Where there any black Roman Emperors?

Where there any black Roman Emperors?

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Yeah, Mehmed 2

All the severans were part black, part middle eastern to varying degrees

t. Tyrone

I think you mean first citizen.

Princeps pls go

>All of the severans were part black
Citation required.


Septimius' father was Libyco-Berber origin. Making him black. His mother was Italian. Septimius married a Syrian woman. Making Geta and his brother quarter black.

Elagabalus and Alexander were both Syrian so i guess only 3/5 were part black

Berbers weren't black.

>Septimius' father was Libyco-Berber origin. Making him black

Damn, berbers/north african enslaved 5-10 millions niggers and they still manage to associate with them

Extreme Stockholm syndrom?


Aren't too.

Indo-European Caucasians
>ancient Libyans
Semites mixed with Phoenicians.
>North Africa
Largely Indo-European and Caucasian if not Semitic.

Berber languages are Afro-Asiatic, not Semitic OR Indo-European

Berbers are Caucasians. By your logic, Anatolian peoples aren't Caucasians as well.

That's not what he said.

I'm not denying we're caucasian

But our languages are not Indo-European, or Semitic

They're Afro-Asiatic

Family of languages composed of the Cushitic, Omotic, Semitic, Chadic, Egyptian, and Berber families

Linguistics don't contradict with genetics. Either way, Libyans/Berbers are not of the same stock as Sub-Saharan Africans.

Syrians are not black

Again, he never said that.

They often do

Ugandans speak English but nobody would call them European

>Libyans/Berbers are not of the same stock as black africans

Yes and no

Some of our tribes are mixed race to some degree, particularly the Tuaregs

If you're taking about those of us from the coastal Maghreb then you'd be more correct

Yeah sure. Anyway you agree that this nonsense that Severan dynasty Romans are not black then.

Stfu retard, berber = ancient libyan (LITERALLY mean berber) = afro-asiatic, not indoeuropean.

North african isn't/wasn't/will never be even remotly indo-euro
Kill yourself.

Touraegs are 1% of berber.

99% is white.

>Stfu retard
You have to be 18 years or older to post on Veeky Forums.

I do agree it's nonsense, or at least most likely is. An roman empire with dark skin would most likely leave some historians talking about it just like they talk about their hair and eyecolor.

>dixit the ignorant faggot

2.5 million out of 25 million isn't 1%

OP here

So were there any black Roman Emperors? Because my bro thinks there's been 4.

I should have added

We're not white either way it goes

Only Europeans are white

You're all more closely related to each other than anyone outside of Europe

You have to be 18 years or older to post on Veeky Forums.

Bad troll is bad

>Only Europeans are white
Dank meme logic.

There's 80 millions of berbers, 25 millions arent arabized yet.

>middle easterner in denial

>Middle Eastern
I'm Scottish-American.
>in denial
I've meet plenty of Iranians and Lebenese who are white. Don't talk to me about denial. If having fair or light skin, and anywhere from black to blonde hair constitutes being white, then yes they are white.

You seem to think only Caucasians in Europe are white, which is dumb. Go away with your /pol/ tier nonsense.

If you can't speak any Berber language, if you don't follow any Berber customs, if you don't dress like a Berber, if you don't live like a Berber then guess what?

You aren't a Berber

It's a culture, not a race

There are plenty of Middle Easterns who are Caucasians themselves. You seem to think of white as being a geographic term for a people, its not.

>Muh heritage American

Opinion discarded

Race is more than skin and hair color

It's been established over and over again by genetic studies

Europeans are a distinct branch of the human family tree

Middle easterners ALL cluster mostly closely with other middle easterners

It's a group of people with a common origin and specific genetic markers that even arabized have (E-m81), it's more than a culture.

>although almost all Algerians are Berber in origin (not Arab), only a minority identify themselves as Berber

North africa was majority berber until 19th colonial assimilation.

Caucasian is not a synonym for white

Just like how Mongoloid isn't a synonym for red Indian

Who are you quoting?

>Race is more than skin and hair color
I never said it was or wasn't in the first place, I was correcting your nonsense about what being "white" constitutes.

>Middle Easterners ALL cluster mostly closely with other middle easterns
No, they don't.

Haha no

We don't recognize Arabs as Berbers because they're not

They're native North Africans yes, but not Berber

Just like how English people are native Briton, yet not Celtic

>Caucasian is not a synonym for white
But it IS a synomym for "not black".

Was there blacks in Ancient Rome at all?

Whites are Europeans

This is common sense and the scientific consensus

>No they don't

Uh, yes they do

The Turks are the "closest" to European and even they cluster with the other west Asians more than anyone else


We aren't taking about blacks

Everyone in north africa even arabized people have berber family name (tribes), and the dominant culture (good, clothes, music etc.) is still berber when it's not westernized.

