Am I missing something here?
Neurotic prose about sex
Reads almost YA
Am I missing something here?
Neurotic prose about sex
Reads almost YA
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DFW was a glorified YA writter.
DFW at his most insincere. A lot of the stories in here feel like he's trying to say something he doesn't really believe in.
>Literally a story where a guy advocates for rape
>trying to say something he doesn't really believe in
Nothing gets past you, user.
t. brainlet
the interview vignettes are more a device to keep the larger stories, which are the meat of the book, flowing together
>some stories are shit but it works with the book!!
the story of the father on his deathbed confessing he hates his son is one of the best stories ive eve read
There's some really cool shit in there. If you come at it with the notion that DFW is glorified YA, then it's not going to work for you.
Didn't care for most of the stories, a few were pretty good though, the swimming pool story comes to mind.
Was DFW even sincere?
>For a while, I was seeing a guy who really liked David Foster Wallace. He once forced me to do cocaine by shoving it inside me during sex. He wasn’t the first man to recommend Wallace, but he’s the last whose suggestion I pretended to consider. So while I’ve never read a book by Wallace, I’m preemptively uninterested in your opinion about it.
Veeky Forums on SUICIDE WATCH!
It's weird how openly tribal leftist taste is. I see shit like this all the time: "so-and-so likes it, and that's evidence enough that it's bad."
>So while I’ve never read a book by Wallace, I’m preemptively uninterested in your opinion about it.
I really hate this attitude of judging a book based on those who read it. Very shallow.
All wrong.
Obviously he didn't "believe" this stuff. The crux of the book is that it's a document found in the far future made up of recordings of a woman researching love who gets raped in the process.
Mixed in iwth this is meta stuff about David's life and his growing disillusion.
Read the swimming pool story and dropped it. The prose was very strange and I don't think I was getting it. Also, I don't deal well with the simultaneous imagery of pools and cum thanks to Mr. Palahniuk.
"Neurotic prose about sex" is the name of my ska band.
>The prose was very strange and I don't think I was getting it
There's nothing to really "get" prose-wise, DFW was just a cloying, dishonest tryhard
>a five-line vignette is a story
you're not helping your cause, even if they're flat exchanges, they're still well-written and engaging
when does she get raped?
Well, The Depressed Person really sucked.
Dayum this one was shit too.
Every time I encounter this, I just want to giggle.
>A one-inch-penis fetus-raper recommended [book] to me, therefore [book] is bad.
this is liberalism, not leftism