Everything I don't like is a spook.
Oh, and if you disagree, its because you are a spook as well.
Everything I don't like is a spook
this thread is spooking the shit out of me already
>there are people on Veeky Forums who will defend this
Literally what? Can somebody redpill me on this Stirner guy and what he means in this board.
Redpills are spooks
Really simple version: "You are referring to a fixed idea in your post that only has real implications through its "possession" of your body by way of your mind. This idea does not have an objective existence outside of the mind, and will not convince me of your standpoint."
If you want the full picture I'd read his work. There's only one book to go through (The Ego and His Own), and you don't need a lot of background knowledge to get it. Knowing Hegel might make the beginning more fun, but
>knowing Hegel
A lot of people just use him to shitpost, though. Like in this thread.
You don't already know the absolute madman memer?
What a spook ?
A fixed idea; something you regard as "sacred" and above you for non-physical reasons.
The physical and spiritual world are very much connected.
Pretty much, Stirner categorizes spooks or fixed ideas, as concepts that we place higher then ourselves.
An example would be Christianity, in which you feel that by living a virtuous life, you are acting on God's divine wishes.
However, Stirner wants to make the point that in reality, while we may think that we are living in accordance to God's rules, we are rather unconsciously fulfilling our own self-interest.
Stirner wants us to not live in accordance to spooks, which are mere specters of the imagination, but on our own terms.
That is not to say we are to live as self-interested, but rather as autonomous individuals, unswayed by outside voices.
“I am my own only when I am master of myself, instead of being mastered … by anything else”
All Stirner wants is for us to live as our own masters, rather then being prodded along by our imagination.
However, due to excessive memery, and the misinterpretation of what the rejection of morality entails people use spooks as a term for things they don't like, although it is mostly ironic.
God's will is my own, and is an internal force, not an external one.
Stirner thinks there is a difference between the "real" world and the "fake" world. There isn't much.
What it boils down to is
Would you be willing to explain your position?
I'm kinda burnt out and jaded today.
Very tired, just don't take me seriously.
I haven't read his ego and his own, but I regularly use Stirner to btfo commie shits.
At the very least we can all agree everyone hates commies.
>haven't read his ego and his own
case in point
Would it surprise you to learn that Stirner is one of the most popular things on /leftypol/?
>Oh, and if you disagree, its because you are a spook as well.
Too bad that I am the creative nothing
Not too much honestly, egosim isn't really bound to the political spectrum.
Though it would surprise me somewhat if people who hold beliefs similar to communism would like him much.
It's either ironic, or anarchists using him to btfo commie fucks.
What a lad
Stirner was an anti-capitalist.
Granted, he was also an anti-communist, anti-socialist, and pretty much anti-everything
It makes me sad when people shitpost about stuff they don't understand at all.
I thought this dude's whole intent was to push malicious egoism
Welcome to Veeky Forums. Enjoy your stay.
He's pretty extreme, but he never really endorses a fully malicious or kind take of Egoism.
He treats either way as somewhat narrow minded, and would probably be adverse to following one 'certain' kind of Egoism.
Unless I am misunderstanding you when you say malicious egoism of course.
His egoism isn't particularly malicious. Stirner believed that the pursuit of self interest would still involve social behaviours such as altruism and cooperation.
It's not too much of a stretch. You can justify communism egoistically easily enough, and the whole "you own everything, but maintains possession of only that which they can protect" fits well enough with communal ownership if you consider that everyone in a group would be holding this basic idea.
It seems you do have a point there, though I would think the highly individualistic nature of Stirner's Egoism would run counter to collectivist tendencies.
Though, I suppose you could just as easily argue a person could decide autonomously to act collectively.
I guess the best I can say would be I don't see it that way personally.
I think something along the lines of council communism wouldn't be hard to justify.
Stirner was a cuckold, why are people even paying attention to shit he wrote in his cuckshed while his wife was fucking some alpha stud.
>he still hasn't solved the Bull's Cucklemma, the easiest problem in philosophy
get back to us when you've finished elementary school
Oh, I thought he was talking about how he hates niggers or something.
>Stirner was a cuckold, why are people even paying attention to shit he wrote in his cuckshed while his wife was fucking some alpha stud.
Actually it was sadder than that, she was going through a rebellious phase having left her country home to chill with the avante guarde of Berlin "the Free". She got married to Stirner having only know him for a short time in a shoddy wedding ceremony. He blew her surprisingly large inheritance on a milk bar business and left her nothing when he died. With no money, a bad reputation and no longer possessed of her looks, she withdrew into obscurity and died alone, childless and blaming Stirner for her misfortunes whilst trying to find acceptance by the church.
Accordingly she was the first person to turn him into a spook ironically
>He blew her surprisingly large inheritance on a milk bar business
What will to power!
>/pol/tard """"powers of intellectual debate"""""
>autists who can't delineate memes from arguments
>not an argument
Come on now.
Nobody is even arguing here.
>I learned about a philosopher through memes
Nope. He recognized his own spooks and lived with them as most men do too. He just endeavored to have himself be more aware of them, the same as he advocates for his readers.