How different would the world be today if God's punishment for Adam and Eve was, instead of expelling them from the Garden Of Eden, was instead that he killed them?
How different would the world be today if God's punishment for Adam and Eve was...
Adam and Eve would end up in hell and spawn all of children here who could be corrupted enough to start two world wars and such.
> instead
He literally killed them. They were immortal before.
There is a difference between making someone capable of dying, and explicitly killing them
If he killed them he would probably end up creating humans again. According to Jewish kabbalist mythology, Lilith was the first woman and wife to Adam, but she ended up being a feminist whore who went to whore herself out to demons, so God had to create another woman.
This is why Holodomor wasn't a genocide.
If God intended to make a waifu for Adam and he's perfect then why did he fuck up so bad and make a demon whore instead?
No since God supposedly created them it's more like giving a bunch of food to some starving person, then taking most of it back, which you have the right to do because it's you who gave it to them initially.
>God creates Lilith
>she fucks up
>God creates Eve
>she fucks up too
Moral of the story: even God himself can't create a woman who's not a massive failure
>she ended up being a feminist whore who went to whore herself out to demons
prettt sure she just refused to be subservient to Adam. If I had to deal with that asshole I'd go around killing newborn infants too desu
But Adam fucked up too
Moral of the story: Everyone is a retarded faggot
Lilith killed babies? Her own babies or demon babies?
The world would, from a human standpoint, definitely be a better place in every way, shape and form fathomable.
Unlike Hitler, Stalin knew how to actually troll history.
How many pairs would have to die under your plans before you figured out that no pair of human beings would avoid the tree forever?
Why didn't God sterilize Adam and Eve, or kill the snake/Satan before he had a chance to tempt Eve?
According to the LOTR, Gollum fell into the Cracks of Doom.
Why was there a fucking tree in the first place? Why couldn't God just make the tree too tall for Adam and Eve to reach its fruit?
Free will moral agents require apparently viable alternatives in order to express their agency.
God's not going to force anyone to love Him.
They would climb the tree you idiot
'Him' isn't a proper noun dumbass
Show some respect for God. I do. (And it's proper English.)
But is that worth condemning millions of souls to eternal torment?
Why should he respect a fictional character?
why? god gets no special grammar rules in the languages the bible was originally written in
>They would climb the tree you idiot
Then don't add any low-hanging branches, make the wood too hard to stab something into it to hold onto, and make the bark too smooth to gain any traction on. Seriously, making an unclimbable tree isn't outside of God's power.
>Show some respect for God. I do.
I don't capitalize 'her' when referring to my girlfriend but I greatly respect her.
>(And it's proper English.)
No it's not you fucking idiot.
Then they'd make a glider and sail off a nearby cliff and fly into the tree.
>inb4 God makes no cliffs just to prevent that from happening
The real question why tree need to be some kind of poison apple. Could be a normal tree and God could just trick people. That would be enough to allow them to brick rules and such.
> Show some respect for God
You forget that god wanted me to be a free moral agent user.
This is getting kind of grade school-ish, so I'm just going to say that an omnipotent being can make a tree with inaccessible fruit.
Then why make the tree at all?
God doesn't lie you idiot
'God' is a proper noun when being used as a name fucktard. Learn basic fucking grammar.
I'm not sure which is more fucktarded, the biblefags that capitalize improper pronouns or the fedora faggots that don't capitalize names.
If Satan is in hell with no power, how did the snake tempt Eve?
>fedora faggots that don't capitalize names.
I was only not capitalizing god because i was too lazy to hit shift, not to be disrespectful
but Satan does have power
Satan is not the snake. Literally nobody until the New Testament associated the serpent with Satan.
I only assumed the contrary because you capitalized 'you' at the beginning of the sentence. If it was just laziness then you're fine. It's the fedoras that intentionally avoid capitalizing God that are retarded faggots.
And of course the word god is not always a proper noun, it only is when used as a name.
So who was snake? Sounds like a pothole
> God doesn't lie you idiot
Fine. He could just create fruit with very bad taste and that would literally be enough. You could just believe him and forget about fruit or doesn't believe and try to eat it. Moral agency is here. No need to lie.
So he's a Demi God?
Isn't that polytheism?
> being used as a name
His name isn't God. His name is Jesus.
