The year is 1888, you are Wilhelm II and you just became the Kaiser of Germany.
What do you do?
The year is 1888, you are Wilhelm II and you just became the Kaiser of Germany
Négociate with France to split Belgium, annex Austria, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, in exchange for alsace.
Create a strong continental alliance with Italy and France. Say fuck you to the anglos russkies and turks.
Make colonies where possible
Grab Otto and have him write me instructions for the next 100 years.
Yeah, sure. France will definitely want to ally you since you just stole alsace lorraine
The better way would be to keep up the league of three emperors and btfo the eternal anglo and france where possible.
Research a cure for Asperger's.
Call the Daily Telegraph to set up an interview.
why that? that's about the best kind of autism to get. a lot of people with Ausperger's are capable of functioning normally in society and have much better analytical skills than normal people
make otto prime minister, he's too old to have designs on the throne
I can see that you suffer from it as well.
Sorry but after reading your comment, I have noticed that your views differ from my own.
I have family members with it but me personally, no.
Ruin Europe, as Germans are naturally inclined to do.
Sell West Germany to France and Netherlands, give east Germany to Poland and give south to Austria, donate the money i earned to USA and Ottomans then kill myself.
Rename my nation Danny land kuz I'm Danny irl
Probably normalfag pretty hard if I'm being honest.
>use my powers to ensure that the transition to parliamentary democracy goes as smoothly as possible
>use the US as the model for this transition because they're also a relatively new country who evolved from a confederation of smaller states
>maintain a robust military, but don't push confrontations with other powers
>accept that we were too late for the colonialism game
>accept that the Anglos have the market for sea power cornered
>join with the US in opposing the colonial empires
>invent the helicopter just so I can throw Marx out of one into an ocean
>if Marx seems to be in ill health and there still aren't powerful enough motors for a helicopter, commission a zeppelin specifically for the task
>develop fractional reserve banking and fiat currency to troll /pol/
>inseminate as many redheads as humanly possible
Invade France and basically raze it/annex large chunks/partition it.
Sooner or later they'll move against me, so better preemptive fuck them hard and leave them totally fucked forever now that the Ruskie isn't going to move a finger.
Brits and russkies will invade your ass. And we know how that ends
Maintain friendly relations with Russia. Keep Bismarck on for as long as possible.
Tell the housemaid to take my deformed grandson and give him to some Bavarian peasants to raise.
Tell my son Fredrick to breed with less inbreds as well.
Fug, I just noticed the II. Ignore me, I'm retarded
check those trips
>Call for the election of a constitutional assembly
>Under my guidance, have them work out a new constitution for a representative monarchy
>Launch a country-wide PR campaign to discredit anyone who objects (Bismarck, German princes)
>Thereafter, spend twenty hours a week shaking hands and signing bills; spend the rest of my time hunting, sailing and visiting cousin Nicky (who I recommend should follow my example. Not before executing that Lenin cunt though)
>The world wars are likely avoided and history will look kindly on me as a great reformer
Constitutional monarchy enacted
Improve relations with France
Create an entente with Britain and Russia.
Colonize the usual places like the pacific and Africa.