Read 20 pages of this book and nothing has happened. Dropped

Read 20 pages of this book and nothing has happened. Dropped.

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>Henry James
All fucking suck!
So humdrum and self-important to think we all just want to hear them fondle descriptions and ideas that others have approached in so many better ways. Disgusting
>inb4 haven't read any of them
I've read a novel by each except Hawthorne. I couldn't finish Ho7G.

>read The Tower and The trial
>Get confused all other
>Go check review about Kafka
>His book are purposefully confusive

Who writes like that? really what moron writer wants to confuse his audience

>hurr durr you dont understand hurr

Please. Kafka is a piece of shit with his Kafkasqian world

Go fuck yourself Kafka!

he was a difficult young man

I mean this absolutely sincerely, if this is genuinely how you approach literature, you will never be a writer.

He wrote a book of paradoxes. Think of his novels like that, really complex, very human paradoxes.

You might consider Trial to be confusing, because it was left to us in parts.
Kafka didn't number the chapters, just the pages belonging to the chapter, so the chronology is all a recreation by Max Brod.

>Kafka didn't number the chapters, just the pages belonging to the chapter, so the chronology is all a recreation by Max Brod.
What?! Sauce?

The translator's note of the 2015 Hungarian edition say it, and I remember reading about it in another annotated edition.
Basically Kafka left the notes in folders, and Brod edited them together into one novel. He changed it over time, so that is why you have the Third Max Brod edition as "canon" of sorts.

My interpretation was that it was supposed to start slowly and become more twisted and convoluted as the story progressed, so for that reason I think dropping it after just 20 pages is stupid. However, while I did think some aspects of the book were interesting, on the whole I just didn't really enjoy it, I thought it was dry and somewhat boring, so suit yourself I guess.

>doing a whole lot of work to get nowhere at all
That's so kafkaesque of you

So it's apocryohal? Fuck.


The castle is the same basically, the only difference being that Kafka told Brod that he didn't intend to finish writing it.
And if you want to top it all off, Kafka told Brod to burn it all if he were to die. So you were never really meant to read any of it.

And don't get me wrong, the texts Brod had were meant to be one novel, so what you are reading as the Trial was definitely meant to be part of the Trial, but maybe not in this specific order, or there were supposed to be other chapters linking up what we have. Not that Brod had a bunch of pages written by Kafka and he arbitrarily mashed everything together to create two novels.

dont read middlemarch then

>spends three pages describing a forest scene
>describes a main characters death in a paragraph

I've read The Trial, Metamorphosis and I loved them. Any Kafka recommendations?

That's the whole point. It's a boring read but it's supposed to be about how rampant bureaucracy can get. The writing style reflects this well. I didn't like it, but I get the humor.

the castle is unironically the most boring book ive ever read

The Hunger Artist
In the Penal Colony
Country Doctor

all of em

The only part i liked in this book are the beginning chapters

For you