What the hell was her problem?
What the hell was her problem?
She wanted a bit of excitement, mate. Imagine being wedded off to someone as autistic as Mr. Bovine
she was a shallow romantic looking for an ideal that didn't really exist
>romantic looking for an ideal that didn't really exist
That's not shallow
I didn't say that, I said she was a shallow romantic, which she is
>you now manually realize that Flaubert was Mrs. Bovary
>shallow romantic
>not being a romantic
autistic swine
I disagree, I think someone can be a romantic but still have substance
>He could not keep from constantly touching her comb, her ring, her fichu; sometimes he gave her great sounding kisses with all his mouth on her cheeks, or else little kisses in a row all along her bare arm from the tip of her fingers up to her shoulder
This guy fucks
or, you know, she could have talked frankly with him about her sexual needs and tried to educate him. given how meek he was there's no doubt something would have gotten through to him. instead she was a fucking coward who held some petty grudges against her husband and has constantly looking for faults in the man.
>she could have talked frankly with him about her sexual needs
She didn't fancy his beta ass, faggot
>instead she was a fucking coward who held some petty grudges against her husband and has constantly looking for faults in the man.
when a woman decides that a man is beta, unsuitable, subhuman or whatever there is no changing her mind. She will find fault in everything he does and it doesn't matter how decent he tries to act, she will hate him.
As she should. Nothing is more repulsive than a weak man. See /r9k/ for proof
>she could have talked frankly with him about her sexual needs and tried to educate him.
What sexual needs? Her adultery was the result of a spiritual and interpersonal dissatisfaction with her husband, not jus a sexual dissatisfaction. It was an irreparable situation. What would she have told him? 'Fuck me better you autist'? It was the 19th century.
/r9k/'s bitterness isn't a direct result of their weakness, it's a direct result of the outside world rejecting them
flaubert said he was much like her indeed
wtf i hate falubert now
Go back
>Her adultery was the result of a spiritual and interpersonal dissatisfaction with her husband
nah, the true dissatisfaction was inherent within her, regardless of her husband or her lover
Like Goethe
Bovary is the incarnation of ressentiment
It's fucking true though. If they got what they wanted, they wouldn't be bitter. That's true of all forms of resentment
She read too many romance books
It's their own fault. And yours
>being so terrified of being labeled r9k that you irrationally lash out at them at every moment possible
Go rinse out your piss-bottles or post in a thread about the size of women's labia
>it's their own fault
Sometimes it is, often it isn't. There are situations where someone's life spiraled downward due to circumstances beyond their control. There are some men born so genetically unfortunate that they have genuine trouble attracting women, and feel a deep sense of alienation because of that
you're doing it again
It was the coke. I should have never started with that shit. Fuckin' Miami. It's everywhere.
that's true and it's sad, but women are not obliged to have sex with them
But those people should be allowed to express their alienation without "lol you're just a mad virgin." Incels are a different story because their resentment makes them genuinely despise women, but often times the response to a perfectly understandable expression of despair over being unfuckable is "no one owes you sex."
their are remedies to this like prostitutes and friendships and hobbies but incels are stuck in the black pit of self-pity which is a horrid trait
I would arrange to meet a prostitute but I'm deathly afraid of STD's, go figure, even going with and people touching me I get health anxiety.
you're just as likely to get an STD from any girl, not just hookers
stop making excuses and do things in your life, take the occasional risk
She had a wandering womb (hysteria).
Her name is meant to elicit thoughts of ovaries.
>you're just as likely to get an STD from any girl, not just hookers
that's my point.
I can't validate the risk when the chance of dissapointment is so high.
jesus man stop being a pussy
Prostitution is illegal in many counties, including the US. And our society is so atomized that it's difficult for many people to make friends. That's the biggest problem with incels tbqh, and why they're a problem now more than they've ever been.