How come communism worked in China while in Russia it crashed and burned?

How come communism worked in China while in Russia it crashed and burned?

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Oil. Worth repeating until you retards memorize it.

b-b-but /pol/ told me that Reagan beat the commies with his bare fists.

>chinaman holding russiaman
>chinakid holding chinakid
I wonder who is more dominant?

So what's Russia gonna do when oil becomes irrelevant?

China has had a successful Perestroika, Russia didn't. If Gorbachev had less issues with ethnic minorities, he'd see his "communism" to """success""" too.


I think it has less to do with the Perestroika and more with russian nature as a whole. In China people get executed for corruption, whereas in Russia bribes are a sort of tradition.

deng xiaping introduced de facto capitalism. thats why it worked in china.

perestroika was much less of a free market oriented program. Because after all, whats the point still called yourself a soviet union if you're basically capitalist.

Also, perestroika was coupled with free press and simiar freedoms, while in china thats still repressed.

There's lot of corruption in China. The trick is not to make it big enough so that it fucks with the business of government.

This. Communism "worked" in China proportionally to the degree that it is capitalistic.

>communism worked in China
What the fuck have you been smoking?

They look like a qt gay couple with kids.

Chinese state capitalism was far more effective at deliberate revisionism, in part because they didn't eliminate the power of the peasantry. Also 1989 was far more successful at crushing the "old" proletariat than Kronstadt was.

Russians are niggers, Chinese are intelligent and hardworking

Neither was ever communist.
China is successful because it followed/is following the south east asian model of export led growth, which is significantly more effective at developing countries than both the free market and central planning.

China had Deng, Russia had that idiot Gorbachev

t. komissar Kung Pao

But for real, Slavs are niggers in white

>ching chong nip non fong


slavs are as good as the people that hold them as slaves

have them ruled by germans and you get the aryian crots and slovenes
have them be ruled by turks and you get the gypsy-esque serbs and bulgarians
have them be ruled by mongols and you get russians

Chinks threw the communist part out as soon as they could, one-party rule and authoritarian state were pretty efficient so it stuck around, I guess.


>ruled by Germans

Is this a meme? They've been under Hungarian control since forever. By your logic they should be Magyars.

austro-hungarian w/e

>Broscience: the post

Neither the USSR or China ever practiced communism or even claimed to.

China is not more successful in their socialism than Russia was. After Mao's death, Deng and others masterfully and quietly pivoted toward liberalism through the abandonment of most communal or and anti-capitalist policy without dissolving the Chinese state. In the retirement of Maoism's authoritarian trappings, the Chinese government essentially forged an image of imperial China befitting of the 20th century, without the institutional destruction suffered by Russia in the 1990s.

Russia never made such a pivot. Because so much of their state was dependent on military balancing against the capitalist West, the military failure of the Soviets led directly to the collapse of the entire Soviet state.

Good fucking question

I too frequent /r/propagandaposters! Enjoy your gold, friend.

Deng literally saved China from Mautists and their Pol Pot-tier social experiments

I don't understand why Chinese still don't treat Mao as a criminal

>How come communism worked in China while in Russia it crashed and burned?
I would ask, what are your standards for success?
We might note that most people in China even now are still very poor, and China never assembled a group of surrounding dependent states (republics) to lose control of.

It could be that China saw USSR/Russia losing control of their lowest-class citizens due to basic matters like food shortages, and so decided to loosen up on the Capitalism enough so that people could grow and buy/trade for their own food,,, but that hardly shows Communism to be a success. It failed in both instances, just harsher in USSR and more gradual in China.

Modern China essentially ignores Mao, from what I've heard. There's little trace of the cult of personality that dominated Chinese politics in his lifetime.

I've seen these responses but you've never elaborated

corruption is deep routed in china, it's one of the most corrupt nations on the planet as politician wages are so low

If by "worked" you mean tens of millions of people dying, then yeah, it worked. I guess they did okay after Mao croaked. But it's not something you can just gloss over just because they became an industrialized power.

China did not even sightly resemble communism after Mao's death

That's what I meant, I just didn't say that detail.

