What are some good audiobooks i can find on youtube?

Audiobooks hersey here?

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Other urls found in this thread:


85% less retention than reading actual paper
50% less with an ebook

>Not knowing Wayne June
Go fuck yourself user

wew dont be snobs

> 85% less retention than reading actual paper
> 50% less with an ebook

The patrician way to experience literature:
> audio played at 1.5x speed
> ebook in off hand
> hardcover in dominant hand
> temperature at 70 Fahrenheit

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>not playing the audiobook at x2 and trying to read along.

>not also having the film adaptation of a book playing in the background at x1.5 speed


Your eyes are not actually a separate organ from the brain, they are one, unlike the ears which have drastically fewer connections in the brain.
As for e-book vs. paper, you know, magic. And eye health.

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been playing the youtube audiobook game fofr a while. recently i've read ubik, rendzvous with rama, the gulag archipelego, i have no mouth and i must scream, repent harlequin, said the tick tock man, for whom the bell tolls, and do androids dream of electric sheep.


the voice acting on this one is top notch

As an RN pursuing my Nurse Practitioners license, you are really, really dumb.

This is where we throw our heads back in laughter.gif

>no counter argument
I don't even want your (you)
Was doctor school closed?

not if you have Dyslexia

Samuel Beckett's Trilogy read by Sean Barrett is really good. Not on youtube though.

The Wizard of Earthsea book one read by Harlan Ellison. You might love the reading, you might hate it. I thought it was great, really fantastic performance.


wouldn't use that particular argument if i were you desu.

Just listen to podcasts
They're on the same level

Audiobooks aren't Veeky Forums

Best narrator coming through reading nietzsches Thus spoke zarathustra. It's poetry

>attention deficit
>being a brainlet

>A poet writing poetry... Damn

No need to thank me, kid

what do you think board is?