Just a talking faggot snake. God punished the snake by taking away its legs, I doubt Satan would be too troubled about it if he can change forms at a whim.
Protip: 'Satan' is not even a single being in the Christian bible. The word 'satan' is not a name, it's a word that means 'adversary'. Fucktard translators assumed that every fucking time an 'adversary' was mentioned, it was always the same fucking one.
Protip: It might have been one demon one time, another demon another time, and yet another time might have been some human adversary.
Another protip: Demons aren't necessarily all evil. The angels and the demons and even the god (note that I am not using god as a name here, hence not capitalizing it) of Judaism/Christianity are not actually divine beings, they are anunnaki, and they aren't pure good or pure evil, there's just a few factions of them.
'Satan' isn't a single entity but some of the satans are anunnaki just like YHVH. YHVH is presumably more powerful than most of the satans though. See
Angels aren't demigods. Just very powerful spirits. There is no DEMI part here.
Are you fucking retarded? Even Christians don't believe that Jesus is God (except a few retards that don't even understand their own religion)
But even if Jesus was God, 'God' is still a proper name. Someone can have a few names idiot.
I know. The another retardity the translators made is associating "Lucifer" with Satan when:
1. There is no "Lucifer" in the Bible, it's just a fuckup of Latin translation of light bringer (morning star)
2. The passage that refers to "Lucifer" is actually referring to Babylonian king, and it's a mockery about the end of his rule
Apparently so, yes. Don't be one of them.
Because he's wiser than you are. And not 12.
He does, actually. YHWH.
Doubt it.
And yes it is.
It wasn't poisonous; that was the twist that satan used. It killed them spiritually by their sin, not physically. And it gave them knowledge of good and evil, as advertised.
So start asking yourself why He did not.
satan is not in hell yet. And he has power.
> Christians don't believe that Jesus is God
Wow just wow.
It doesn't matter. All demons are under the authority of satan. Agents even.
Anyone who does not know that Jesus is God is not a Christian.
> that was the twist that satan used
We already confirmed that Satan wasn't even here. Read the thread.
Does that mean Lucifer doesn't even real?
SATAN ISN'T A SINGLE FUCKING BEING, DUMBASS, so no they are not under the authority of 'satan'
> Because he's wiser than you are. And not 12.
By the same logic you should respect Batman.
> it gave them knowledge of good and evil
If they got no knowledge then how can here be a moral agency? You can't really choice between good and evil without knowledge of both and if you can't then tree is pointless.
>He does, actually. YHWH.
You clearly don't understand what you're talking about because it's YHVH not YHWH, YHWH is the retarded translation.
Also there's a difference between a name and a pronoun you fucking idiot.
If Jesus is God then why the FUCK does he refer to God as his father and why the FUCK does he pray to God you fucking moron?
Protip: You're retarded
Wait, so the animists were correct?
There's spirits now?
Yes. There is no Lucifer in the Bible. See the pic from Isaiah 14.
If Satan isn't in hell then why doesn't he use his powers and demons to rule the world openly?
God can't stop him until the end of the world anyway
It's been 2000 years since Jesus left
There's more than one Satan?
We're screwed then
Only according to the surviving and thriving Christian sects and the Nicene Creed.
That's hardly the best authority.
Maybe? Depends on how different their spirits from angels and such and how correct it was to worship a demons if they are correct in that sense.
Yes, you said you don't believe the bible. It's not relevant.
Revelation 12:9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
He is, actually. So much so that Michael the Archangel dare not bring a railing accusation against HIM, but said "the LORD rebuke you!".
You appear unfamiliar with the concept of "logic".
They did receive the knowledge of good and evil. Prior to that, they had a choice to believe and obey God, or believe and obey satan. They chose satan.
It's YHWH, and I can't remember what cult you're in that thinks there's a V in there for some reason. Some useless cult though.
Capitalizing pronouns that refer to God is proper English.
Because He and the Father are One, yet in a relationship with each other and bound together by the Holy Spirit. lrn2trinity.
Satan rules by trickery. It's easy way to.
Why would he use powers to rule openly?
Not him but we capitalize the H when we refer to Him out of respect because He is God Almighty. What don't you understand? Do you have autism?
Satan just means adversary. If you and me compete against each other then I am a satan to you and you are a satan to me. See
Another lie. There is no "Lucifer" in the bible because "Lucifer" is a latin word, and the bible was not written in latin.
