Anybody read Rawls' A Theory of Justice? It seems massively influential in political philosophy, and I'm pretty interested in some communitarian thinkers who mention it all the time so it feels like I have to read it. Opinions?
Anybody read Rawls' A Theory of Justice? It seems massively influential in political philosophy...
You should read it
its popular with academics and thats how you know its gay. just google 'veil of ignorance' and 'maximin'
incredibly rigorous, but you need a hefty dose of adderall to not get incredibly bored
as points out, this is porn for academic political theorists. and the secondary literature on it is probably some of the driest stuff i've ever read
I mean, I guess you guys just don't enjoy philosophy
why would you waste time on rawls when you dont even have a proper handle on plato, kant, berkeley, or anyone else for that matter?
What if you do?
Rawls is worth reading, but you could probably get away with just reading selections from A Theory of Justice if you're mainly interested in him because of other thinkers who draw on him. A lot of his chapters stand alone quite nicely as well if you just want to skim it.
Most political philosophy courses just assign Part 1.
It's only really influential in modern analytic ethics & political philosophy, which, as a field, is doing the philosophical equivalent of treading water.
The fuck is this gay shit?
Dumb bullshit.
Leo Strauss’s Natural Right and History, Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism, Liberaliasm Ancient and Modern are fantastic for politics/philosophy/ethics
Carl Schmitt’s Concept of the Political and Political Theology are also good.
Rawls is a fucking moron.
A staple of political philosophy, namely, not that much actually. Definitely worth it to skim through and focus on what interests you.
it rawls the guy who says u should structure society such a way that if u had no idea where u would be born into u would be ok with it, well since thats how birth works it seems sensible, but risk taking people like wall street fags and real estate flippers will want to gamble and try their luck for a good birth, so people wouldnt actually support it if u tried it, but that wouldnt be the first time humans ruined a theoretically perfect social system
Nah dude rawls i think stipulated that if you cant see who’s commiting the crime then no crime was commited. So if you get raped with a blindfold on it’s not really rape because someone in your position with a blindfold on wouldn’t be able to see the rapist either sk ergo facto there is no rapist
Rawls, while very interesting, was ripped to shreds by his critics.
Kind of depressing to see his train of thought go from the ideals in Theory of Justice to Political Liberalism's "as long as we don't kill each other we might be alright."
Nozick is much better though.
i dont know but it looks dope
Schmitt definitely had a greater influence over political philosophy than Rawls.
I'm inclined to believe Rawls gets so much more attention than Schmitt because Rawls was a Harvard guy who agreed with social democrats.
and Weber got more shine than either
not sure what point youre trying to make, other than that academics like Rawls. wow, we get it.
weber was into ethics?
But Rawls is clearly influential... I think Schmitt is definitely relevant today for friend/enemy and political theology. I'm not too familiar with Strauss, care to explain?
only of the protestant condition