It also implies communism never worked for China either.
After all, Mao's reign was bloody and largely unsuccessful, and China's true success and rise to the world scene happened when they embraced "market capitalism" (ie crony capitalism)

Yeah, but then they hold purges of corrupt officials every so often, just to keep everyone else on their toes.

Deng Xiaping gradually introduced controlled capitalism in services and manufacturing in a few select areas.

Unlike the commies who sold off national assets such as gas, oil, minerals etc to the oligarchy, and let full blown capitalism shit itself into existence suddenly.

Why are the Chinesse so much smarter than Russkies?

Also China runs a great deal of profitable state owned enterprises.

The massive drop in oil prices and slow ass growth caused Soviet economy to collapse.

Party members wanting to privatize public goods to their friends caused the soviet collapse.


Nope, that was in the early 90s. The Soviet collapse was already ongoing in the 80s.

Robber privatization also happened in other countries (Czechoslovakia, Poland) but they didn't experience such a catastrophic hit, simply by the virtue of not being petro states.

Communism hasn't worked in China. If you think the PRC is under an enlightened government moving towards the abolition of a shrinking state controlled by the urban poor then you are grossly misstaken. "Communism" has worked in China because the Chinese people are mentally conditioned by thousands of years of cultural development to be servile to powerful strongmen and essentially act as willing slave labour for a powerful oligarchy pulling the strings of a bloated one party state.

>Communism hasn't worked in China
They're only commie by name now

>f you think the PRC is under an enlightened government moving towards the abolition of a shrinking state controlled by the urban poor then you are grossly misstaken
Well the PRC has taken millions out of poverty in the past few decades. No single government in world history has done more to alleviate the suffering of it's people.

China is the 2nd largest economy in the world, and will very soon overtake the US as the largest. Who is entirely responsible for this dramatic growth? The PRC. It's no easy task running a country of 1.3 billion, just look at India - democracy has done it no favours.

Of course like any party the PRC has it's issues, but they will be fixed in time. The greatest human right is to be fed, clothed, housed and have a job which the PRC accomplished.

>No single government in world history has done more to alleviate the suffering of it's people.
Except, you know, the entire western world?

So which one, and how many people did it save?

All of them.

If you're asking about specific asian examples, South Korea is a much more impressive economic success story than China.

>Neither the USSR or China ever practiced communism or even claimed to.

Chinese people used to live in communes, aka communism.

>Chinese people used to live in communes, aka communism.

>All of them
Oh really? All western countries have lifted 800 million of their people out of poverty? Amazing!! I didn't know they all had such a large population.

Better bring your sources faggot.

>Oh really? All western countries have lifted 800 million of their people out of poverty?
No, because no single western country contains 800 million people (although added up the total population is probably in that ballpark)

Western countries literally created the scientific method and industrialization which China is now copying. They literally created the modern world. And yes they lifted every single one of their inhabitants out of poverty (and many more in foreign countries).

Like I said, even if you're narrowing it down to post ww2 asian countries, south korea is far far better than China. At least they didn't kill 60 million people in artifical famines.

>No, because no single western country contains 800 million people (although added up the total population is probably in that ballpark)
Then why did you say all of them?

>Western countries literally created the scientific method and industrialization which China is now copying. They literally created the modern world.
Western countries is a very broad term. It was mainly the UK, France, Germany and the US who contributed a great deal to modern scientific/industrial progress. There is no harm in chinks copying them, in fact there is a lot of good - like I said earlier, it's no easy matter to run a country of that size, and it is a miracle that they managed to lift so many people out of poverty, the numbers are just unimaginable.

>Like I said, even if you're narrowing it down to post ww2 asian countries, south korea is far far better than China. At least they didn't kill 60 million people in artifical famines.
Mao was full retard, he's the one responsible for those famines. The China of today though is in the image of Deng Xiaoping and he's the one responsible for much it's growth.

>communism worked in China

>never claimed to
Of course they did.

>Deng Xiaoping's reforms were in line with Communism
wew lad

>communism worked in China

>communism worked in china

Do people actually believe this or is this a dank new meme?

>in china