What is the longest book you have read?

What is the longest book you have read?

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Right now it’s Infinite Jest

Les misérables

how long did you take to complete it?

Same, longest single book I've read

Probably the Bible. Right now I'm reading Livys complete History of Rome which is about 1300 pages of really small text.

the count of monte cristo


Atlas shrugged
also does LotR count? It was written as a single book but split up into three.

It by Stephen King since I‘m a pleb

what do you think of Atlas Shrugged? Did you like it?

In search of lost time

I don't really get the chance to talk about this book often, as seemingly nobody on Veeky Forums has read it. It's 1500 pages long (in a small typeface), was written in 1748 and the plot can be summarised in two or three sentences. It's also one of the best books I've ever read, and despite its length, I cannot recommend enough.

>read this article if you need a little more persuading: newyorker.com/magazine/2016/05/16/samuel-richardson-inventor-of-the-modern-novel

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the main character was relatable in my opinion, but just like tolkein, she overdescribes a lot and I lost interest a few times. it took me a month just because of that. plus I also read something else at the same time so that could also be a big factor.

can you post some favorite extracts please?

I shrugged

Im not the user you replied to but it took me like 2 months on/off

I too have read this. Plot is melodramatic nonsense. Lovelace is surely the original Chad. Despite its length I'm not really sure there's as much character depth as a Flaubert or Henry James work 1/8 shorter.
And like all epistolary novels it begs the question of how much time in the day do these characters have to write such long letters. Poor Clarrisa is writing like 8000 words a day by hand, even in captivity.
Somehow it stays gripping and readable all the way through though. Great book, though doubt I'll read it twice.
Is it longer than Remembrance of things Past?

Books shorter than War and Peace are pleb signals.
Doesn't count as a book

I'm not sure how well extracts work outside the context of the whole, but here's a bit that I think mostly holds up on its own:

>Every one would be married a dozen times at least. Both men and women would be careful of their characters and polite in their behaviour, as well as delicate in their persons, and elegant in their dress, [a great matte each of these, let me tell thee, to keep passion alive,] either to induce a renewal with the old love, or to recommend themselves to a new. While the newspapers would be crowded with paragraphs; all the world their readers, as all the world would be concerned to see who and who's together—

>'Yesterday, for instance, entered into the holy state of matrimony,' [we should all speak reverently of matrimony, then,] 'the right Honourable Robert Earl Lovelace' [I shall be an earl by that time,] 'with her Grace the Duchess Dowager of Fifty-manors; his Lordship's one-and-thirtieth wife.'—I shall then be contented, perhaps, to take up, as it is called, with a widow. But she must not have had more than one husband neither. Thou knowest that I am nice in these particulars.

>I know, Jack, that thou for thy part, wilt approve of my scheme.

>As Lord M. and I, between us, have three or four boroughs at command, I think I will get into parliament, in order to bring in a bill for this good purpose.

>Neither will the house of parliament, nor the houses of convocation, have reason to object it. And all the courts, whether spiritual or sensual, civil or uncivil, will find their account in it when passed into a law.

>By my soul, Jack, I should be apprehensive of a general insurrection, and that incited by the women, were such a bill to be thrown out.—For here is the excellency of the scheme: the women will have equal reason with the men to be pleased with it...

>One difficulty, however, as I remember, occurred to me, upon the probability that a wife might be enceinte, as the lawyers call it. But thus I obviated it—

>That no man should be allowed to marry another woman without his then wife's consent, till she were brought-to-bed, and he had defrayed all incident charges; and till it was agreed upon between them whether the child should be his, her's, or the public's. The women in this case to have what I call the coercive option; for I would not have it in the man's power to be a dog neither.

>And, indeed, I gave the turn of the scale in every part of my scheme in the women's favour: for dearly do I love the sweet rogues.

>How infinitely more preferable this my scheme to the polygamy one of the old patriarchs; who had wives and concubines without number!—I believe David and Solomon had their hundreds at a time. Had they not, Jack?

>Let me add, that annual parliaments, and annual marriages, are the projects next my heart. How could I expatiate upon the benefits that would arise from both!'

I had to cut that piece a lot for it to fit - the excess of the prose is partly its charm.

Against the Day

The Complete Essays of Michel de Montaigne

If we’re talking only fiction, then probably Infinite Jest

Homestuck if it counts

Animal Farm

Waiting for godot

Honestly? Probably a fanfic.

Brothers Karamazov, but it's one of maybe five books in existence with more than a thousand pages that I'm willing to read

I HAD read it for a restoration lit class
I read it all
The essay I wrote I used for grad school admissions and I got in lol
Never again

Subspace Emissary's World Conquest

probably LOTR if you want to count it as a single book, i read it straight through starting with the hobbit.

either that or count of monte cristo

At the lowest point of my depression I read The Golden Bough in its entirety. No lie it changed my life.

Horcynus Orca, an obscure (but apparently famous in its time) 1264 pages long Italian pomo book, whose register goes from highbrow to dialectic to invented words. Took me a year.

Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow

The Brothers Karamazov

War and Peace.
But it was worth it. The characters are great, my only complaint would be the inclusion of Tolstoy's essays. I felt pretty bummed by some events in the story.

Probably Anna Korenina. Or brothers Karamazov. Not sure.

What the fuck did your college mean by this

On Women by Schopenhauer
>pic related

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Harry Potter 5, easily.
I think the Riverside Chaucer might be a bigger book, but I ain't read all those fucking footnotes.

Same but plus War and Peace

Probably The Count of Montecristo.
Nice book.

Dunno exactly. Maybe Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War or Atlas Shrugged


To be totally honest, probably A Storm of Swords. It never fucking ends.

the dictionary

In Search of Lost Time

Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell

Either The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Proust, or St. Simon's Memoirs.

I dunno, probably your mom's all black gangbang guest registry.

Different user.
Wd imagine it prompted then necessary neurological adjustments. Some books pack this power (if they are opened at the right time). (All of) Gibbon saved my fucking life.

I think the issue was you read this book without understanding what, "begging the question" means.

Boswell's Life of Johnson