Veeky Forumserary life tips

resident patrician here, let me drop some truth bombs on you guys:

1.) Reading things 'in order' is a hallmark of the pseud. Deepd thought doesn't have a plot progression.

2.) Anyone who is literate is part of the leisure class. Most people are so concerned with scaling Mt. Ventoux that they will never manage the descent.

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you're not aloysha user and in a few years you'll understand why you wouldn't want to be

>Reading things 'in order' is a hallmark of the pseud.
the worst are 'speedreaders' who just want to check things off on their list for 'gains' like they're grinding in some shitty rpg

Who is this penile magician?

name please

you wish

you're right, I'm not; but I'm not sure I follow.

i understand doing that with like, ovid, if all you want are reference points for some other work, but just to tick a box? a mistake

I would die for her

>Reading things 'in order' is a hallmark of the pseud
It's absolutely necessary in philosophy (at least in some cases).

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why? Even if she fucked and married 20 men the day after?

>you wish

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sauce pls

>What's deepd thought?

spiritslop on tumblr. Click on "me" on her page

damn i want to sad fuck her in the druidic forest next to a pyre


on your first point, sometimes it really is better to read in order, as what you're reading may reference past texts (see issues in philosophy)

Don't worry about not understanding the book the first time you read. Finnish it and later on reread it.


Fuck you for pointing it out, but fuck me for making the mistake in the first place

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>if you're not reading over a dozen books at a time, at least half of them non-fiction
>thou art pleb as fuck

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Join the military


Nice post :thumbsupemoji:

Have you seen the latest Minions movie?

*literally cringing my a o*


That's not good advice at all. Maybe if you're drafted then sure don't try to skip out of it but don't voluntarily try to get shot or shoot others.

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you would die for her daddy issues

Smh desu senpai

Shelley Duval?

user: I really, really, really like this image

>in order..
genuinely helpful with poets one likes, but I submit that as an exception..

There's a fine like between "I want a guy who fucks me rough b/c daddy issues" kinda eye shadow make up, and "I'm a bat shit insane clown with a pussy" make up and she passed it. Gimme pure Soumi gf

based as FUCK
found her old URL, kittymeow666 and found it deleted, thought I hit a dead end

Where to meet girls like this?


based homosexual gun running obamabot
can I hve this image user?

Further past the line the sex just gets better user.