How do Jews, Christians, and Muslims defend their beliefs about god when their god was once merely the god of war/storms of the Canaanite pantheon? It explains why god couldn't defeat iron chariots, for example (he wasn't claimed to be omnipotent at this point), why he loved sacrifices, told others to have no other gods before him, etc. It was always accepted that he was merely one god and not 'all powerful'. And each tribe/people had their own god, of which the ancient Israelites chose Yahweh.
This only changed over time when gradually the ancient Israelites over thousands of years attributed more and more to him until he was accepted as the only all powerful, all knowing god who created everything.
So, if you worship the Abrahamic god, why don't you accept him as he originally was, yet accept all of these later claims that came about over thousands of years and were added later with no real basis?