Reading the Divine Comedy for the first time

What am I in for?

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Love it
It's okay
When will it end ?

>when it actually ends
Boy that was some hella good fanfic

Bible version of ready player one. Unironically.



it's a good thing you made this valuable post

No, thank you

that's the same thing he did. I liked purgatorio the best because it was the one that felt the most real somehow even if it also felt the most dreamlike. I could actually imagine being there. With Paradiso things got way too ridiculous after the beginning section, which was very nice, and Inferno was entirely ridiculous apart from before he meets Virgil

Large sections of those two are like Dante making autistic lists and describing some ridiculous schema of reality like he's playing a board game

What a fool.

>some of the best allegories
>most significant characters
>most quotable
>Really introspective

>but the Purgatorio " feels more real", "sorta dream like"
What kind of point is that ?

it means i like it better

You called Inferno ridiculous becsuse it doesn't appeal to your taste.
What kind of point is that ?

>muh Beatrice

ranking sins into different levels of severity that correspond to distinct physical circles of hell is pure autism, it is stamp collecting tier behavior

also how many times can we read about Dante being afraid and Virgil telling him to man up

Really piss poor fantasy.
Steals to much from Christian 'cannon' yet doesnt even play with the greek gods. Lame!

>Implying a great deal of the Christian canon wasnt influenced by the divine comedy
Shit b8 m8

>implying anything in the great comedy is theologically correct

Like dude, I get it that you think Dante was a top tier genuis, but he got lots of things wrong, and was written for entertainment purposes. (Which he did influence shakespeare so there is that)

City of God is a true master piece on the other hand.

>ranking sins into different levels of severity that correspond to distinct physical circles of hell is pure autism

Attached: riassunto purgatorio di dante.jpg (632x704, 90K)

Sooner or later I'll write a book on "modern man reads Dante"
>uuugh he like, wrote himself in a book with his idol, so cringy lol
>uuuuuh why does he give so much importance to beatrice it's just a woman duuuuuude like get over it maaaan
>The figure of the donna angelo symbolizes the condition of women under the patriarchy


It would be

correct opinion

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>and was written for entertainment purposes
it explicitly says why it was written in the beginning, and it's not for entertainment purposes

>>uuuuuh why does he give so much importance to beatrice it's just a woman duuuuuude like get over it maaaan
didn't Dante unironically belong to an esoteric society build around the concept of love

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I don't know. I have never read The Divine Comedy.

I have read a book called Commedia, written by a great man who went by the name of Dante Alighieri.

What is Mr. Kirkpatrick's The Divine Comedy about?

This is entirely correct. I cannot imagine anyone who knows Italian preferring the Inferno over the Paradiso Terrestre, which is simply the best piece of poetry I have ever read in my entire life. I believe there is no work of art that ascends to that level, except perhaps some of the Early Renaissance painters (mainly Pier). Bach is too ornate, too human, too protestant and well-behaved to get there - he never gets even close, not even in the best moments of the St Matthew Passion.

There is something about the perplexity of going from the Purgatorio and seeing true salvation for the first time in the form of Matelda (and what Matelda, and why her? that's certainly the most mysterious character in literary history, that makes Dulcinea del Toboso look like a mere scribble unworthy of a schoolboy) that is impossible to describe without trivializing its beauty. After Dante has already ascended to the Paradiso, we are already more or less used to splendor. It is the transition that is truly striking, that leaves the mouth without speech and makes us realize we are in front of the greatest poet to have ever lived. Shakespeare is Kipling when compared to that.