How would you split up Africa, Veeky Forums?
How would you split up Africa, Veeky Forums?
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There's no way to win. No matter how you split it up, it will be disastrous. There's a few areas around the coasts and North+Botswana and South Africa that are somewhat tolerable. The rest is a goddamn mess.
This is only fair
t. hon hon
this couldn't be more wrong lol
I'd make everybody their own state.
That'll do it.
no belgian nor french congo, only portuguese congo
apart from that, allow everybody to make their own state. most of the sahara should be an international area 2bh
Let the Africans have Africa. It's their natural land to divide as they wish. Contain any conflicts within its larger boarders. Don't get involved. Same with Europe. Let the white Europeans fight as they want without outside aid.
The Onion might be on to something here guys.
States don't need to be made, they need a few hundred years of open intercontinental conquest and violence on their own. Maybe drop some world history books in there and hope they'll have sorted themselves out eventually.
Just gib me Rhodesia pls
>Iran in Middle-East Mega State
Fuck god no why. This is awful.
Just fixed every major issue of the 21st century.
How come you so smart user?
Why they never thought about this.
>all the gold, metals, and animals you just threw away
There is no Iran in that picture, user. Open your eyes for once kiddo
>He blows up Iran
> But Turkey is still standing
Are you a Turk?
>all the gold
Gold has literally zero real value.
Good thing we're living in a system of artificial value. I'd still like Africa not be an ocean. A giant national park and wild life preserve would be badass.
He just doesnt want to get arrested by Erdoğan.
I would be more concerned with the insane climate change.
If gold has zero real value, what has value?
What is valuable to you?
>Gold has literally zero real value.
That's why it's extremally valuable for tech and space industry.
Green means UN quarantine zone.
Access only allowed for resource exploitation.
Everything else can be handled internally by the locals.
Whats up with sinai there
He probably accidentally painted it all green and decided to try to fill it with gray paint instead of white, since, you know, he's fucking retarded
As the only land connection, it becomes a becomes a militarized frontier.
Nah basically I didn't know whether to make it Africa or Asia so I made it neither.
>Nah basically I didn't know whether to make it Africa or Asia
do... you really not know? these are the type of people i'm wasting my time with?
You're on Veeky Forums.
Go back to redit if you want filtered material
>say something dumb
>get called out on it
>g-go back to plebbit!!
you're what's wrong with this site.
the problem with this site is that it's "popular" i mean anyone can come here from all the age groups say anything and repeat everything without anyone filtering that
Like this.
NIgeria, Ehtiopia and Mali ought to be independent though
Every people deserve the right to self-determination. Nothing could possibly go wrong from following this principle.
>how to make the poor even poorer: the map
African needs communism.
>Can end illiteracy
>Can end all the tribal madness cultural-revolution style
>Will stop all the wealth getting sucked out of the continent.
>Can property militarize to stop getting bullied by frogs.
>Can create some property infrastructure and healthcare.
These things can too be accomplished by any totalitarian dictatorship m8, fuck off with the commie garbage.
This is why it is so important that Africa be communist.
White men are very afraid of communism. Totalitarianism of any kind of fine, but don't dare mention communism.
I wonder how come the only communist leaders who aren't considered utter failures are those who got promptly killed before they could fuck shit up. RIP in hell salty red.
Try posting Mugabe, Siad Barre or Mariam next time.
+1 my friend
Its funny how your misunderstanding of niggers adds on to your communist misunderstanding of human nature.
On the other hand, they need strong structure, propaganda and surveillance. Communism can deliver that.
> These things can too be accomplished by any totalitarian dictatorship
Why aren't they? You can name dozens of such in the Africa. All with zero results. Nice wishful thinking here from your side.
I can't tell if this is a bait post or not.
Who are "white men"? No such thing exists.
Who is "men"? Aswell?
They aren't.
Most beloved communist leaders lived well into old age. Particularly Castro who's still alive.
Men are people with penises.
White men are people with penises of European descent.
Africa needs a caliphate.
I hope you realize the main reasons Africa is a mess is because of left wing socialist governments in Europe propping up Marxist revolutionaries, and sustaining their bloated population.
they way to "fix" Africa is full decolonization and the practice of deep ecology, e.g. ending all forms of aid.
Males, are thing with a penis, not men.
And white is not set defined group, are Russians white? Are Turks white? Are north Africans white?
"White man" is a spook, that is to not exist.
Ah, but therein lies the distinction between males and men. Males can be of any species, men can only be human.
>And white is not set defined group, are Russians white? Are Turks white? Are north Africans white?
> Africa is a mess is because of left wing socialist
Yes... It is like colonialists didn't do nothing wrong and such. Who could've guess?
>Rosa Luxemburg
Fidel wasn't even a communist until after the revolution but yeah he's more successful than all those other failures.
No, Humans are no different from other animals, we are animals ourselves and must regard ourselves as such.
Your assertion that our conscience is unique is baseless, and we are male homo sapien sapiens.
