. I hate modernists and their stream of consciousness. It just reads like a bunch of fucking rabble to me.

wow, thanks for outing yourself as a preteen whose attention span has been fried by years of computer addiction and can't enjoy literature because they can't go 2 minutes without being entertained.

A lot happens in part two.
Part one i think a guy asking for more soup was the highlight.

>tfw Woolf is too boring

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I lived in Ukraine for the first 14 years of my life and couldn't afford a computer. Some books just aren't that good

You jus 2 dum bro

It gets interesting somewhere around page 90, after most of them have gone to sleep.

yeah? was your mother a harlot?


Faulkner, Hemmingway, Woolf, Dickinson, Bronte, Fitzgerald and probably a large number of authors that you will be forced to read in College are basically books for boring middle class pseuds with 110-120 iq's

What sets apart Pynchon, Kafka, Proust, Salinger, Joyce, Gogol, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Nabokov from them?

A soul.

That is all

don't @ me

Having to read books for a class is the easiest way to come to hate them regardless of their content. I'm so glad I just used sparknotes as a kid and didn't ruin books I would be able to enjoy later in life.

You're allowed not to like it. But reading the book expecting it to be like some Dan Brown thriller is a bit silly, no? Why should a book "catch your attention", or "have plot"? There's plenty of subtext within the book, Woolf just doesn't give it all away immediately.