The Hebrew, heylel ben shachar, was translated by Jerome into "Lucifer", "light-bearer", rather than as proper "Shining one, son of the dawn". i.e., an angel.
satan/lucifer bears no light, no knowledge, nothing but darkness and death. He is a liar and a thief and a murderer, from the beginning.
satan is currently being restrained by the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit leaves the earth, literally all hell will break loose.
You can't follow Jesus if you don't know Jesus is God. You can only respect Him from afar.
You keep saying that, and it's true, but there is a devil, and he does have demons under his authority. Maybe billions of demons. Can't really know.
Father of Lies. Satan. Devil. Lucifer. All the same angel.
>Capitalizing pronouns that refer to God is proper English.
Oh I get it you're just shitposting.
Not him but see
That's what I said. Lucifer means light bringer, but it's lowercase "lucifer". For some reason the morons who were translating the KJV put it into the upper case and we're now pretending it's a proper name of the devil.
> They had a choice to believe and obey God, or believe and obey Satan.
It wasn't a moral choice because there was zero knowledge of good and evil.
You seem to have an equal understanding of all things.
>not understanding English
Whether or not there is one 'devil' is irrelevant. Satan is not a single being. Lucifer may not even exist.
It's one of the very few mistakes the KJV convention made, keeping Jerome's mistakes. The devil and his lackeys are nothing if not persistent.
It was a choice.
That choice had consequences.
As a result of those consequences, you were born spiritually dead.
Thanks y-you too
> You appear unfamiliar with the concept of "logic".
The logic here is that you don't need to respect a fictional characters like Batman or God even if they are written as being wise and such.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled on people like you was pretending he did not exist.
God created the universe.
Is the universe fictional?
You're doing this to draw the autist out aren't you?
You faggot.
god doesn't exist therefore this is false.
> Result of those consequences, you were born spiritually dead
The choice would be here even if consequences would be just eating purely tasting fruit. It is like give an infant an opportunity to drink poison and become a cripple to the end of his life then shift your responsibility on him for doing stupid thing.
> God created the universe.
Yeah. With his omnipotent powers. Hardly seems like it was a hard thing to do for him.
Batman beats up bad people.
Are bad people not real?
I didn't say he doesn't exist you absolute fucktarded fucktard, I said that there are multiple satans and that 'satan' and 'the devil' are not the same.
Look at this as a containment thread. It keeps the retarded biblefags out of the rest of Veeky Forums.
Satan was not God's adversary for most of the OT (pre-exilic). His job was to test humans. It wasn't until the Babylonian exile when the Jews came into contact with Zoroastrianism that he became the evil agent in a cosmic struggle or whatever.
You really expect us to believe that centuries of religious syncretism and cultural evolution somehow hit the nail on the head?
So there is no universe.
Simply not true. satan told Adam and Eve that if they knew good and evil, they could be like God. That's satan's plan of salvation; live by your knowledge of good and evil, do good and avoid evil, and thus be like God.
It's the very first lie, and it exterminated humanity.
And you're still living in accordance with it.
Exactly. Making trillions of stars, naming them all, each unique, placing them, stretching out the heavens with His hands; absolute child's play for Him.
And you want to be His enemy, and not His family.....
So you think Adam and Eve were real people?
satan is still not God's adversary. satan is not God's opposite. satan is Michael the Archangel's opposite.
All of the angels and all of the humans and all of the animals and all of the plants couldn't hit God for 1 hp damage.
As much as I know you and I, descended from them, are real people, yes.
>child's play
You just accused God of being a child.
You know what I meant
There's no evidence that mankind are descended from just two people.
Nah. We are on good terms, me and God.
>All of the angels and all of the humans and all of the animals and all of the plants couldn't hit God for 1 hp damage.
That's true
Because God doesn't have 1hp
Because God isn't real
>all of the humans and all of the animals
Humans are animals.
> Live by your knowledge of good and evil, do good and avoid evil, and thus be like God.
So... What exactly is a bad thing here?
1. To know a good and evil is a right thing.
2. To do good and avoid evil is a right thing.
3. Even to be like God is a right thing to do.
Like plan seems to be completely reasonable one and there is no better alternative possible.
is anything better than perfection?
Can you hit Michael for 1 HP damage? Could an entire army of angels hit him? What if Satan also helped them?