Must read ancom literature? I need to study it a bit. Thank you guys!
Must read ancom literature? I need to study it a bit. Thank you guys!
Other urls found in this thread:
Conquest of Bread.
Homage to Catalonia.
Anything by Proudhon or Bakunin.
I consider Workers Against Work a good startig point for critique.
Hunger Games
The Dispossessed
Mars trilogy
also Chomsky
start with the Greeks
+1 for the bread book
gib bred pls - pita kropotkinstein
Read me instead
Update your ideology for the twenty-first century and read this:
>Posting blog tier garbage and not Black Flame by Lucien van der Welt
he Helium Method
the bible
Here's a good start
>Workers Against Work a
I've seen this sourced but I'm curious what the guys agenda is. I read he is a communist against "democracy in the workplace". What does he want instead?
what about some must read mutualist literature
How's Homage to Catalonia? I've been looking to read it
What is property? Proudhon
>What can workers actually do within the unions? Not only are they centralised organisations
Aaaaaand discarded
There isn’t any because there’s no way communism would exist without coercion
>b-being a selfish asshole is human nature!
keep telling yourself that kiddo
>One cannot despise communism and not be a selfish asshole at the same time
The absolute state of teenagers these days.
>Implyijg ancoms aren't selfish assholes
real american hours who tf up
Do you even pay taxes or donate to charities? People like their stuff. I’m not sharing my wife with you. I’m not sharing my lovely cashmere sweater with you. I’m not sharing my iPhone with you.
Why? Because resources are finite.
Anyone that supports communism is immoral but at least they’re more genuine than anarcho-communists. They are either retarded or sinister.
>>b-being a selfish asshole is human nature!
that's correct, the only thing that prevents us from acting like complete raping-looting-destructive animals is the state.
the state channels our destructive raping-looting nature towards ideological/political ends
>Left libertarianism is against violence and (justifiable)authority
Actually it's hiearchy that needs to be destroyed, which obviously is against property (not possession)
low on theory, but a great read. orwell's prose is lovely, and the beginning chapters, specifically the first, capture the most wonderful sense of comradery
Wait, what about the dirty hippies mentioned right there? They don't count as libertarian leftists?
I'm pretty much a liberal constitutionalist, but I'd like protections for communes. Communalists tend to be peaceful, and can be nested within larger liberal societies.
Who defines property and if it's ethical. What's the difference between owning a slave?
Read Tiqqun and The Invisible Committee if you want to impress qt crusties.
Also read Marx.
This should give you an idea.
This meme is fucking garbage, kill yourself
>mfw read italian fascist literature and pre-WW2 anarchist literature, and the anarchist literature is far more anti-semitic
Carlo Cafiero