Who turned Homosexuality into Identity Politics?

Then: Sex with a man is just an act.

Now: To have sex with a man you must identify as member of a group that has sex with men. Thereafter you shall forever stay member of a group that has sex with men.

Who created identity politics around homosexuality Veeky Forums? At first I was sure it were the Christians, but now I more and more believe it's the Germans. Unwashed barbarians with no sense of aesthetic, no wonder they never understood the appeal - if you're into men, certainly "something in your head must be wired differently". Fucking idiots.

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I kek'd but your right, the fact that people make it qn identity issue is ridiculous.

Just fuck a dude already.


Maybe Judaism. I recall some fairly harsh pronouncements in Exodus. "thou shalt not suffer a penis" or something similar...


Psychologists laid the seeds, trying to create a problem for them to solve.
The natural need of humans to belong, relativism and the cultural domination of conservatives (which is worse at repressing preexisting things than autonomous acts) were the soil, the fertilizer and the water.

Like most of the world's problems the fault lies at the feet of Germanics and Christians.

Stalin. Definitely Stalin

It was always an identity, just back then they identified more as tops/bottom.

Homosexuality stems from certain ideas about genetics. The idea that homosexuality is either genetically part of your essence, or not.
So, if you place the pee pee in the poo poo you must be innately a homosex.

Western homosexuals.

/lgbt/ reporting. It's mostly the outside pressure that created it out of necessity. The "community" is really fractured and divisive normally

This. There is a lot of tension between western lgbt activists and traditional groups from other part of the word that engage in what can be called lgbt activites. Same thing with non western forms of femminism. The western community preaches comformity to there model and shit talks anyone different. See how femminists in the west give malala shit for wearing a hijab despite having gotten way more done for female education in the middle east than any of her critics. Check out a book called quuer activism in india if your curious about it.

First World Women and Faggots have no clue how fucking privileged they are.

Probably Satan

Passive receivers were ALWAYS STIGMATIZED and categorized.

Stop the revision you self hating faggot.

The Enlightenment, when thinkers had to try to come up with a scientific explanation for divergent behaviors without resorting to demons or sin.

Why would Christians have turned it into an identity? Christianity has never taught that. It has always taught that it is a sin and you can live chaste.

The gays themselves make the biggest noise over it.

When people say to Christians "do you think homosexuals go to Hell?" (usually an attempt to separate "good" liberal Christians from the "bad" orthodox believers), it's a stupid question to begin with. Christianity has never taught that a sin will send you to Hell. There's only one unforgivable sin and it's not something in the realm of sexual sins.

If gays go to Hell, it will be for pride and not sodomy.

Faggot activists.


Unbelief is the unpardonable sin; it is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, the witness telling you that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

"le identity politics"
meme buzzword

people care about groups of people and do things to favour those interests

white nationalism is identity politics for whites.
humanism is identity politics for humans.
gay advocacy is identity politics for gays.

dismissing something as "identity politics" is stupid because everything is identity politics. You're so conditioned to your universalist worldview that you think humanism is "logical" and you don't realise humanism is also identity politics.

>humanism is identity politics for humans.
Not humans, something more like "liberals" or "minorities" or "jews".

>"for humans"
as in the group they're advocating for is humans

most humans are nationalist.

> most humans are nationalist.
Most humans doesn't care about any ideology.

>Who turned Homosexuality into Identity Politics?


being nationalist doesn't need to be about reading books
it can be very primal

If christians didn't start freaking out over who people choose to fuck with, this wouldn't have happened.

Gay sex usually involves a man sticking his penis into another man's anus, which may contain feces. The anus and rectum may tear. This breeds disease.

"Prior to the AIDS epidemic, a 1978 study found that 75 percent of white, gay males claimed to have had more than 100 lifetime male sex partners: 15 percent claimed 100-249 sex partners; 17 percent claimed 250-499; 15 percent claimed 500- 999; and 28 percent claimed more than 1,000 lifetime male sex partners. Levels of promiscuity subsequently declined, but some observers are concerned that promiscuity is again approaching the levels of the 1970s. The medical consequence of this promiscuity is that gays have a greatly increased likelihood of contracting HIV/AIDS, syphilis and other STDs."

20% of gay men in the USA have HIV.

Homosexuality is gross

I don't care if it's identity politics, I like dick.

What's their definition of a sex partners and also that 20% figure is incorrect I work in HIV/AIDS research.

The same exact thing happens when you have anal sex with women. It however does not happen if you have oral sex with men (which counts as homosexual). So your conclusion should be:

>anal sex is gross

TL;DR: You're a homophobic /pol/ brainlet, so go back to your containment board

Read Foucault's "History of Sexuality" It explains when and how homosexuality became identity politics.

When Holy Confession was abolished in Protestant countries, homosexuality ceased to be seen as a sin you go to confession for, and started being seen as a sickness, because there had to be some way to "treat" it without having Confession. With the rise of secularism, this especially became the case. Coupled with the new liberal perspective on man (that selfishness was his innate quality instead of a sinful condition), it meant the sinfulness of homosexuality was seen as an innate condition. Thus people became "homosexuals" instead of just "sodomites", and we started looking for "symptoms" to "diagnose" if someone was a homosexual (there goes men kissing or holding hands, those became seen as symptoms and thus stigmatized). It was something you *were*, your innate nature, instead of merely an act. And that is how it became an identity, and that identity carried over in the rebellion against it as a mental illness, and hasn't left us since.

>The same exact thing happens when you have anal sex with women
which is also gross, and plenty of groups have found it gross throughout history

> It however does not happen if you have oral sex with men
men who also happen to stick their dicks into other men's shit

>When people say to Christians "do you think homosexuals go to Hell?
As long as there are people ho believe that "homosexuals" will go to hell then it will be a valid question. What christianity preaches is only important to the extent that people practice those teachings. I'd also be very surprised if there aren't some churched who preach that homosexuals go to hell.

Makes sense, thanks.

But didn't Calvinists already consider selfishness as non-sinful?


Go back to your containment site >>>/reddit/

>1000 lifetime partners

What are they, rock stars? I am calling bull on this story.

Please quote (& properly cite) a reliable source that isn't 40 years old.

Additionally, your comments have nothing to do with the question posed by OP.

>75 percent of white, gay males claimed to have had more than 100 lifetime male sex partners: 15 percent claimed 100-249 sex partners; 17 percent claimed 250-499; 15 percent claimed 500- 999; and 28 percent claimed more than 1,000 lifetime male sex partners

I'm gay myself and I just refuse to believe this shit. And no, I'm not hideous.

Actually most "homophobic" cultures and traditions condemn sodomy and not homosexuality by itself. At least that's the case of jews, christians and zoroastrians if you read their scriptures.

I wasn't responding to OP

This has nothing to do with OP's discussion

>28 percent claimed more than 1000 lifetime male sex partners
You'd think someone would stop counting at fifty or so.

Because I wasn't replying to OP you faggot.
Kill yourself

No, they believed everyone is selfish and sins but that doesn't matter a whit, if you are destined for salvation you are saved, if you aren't you aren't, your actions had not effect.

Doesn't the same argument enable evil deeds too?