Is writing at a “professional” standard just as difficult to master as painting/learning an instrument/any other...

Is writing at a “professional” standard just as difficult to master as painting/learning an instrument/any other form of art or craftsmanship? At school I was told from an early age that I had a “gift” and that my writing was exceptional, but I was always skeptical as to whether it was as impressive as being able to play piano or sculpt or whatever. To me it just flows naturally and apart from reading a lot to absorb new turns of phrase, doesn’t really require the amount of graft that I assume goes into other art forms.

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Post an excerpt, then we can decide. I bet you're fucking shit

Me three!

Nah, my question had nothing to do with me wanting you to review anything I’ve ever written. It applies to all writers.

well writing isn't a craft so no, there's nothing to it really. writing a story or a poem is different of course


We need empirical evidence. Your question is retarded, and you should kill yourself. I bet you're a fat piece of shit as well

when you were a kid, they recognized a budding talent in you

talent is nothing without technique and practice

you must learn and practice to be good at anything, regardless of what you were gifted at birth

yes writing is a craft

God this is so true. I was always told "Wow user you're so talented!!" and so I just assumed that I was good. It took me ten FUCKING years to realize that "talent" is meaningless if you don't put in the work. Imagine someone that claims to understand the concepts of computer programming but never actually writes code.

>talent is nothing without technique and practice
a sound principle, but not always the case

>yes writing is a craft
writing, taking the word at face value, isn't

If you want “empirical evidence”, just read literally any book ever and then decide whether as much talent or graft went into it as Pet Sounds or something. Not sure you’re all that into empiricism if you’re calling me fat based on nothing whatsoever anyway desu.

Fat fuck

fat as bitch

interlarded pig

Writing is an art. The highest and most difficult to master form of art actually. I used to think that visual arts were the most tough to become good at and required a talent to achieve distinction but after years of pondering this question I've come to decision that that it is literature that is at the top of the art forms, after all the language with its word and reason is the crown of human culture. There is another art form that is more illusive - music- one needs to have a talent to understand it let alone create it.. but writing is still the most difficult art form known to humans imho,...

Music is, without a doubt a higher pinnacle of creation.

Depends if you want to write fiction or nonfiction.
You can easily learn the tropes of nonfiction and write quite good essays by imitating what you have read so far. With fiction you have to be careful to not turn it into a frankenstein’s monster by mashing together what you have read so far.

Sculpting is harder.

Having gone from music to writing I can safely say that isn’t the case.

Have you composed a symphony tho? Seams that it will be harder than a novel

I disagree, can you layer sound sequences in your mind?
Can you cue when a rythm should start and end, with the perfect pitch?

People are constantly exposed to reading and writing. That kind of daily practice doesn't normally happen with other arts unless you happen to be in the right environment.

overweight queer


>Is writing at a “professional” standard just as difficult to master as painting/learning an instrument/any other form of art or craftsmanship?
I have talent + 20 years of drawing and painting, behind me. Writing for me has been the most difficult thing I've come across (to do well at least), which is one of the reasons why I like it as a medium. Also I figured my language skills wean't the best, so I'm doing my best to have a go at writing. Second big reason is that words and language have the potential to create far more detailed forms of expression compared to other mediums. Every scene is a painting, and there could be hundreds in a novel.
>Talent part
Talent doesn't count for anything beyond a head start. I had amazing spacial skills, years above my peers in my school years. I got to high school and realized that talent doesn't really matter with competition. It's a cliche, but great works are done with hardwork and thousands of hours of practice.

you are a gordo mugriento