There's nothing really arab in N.A, outside of the langage. (Who's mixed)

>Where there any black Roman Emperors?
>We aren't taking about blacks
I think you might have the wrong thread here.

Nice shitposting.
>Opinion discarded.
>Race is more than
Race is divided into sub-groups: Mongoloid, Caucasoid, Negroid, etc...
>Europeans are a distinct branch
No, Indo-Europeans are a distinct branch. Indo-Europeans have spread across Europe, Western Asia, parts of Central Asia, and portions of North Africa and the Levant/Middle East.
>Middle Easterns ALL cluster mostly closely with other middle easterners
That isn't always true. I've seen native Persians with natural fair hair, hazel or blue eyes or even green eyes that can pass for being European "white".

Iranians alone are closer to Southern Europeans then any of Near Eastern Semitic people.

Whites = Caucasians
European ! = Caucasian

>Turks are the "closet" to Europeans
No they aren't.

Some workers yeah.
Very small number, yet fascinated romans.

Name 3 three Berber customs regularly observed by ANY Arab "Berber" today

>The Turks are the "closet to Europeans

>italians have been after black pussy since 753BC
Yet another roman tradition Mussolini brought back.

Food: couscous, kasra. since ancient times.
Burbous clothes.

>Indo-Europeans are a distinct branch

Europeans are mostly related to Europeans, Middle easterners are mostly related to middle easterners, and south Asians are largely related to other south Asians
>I've seen people who can "pass" for white
You're a dumb one alright


>Iranians are white

Biology says fuck off

Oh, so Brits are Indian now for eating curry?



>italians have been after black pussy since 753BC

Stop forcing this meme, governments were against race mixing

>White = Caucasian
That's wrong and you know it. Would any /pol/ack admit that an Arab is white?

>Whites are Europeans
Not unless you are /stormfront/.
>The Turks are the "closet" to Europeans
No they aren't.
>and they cluster with other west Asians
They are literally without shitposting, cluster closer to a wide disparity of various different peoples including pre-Indo Euorpean Anatolians, Turkics, and Mongolic peoples as well as European. But in general they do not cluster CLOSER to Europeans.

>Middle easterns are mostly related to middle easterners
>muh geographic relativism
Fuck off with this nonsense, its been disproven scientifcally for decades now.

>eye and hair color don't make you white
Phenotype are a result of genetics, related peoples look similar. Get over it.

No it's not. Most Asians and all native Americans qualify as "not black", yet they aren't Caucasians. Not a synonym.

Many Syrian and Lebanese peoples are not Arabs but merely "Arabized", and Semites in general are related to the Causcoid race.

>That's wrong.
It's not.

Why would anyone care what /pol/'s opinion on race or ethnicity is? Its a meme board.

Iranians cluster closely with Italians and Greeks, both who are genetically equally distant from Northern European Scandinavians/Germanics.

>this 4 years old tier sophism

British ancestors aren't indian.

>Europeans are mostly related to Europeans.
Go look at the Portuguese, Spaniards, Italians, and Greeks and try otherwise making up such a blanket bullshit statement, /stormfront/ kun.
Phenotypes are a byproduct of one's genetics. "Whites" have a higher propensity for lighter hair color and eye color then "non-whites" do. Its a racial marker for a reason.

>Biology says fuck off.
Biology that proves you wrong? Nah, you can fuck off though. Pic related, 100% non white right?


There are dark skinned caucasians, just like how there are light skinned negroids. "White" and "Black" are just by words for someone of European or African descent.

Light skinned Africans usually are a result of mixing between Caucasian and Semitic people with African ones.

>for someone of European descent

>"White" and "Black" are just by words for someone of European or African descent

Aren't a lot of black people Caribbean or from South America?

Jesus Christ just kill this board, fucking /tv/ has a higher level of discourse

He said descent. Or do you think blacks are native to the Caribbean and South America?

I was referring to the Koisan who are light skinned, yet are Negroids.

Maybe so, but in this environment, it means European. It's also interesting to consider that Berbers are related to the Saami, a European people.

Dey Romans,Charlemagne, Caesar, and Cleopatra was black an sheit

That's an interesting point to reason. But like I mentioned earlier, looking at Indo-European Near Easterners like various Iranian groups, they are also very similar to Greeks, Italians, and Spaniards for example.

Part of this is an overlap in the shared Mediterranean region though but still shows and highlights my point that certain groups in the Near East are more related to Europeans then other Asiatics.

*to raise

Pescennius Niger and Nigrinian M8. It's in their names.

Berbers were and still are, much like Arabs today Caucasians.