how is this good?
How is this good?
It's not
Literally R*ddit: The Novel
cus faggots like u think its bad
It's okay to not like surrealism, user.
Cute file name. That’s actually one of my favorite books. It does have certain flaws, though. I can understand people not liking it.
The original version of this story was a series of radio dramas. The books diminish the source material .
Amazingly good, it's very lighthearted and has a lot of humor. The movie managed to be close to the level of the book. Guide to Galaxy is not very complex but gives you some smart jokes. Personally I loved it.
first book i ever read that i couldnt even force myself to go past the first 50 pages. too cutesy
Outstanding book. Beautifully therapeutic for anxieties of life.
The prose is incredibly easy on the eyes, other than that it's largely Marvel humor
Really like this book
Don't understand the hate tbqh, they are basically just numale faggots
It’s very witty and inventive. The worst thing I can say about it is that elements from it have been overly memed.
It's called British comedy, and you wouldn't understand it. This sort of humour is a tad more sophisticated than the Judd Apatow films and Veeky Forums memes you're probably used to. Appreciating it requires a nihilistic, smart, and absurd attitude towards life that us British have mastered since childhood. There aren't any neat happy endings or "jokes" here. Nothing but puns, transvestites, and unexpected situations
Unironically this.
imagine flying horizontally and being bedded by a beautiful blonde while being handed a math quiz
I dont see how it is witty tbqh. I can see how this was something new back in the day but right now I just feel like I'm hanging out with a teenager from decades ago
>Oh my god, not the poetry!!!! Make it stop!!!!
You get it right?!? Imagine poetry being so bad that it actually physically hurts you!! lol
>I wish I had listened to my mom
>What did she say?
>I dont know I didnt listen
lmao nice one I didnt actually notice you were talking literally!!
Its just tries so hard to be funny all the time but the jokes arent witty or interesting at all. Its all silly and inoffensive.
If this isnt bait then I can see why some people would think this book is a fucking masterpiece. Definitely not for me then.
>how is this good?
It's ok, the sequels never appealed to me as much. Terry Pratchett I think is much funnier and more imaginative desu.
>lmao nice one I didnt actually notice you were talking literally!!
Yeah, I mean... if you don't find that sort of thing funny, you're not going to like the book. There are parts of the Hitchhiker's books that still make me laugh out loud, like the planet where the mattresses live before they're killed and their corpses are distributed for people to sleep on.
I think the radio dramas are poorly acted, though. That said I read the books first so I really do get why others love them.
sometimes it's nice to have a nice fried cheeseburger dunked in batter and served on a stick.
it's just easy, and mildly entertaining. you don't always have to read robert burton all the fucking time, you know?
its not even a very good burger in my opinion. if I feel like indulging in coarse entertainment I honestly much rather watch you guys post greentext stories or share memes with friends rather than reading a book with so little substance
well, think of it in the sense that during the time it was created, there was no place you could go to read people meme and greentext. you didn't have shit, and you had to like it. then suddenly something funny came along, and people enjoyed it. prolly showed their kids, who overhyped it to their friends, and by then youtube came out and it was over anyway.
it's a gentle and whimsical comedy. that's it. besides, not all comedy is to one's taste. i can't stand tristram shandy, for example, yet people here say it is one of the greatest comedic works of all time. same with candide.
no matter. you don't have to eat the fried cheeseburger. those things aren't really that good anyway.
this 2bh