>this happens
Wat do
This happens
Other urls found in this thread:
>Poland mobilizes army quicker, it has 60 divisions ready to repel the Soviet attack
>Germany prepares for France as intended
>German-Polish European union, only two languages German and Polish
i always make sure i puppet or befriend poland when playing as germany in HOI3. them and holland.
it tickles my charlies to imagine panthers and pz iv's in polish markings storming across the steppe and u-boat pens in java hosting german wolf packs against the nips to the north and strayans to the south.
Just homologous to keikakku
Now we just need Franco to come into the war on our side and we'll be invincible
Fortress Europa Forever
That would be literally better than invasion, not only they could use Polish butthurt and skills in Russia, but also govern more eastern territories.
I remember reading somewhere that Germany was running out on available divisions in Russia.
Like said 60 Polish divisions would be enough to suffice.
German-Polish alliance in 1939 is my wet dream. It didn't have to end this way...
Beck was ok and absolute madman. Remove both fascism and communism at all cost.
>Germany prepares for France as intended
Hitler wouldn't have needed to go to war with the west. If Poland were friendly with Germany then the chances are France and the UK would be fine with it as a means of containing the USSR. In the event of Barbarossa the Entente would remain neutral, if not leaning towards the Axis.
>Hitler wouldn't have needed to go to war with the west
He hated French though.
He just needed to make sure that east is safe when he goes fully into France.
His hated for Poland only began after he felt betrayed that Polish choose UK and France over him. That's where his anti-polonism began.
his hatred*
Beck literally ignored Pilsudski's dying words.
1. Poland can't enter into war first - it will not prevail
2. Poland cannot fight in her own territory - it will colapse
Beck was an idiot, it's not how you make politics.
spam mech x2 eng x1 td x1 spart x1 and a bunch of strat and cas and you should be fine
>building mech ever unless you're the US
It's not worth the extra cost. MOT is superior. You also missed HARMx1.
There already is a quest board.
it's like you enjoy not being able to move through anything but plains
TDs will do the trick, less expensive
I love the lengths /pol/'s Poles and Slavs go to convince themselves "the nazis were based! they didn't really hate us after all, we could have been friends, r-right...?"
>German-Polish European union, only two languages German and Polish
More like, Poles bleed out for Hitler in Russia, Hitler fucks them in the ass.
HARM is stupid because research in them slows down your TD's. Waste of IC, time and leadership.
If I would ever consider it it would be if I'd play the US and fuck up Japan so quickly that fleet wouldn't be a problem for me anymore.
If you think the invasion of the East was driven by ideology then you're wrong. It was motivated by ideology, but the true reason was monetary. The plans were mostly made during WW1 already - before the Nazis and rampant racism - when to their surprise the Germans were more successful in the East than they expected. German capitalists made grand plans what to do with the territory they conquered in 1915 and they weren't all too eager to give it all back. Having had a taste of it, they wanted it back, and they believed it was easy to take. The Tsarist army didn't leave a good impression and what could a few commies possibly do? Had they known about the Soviet potential and how much progress they could make in the west (which was seen as a much stronger adversary), they would have most certainly reconsidered.
>The plans were mostly made during WW1 already - before the Nazis and rampant racism
user you are delusional.
Poland was a country neither Nazis nor Germans liked. In case of Russia at least you have Pavel who thought partitions were a disgrace(and nobody ever since) but Prussians/Germans always considered Poles to be bunch of retards to be used as a cheap manpower. But whatever you've got cucked by Napoleon, you've got cucked by everybody during WW1, I think you just like to die for other's interests.
Also muh: Germany would let Poland be independent after WW1 - as a satellite territorially restricted to congress Poland. Wonderful, isn't it?
>Germany would let Poland be independent after WW1 - as a satellite territorially restricted to congress Poland. Wonderful, isn't it?
In contrast to Imperial Russia who wouldn't even allow lectures be held in Polish at universities? It's not like being under Russian rule is much better.
All I'm saying is: ideology weighs less than hard facts.
>not being a gamey faggot
1xHARM is useful for literally ANY division solely for the hardness it applies to the entire division. You can make infantry take tiny amounts of damage for nothing. You don't get it for fucking TD, you get it for fucking hardness so your divisions can withstand anything.
>In contrast to Imperial Russia who wouldn't even allow lectures be held in Polish at universities? It's not like being under Russian rule is much better.
Which doesn't mean you should've bet on Germans.
Either ways as I've said - Poland, nation of eternal tools. They will die for your country too, if you'll ask them nicely enough!
>solely for the hardness it applies to the entire division
didn't know that, thanks user will try
Hitler wasn't Prussiana and he really admired poles for stopping Bolsheviks in 1920.
>Hitler wasn't Prussiana and he really admired poles for stopping Bolsheviks in 1920.
Yeah, that's why the first people in lagers were Poles.
You didn't read the thread.
Hitler was an emotional person and unstable at that. He felt betrayed. Because he took Poland for granted as his ally.
>he took Poland for granted as his ally.
maybe in autistc, Willy-like manner.
Actually no.
Weimar Republic slapped Poland enormously, they embargod and sanctioned Poland.
When Hitler came to power, he removed both sanctions and embargo.
Cooperation of Poland and Nazi Germany in 34-38 is seriously overlooked.
Slovakia was also meant to be German-Polish condominium.
>German troops attack Soviet Union through Polish territory.
>their gains become Polish territory.
>while Germany is in fierce fighting with the Soviet Union, Poland protects supply lines and sends a few meme squads to the front line to make it look like they are doing something
>at the same time Poland is rebuilding and repurposing captured Soviet machinery and trading raw materials for German war materiel
>a few years later Poland switches up on Germany and occupies Germany, then invites Patton to help them fend off the Soviet Union
It was a possible scenario too.
Another one is where Poland accepts German pact offer, gives them Danzig, Corridor and even Posen.
Hitler goes to France and gets rekt because he doesn't go through Ardennes.
There is many "what if".
Also, if anyone has shown how to "win" a war no matter what, it's Italy.