Which is debateable in fact.
"White" is not a valid term either.
Your idea of "white" can be expanded to include the very grey mound of undefined barriers between Africans and Europeans, Asians and Aboriginals, and Inuits and Amerinidians.
This has to be b8.
Decolonization was the worst thing to happen to Africa.
>colonists did nothing wrong
You're absolutely right.
>Stalin (arguably)
>Ho Chi Minh
Not to mention, 2 of yours mentioned are anarchist leaders and another 2 aren't even communists.
Male homo sapiens are otherwise knows as men, m8.
>Your idea of "white" can be expanded to include the very grey mound of undefined barriers between Africans and Europeans, Asians and Aboriginals, and Inuits and Amerinidians.
Clearly if you disagree with it you must have something in mind as to whate "white" means.
> Decolonization was the worst thing to happen to Africa.
Colonists was behind it too. They abandoned their burden of civilized man.
White means nothing other than a very vague shade of skin.
I will recognize the existence of Britons, French, Russians, Germans, and many other citizens of state.
Until there is a "State of white" I will not recognize the existence of this insanely vast idea of "white".
ask people what they want to be and start making changes from there
>fixed every major issue of the 21st century
>Syria still exists
>Capitalist Botswana
GDP per capita - $18,021
Unemployement rate - 17.5%
HDI - 0.698
Average monthly salary - $1,320
Inflation rate - 3%
>Socialist Zimbabwe
GDP per capita - 1,792$
Unemployment rate - 80%
HDI - 0.509
Average monthly salary - $253
Inflation rate - currency is so worthless it's being phased out lol
>socialism werks trust me
Let each one of those divisions be its own country. At least a couple won't ve complete fuckups, and those can be role models for the rest.
>robert mugabe
>Until there is a "State of white" I will not recognize the existence of this insanely vast idea of "white".
You're a dumbass.
Don't trust me.
Trust the evidence.
>Russians literally on suicide watch
I got this, the capitalist pigs are culling the population right?
Guys. Guys. I got it.
Thats what you get for not importing blacks from Africa and Muslims from Syria.
>muh resources
30% of Zimbabwe's exports are diamonds and precious metals, the rest is agriculture. Somehow they went from being the breadbasket of Africa to being a complete mess.
Even a capitalist country ruled by literal retards is better than a socialist one
I chuckled
> ruled by literal retards
That is why it is so successful. Smart people would use all their power to be rich while their nations dying from being poor.
I like this.
This is not an argument.
>annex a fuck ton of countries
Now, where is the source.
I know, it's an insult.
The insult is your failure to come up with a counterpoint.
I accept your concessions.
Here you go, m8.
Before you start talking about ebul reds and embarass yourself watch this video.
>Here you go, m8.
Good, so my point still stands. Socialism is a failure.
>some random fuck head on YouTube
>a valid source
Absolutely memetic.
Ah, but it isn't.
>Respected news source
>Not valid.
A. Source
B. How does automobile production = success
Was Nazi Germany a success for their VWs?
>Not a failure
Are you another "it doesn't fail until it does" fuckboiis?
>They acknowledge the evil of the US and Israel therefore they are COMMIE PROPAGANDA
Because it shows how rapidly then USSR was able to industrialize.
The USSR was great until Gorbachev started to believe that maybe some capitalist reforms are in order. Then Yeltsin showed up and capitalism ravaged the country.
This is objectively the only correct answer.
Socialism is too broad concept to derive its failure from collapse of soviet system. Soviet system was a failure of course.
>le piggy piggy meme
Ah, another fuck head from /leftypol/ that we can ignore.
>it worked until it failed
Got it.
The three main problems of any socialist society is
A. External pressure
B. Internal corruption
C. Stagnation
And their failure to adapt to any of those crises.
Socialism is an absolute failure, and has nothing with the ability to industrialize.
That's how history started, dummy.
Troughout time they'd slowly develop economic, cultural and military ties with each other, to the point major cultural groups would end up being unified into bigger and bigger countries.
>The USSR was great until Gorbachev
Nope. The USSR started going to shit because it relied almost completely on oil and gas exports, and a gigantic surplus of oil in the early to mid 80s completely raped their income. It continued under Yeltsin and then miraculously Russia started climbing back up when the oil prices rose.
> it shows how rapidly then USSR was able to industrialize
Because of dictatorship. You need to force your resources from old parts of industry to profitable and new ones. Iron fists rule is good for that.
Topjej, no.
The main problem of socialism is that economies are dynamic and uncontrollable beasts. No government can "better" an economy through any intervention, just temporarily change it in a way that will eventually have the exact opposite effect.
> The USSR was great until Gorbachev started to believe that maybe some capitalist reforms are in order
System desperately needed capitalist reforms as it was a joke at this point. Look at China and how it was also reformed to more capitalistic economy in the end. Party was hardpressed to change shit.
Yes, and China is a shithole and an abberation to socialism.
But of course they're "relevant" so that's all that matters.
Yeah that's totally how history went.